Eugi's Weekly, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

He has the Whole World in His HANDS

Looking at the cheat sheet over at Colleen’s site I thought I would try two different forms of poetry. The first form is called a Crapsey cinquain with a syllable count of 2/4/6/8/2. Read below:

Night Sky
Look up, not down
Dark yet bright, the moon glows!
Supernatural is waiting
For you!


The second form from Colleen’s site is a 26 syllables with no set rhyme scheme. It is a syllabic poem with a meter of 3/5/3/3/7/5 the form is a Shadorma, my attempt is read here:

The Night Sky
Look up, never down
High so low
Birds can pierce!
Gleaming Stars Lightning showing

The Whole World in His Hand

Also this post of mine would fit, I believe, with another challenge by Eugi’s COSMOS. Thanks you Eugi’s Causerie.


Stop the World


I want to get off!

What a life we live; how convenient! Today you and I or anyone, how lucky can we be today to be alive in these silly times. So featherbrained, it is comical and sad at the same time. 

Is it any wonder our children don’t know if they are boys or girls nor do their parents.  

Our need for amusement no longer means getting dressed, finding a ride that takes us to the neighborhood circus that arrived to entertain us.

Our need to laugh is at our fingertips, so colorful we can taste it.

Just grab your favorite chair, get comfy in your P.J.s turn on your means of media, and get your popcorn, sit down, being careful not to wet your pants through laughter. 

This entire impeachment bazaar is like closing your eyes, and ears and imagine A cow is screaming across the arroyo.


dVerse, poetry, Politics

The Never-ending

Do you hear it?
That thunder a roar-like shout.
It is everywhere AS God IS!

Progressives claim it doesn’t stand, yet;
Their language shaky, uncertain —
Dash hopes as dying, dying, dead!

Living still, that thunder, roar-like cheer.
Alive and well, demanding to be heard —
Never-ending, endless TRUTH!


dVerse, poetry

Villanelle Poetry —A View of Today’s World

A Villanelle, poetry form encouraged through dVerse.


God’s world in ruin, yet the sky still blue.
The current status well thought out;
Storm and counterfeit, that’s what we’ll do.

He watches from above, the perfect view
Man’s hellish plan; He laughs as they scheme.
God’s world in ruin, yet the sky still blue.

First, hush and block those who speak true
Kill their God, mute the good.
Storm and counterfeit, that’s what we’ll do.

God’s world in ruin, yet the sky still blue.
Black is now white, while white is black.
God smiles as His faithful carry through.

Work harder, conceal, quiet the few
Their voice must be stilled at any cost.
Storm and counterfeit, that’s what we’ll do.

We can’t stop now, but God who knew
Their game was finished before it began.
Sinking wrangling words — despair and spew
Storm and counterfeit, that’s what we’ll do.


Rhyming today’s NEWS

The prompt word today from Fandango is “PALTRY.
My thinking hat is worn out today, I could not create, however, wanting to help those who always have good ideas.  Thinking about the news with their use of the same words over, and over. Words to describe what we hear constantly and their rhymes or near rhymes make an exciting blog in itself, such as.


Consider the word Paltry rhymes with COSTLY
News rhymes with RUSE
Collusion with CONCLUSION
Impeach with LEECH
Politics with TRICKS
Russian with NOTHING

Hope this helps jog your creative genius.


This is so very INTRIGUING!

Intriguing as in Fandango  Word Prompt.

Early this morning looking out into the heavens was so intriguing since the moon was still so very full, bright and beautiful.

This tidbit from the Old Farmers Almanac was also intriguing along with being informative about the full moon in March 2019.

Did you know: Easter Sunday (in the Western Christian Church) ​​​​is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or just after the vernal equinox.

Since the full Moon AND the vernal equinox both fall on March 20 this year (in North America, at least), you might expect that Easter Sunday would be on the following Sunday, March 24.

However, for simplicity’s sake, the Church set a fixed date for the equinox, March 21. Additionally, the Church does not rely on the date of the astronomical full Moon, but rather the ecclesiastical full Moon, which occurs on the 14th day of the ecclesiastical lunar month. The date of the ecclesiastical full Moon may fall one to two days before the astronomical full Moon. Therefore, because the first full Moon after March 21 doesn’t occur until April 19 this year, Easter Sunday 2019 falls on Sunday, April 21!

(This is not the first time the church’s “set” equinox and astronomy’s “moving” equinox affected Easter’s date; it last happened in 1981 and will happen again in 2038.)

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Fix the Man and the World will RIGHT!

Word prompts are SymptomExercise

We have all formed opinions about life in different ways, some from our parents, schools, books we read or just thinking.
Reading blog after blog here I form opinions and theories every day about people and the why. Why are we so unhappy? We complain about this and that it almost seems that there are few moments when we see anything useful.
Take our government, and governments all over the world. The world is diseased, and the symptoms are many.

I for one do not trust the government, but I am of the opinion that people get the government they deserve. When you look at the world, in general, it is on that slippery slope, declining with each passing day. Here in the U.S.A., it doesn’t matter if it’s the reds or the blues or purples that are in charge, either side belches hate for the other. Neither considers what is best for the people but instead continue to parade a merciless, unyielding approach.
Here is a little story that brings the point up front. Many of you may remember hearing this tidbit, as I have. A tale about a little person, boy or girl doesn’t matter. The child was bothering its mother while she was trying to read the newspaper. The mother was noticing a colorful picture within the pages, she tore it out and cut it into little pieces, mixed the parts to create a puzzle for her child to solve. Much to the mother’s surprise, the child too young to know geography put the puzzle together very quickly, she inquired, how? Her child told her, “mom on the backside of the puzzle there was a picture of a man; if you put right the man, the world comes together.”

The primary symptom/problem, for the most part, we have taken God out of our world and exercised Him with spite. Think about it! Ever since the world gets further away from the Ten Commandments He gave us, we continue to replace Him for strange gods, and the world declines. Is it any wonder we suffer from “Climate Change,” while we await His greater chastisement as in the past history of the world He allows.


Maybe the Intelligent are the Stupid

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that, in the modern world, the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubts.”
Do you concur with Mr. Russell’s perspective? Why or why not?

One particular feature I love about blogging is the learning — example today the question ABOVE of #FPQ ASKED  came up about Bertrand Russell and his ^ quote.

Continue reading “Maybe the Intelligent are the Stupid”



Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord, since the birth of Jesus Christ so says the thesaurus, and who can argue with the thesaurus or

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ad/add/AD (Anno Domini).”

Nonbelievers to Christians and everyone in between adds to their instruments of necessary paperwork the date based upon the birth of Jesus Christ. God is clever that way! In a way, it is His AD of advertising that He and He alone is King.