poetry, Word Prompts

Once upon a time

The Challenge create a poem from paint chips!

Paint Chips for poetry



Once upon a time, time was unknown.
Father God created from His Throne!
God must love the purple-colored tones!

From the kingly royal purple robes
Jacaranda trees over the globe.
Science of ultraviolet probes

The deep purple of the blackberry
The song of the purple canary
Color purple quite legendary.

Once upon a time, obedience was known!

Politics, Wordle



I see with my mind’s eyes, God-given rights threatened!
History is changing from what was to now dismay. War, we are in it!
Peace jeopardized! Why?
Anti-Christ is here, and the stage is being set.
These actions are plain “goofy” and are meant to destroy America.
Don’t believe me? Watch and pray; don’t waver back and forth!
They, those who envy peace and prosperity, are your enemy!
Is this what you want for your children?

The Sunday Whirl


opinion, Wordle

For what its WORTH … to You!

The Wordle of WORDS are:

My first thought was to PASS on this wordle, yet, my brain quickly turned to the MAINSTREAM NEWS known as those who brown noses or PANDER to one side! As SHOCKing seems to some, in reality, they are DESIGNed that you and I FALL in LINE!
FILL the gap with inconsistency is the method of operation.
Many come to America because they COVET the USA; some come to dishonor our STRIPES of red, white, and blue. Their ears only hear the WILD fake news of the PRESS who MINE but can’t find the dirt they seek.
Thank God for the great awakening and 4 more years of Truth, Justice, and the American way.

Open Wordle to the Mainstream Media

Wordle 445 and the famous 12 words to compose creative writing, what fun, try it here.

Media today, with their fake STORYTELLERS! Could you send them all to JAIL? Instead, they continue to SAVOR their SLY CHAIN of lies. YESTERDAYS news the same NOW and forever with their WEE non-COURAGEOUS facts. ASK them to please to turn off the HEAT and pull in their TENDRILS just for today!


I Took the Sunday Whirl Challenge

Wordle today is to use these words underlined in your writing challenge.  The words are:



It is written so says the Lord, “vengeance is mine.”

Have you heard of this guy called Jeffrey Epstein?
Held there in New York State, love for children was his crime.
Bored he was sitting in his cell, nothing but sheets he whined.
Count my money; bring me a deal, he loudly opined.
Found guiltless; Watch! I always get my way!  Wait, now, I’ll take that shot of wine.

It is written so says the Lord, “vengeance is mine.”


A Wordle 412 is waiting for you!

WORDLE WORDS ARE:  Rain, Humility, Grow, Still, Listen, Seven, Plate, Sits, Stories, String, Change, Where —


Like a creeping plate shifting to and fro, seven days a week we listen to a string of how to change our way of thinking. The elite sits without humility and it is obvious their agenda grows and rains down on the uneducated.
Time is now; stop listening to their stories where they still plan to remove your freedom.

poetry, Wordle

Wordle Making Christmas Great Again

A Wordle Challenge below asks the use of at least 10 of the words suggested to create a story or poem.  To see the words or join in on the fun click here.

My creation is in the form of Etheree Poetry below; enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Christ is present —
Decorate your tree
The Herald of angels
Signal the holiday signs;
Santa, mistletoe, elves, raindeers —
Everyone here tastes of our pudding
Gifts in your stocking because of Christmas




Word Prompts

Wordle Words as Words do Wordle

Posted below: composed with words from Wordle 362


As one gets older, it’s fun to pass away the time by remembering youth in Chicago where my heart will always be. The sign of Christmas, the Holy Season remembering the birth of Christ, approaching means a trip to the department store, riding on the moving staircase.

Picture this: Windows trimmed with that special gift seen only during the Holidays. Animated displays with toys, and children skating on the lake surrounded with pines. You can travel wherever your imagination takes you all this while shopping for that special quilt for grandmother.

Just Because

Sometimes I feel Silly on Mondays

I hope God still loves me when I’m silly.

A Wordle group offers a challenge to pick at least ten of their twelve suggested words and use them in a story or poem.

Oppps I overslept
My hair in a tangle
My peer calls me over the hill
What an epigrammatic!
Not to mention the tenon of his voice
Yet, he is right I am full of rust, while
developing oblivescence
Just this morning I wrought
a vase then broke it.
