Is Independence Day Over? — NEVER!


Thinking deeply of our FREEDOM … AND … The word Liberty A synonym for the word FREEDOM.

From Brainy Quotes I found — President George Washington said this about Liberty.

Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.”

The image of the tree below is picture-perfect for the above quote.

Call me Liberty — No stopping me!

However, this another quote of George Washington should be a warning!

“If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

poetry, Word Prompts

Once upon a time

The Challenge create a poem from paint chips!

Paint Chips for poetry



Once upon a time, time was unknown.
Father God created from His Throne!
God must love the purple-colored tones!

From the kingly royal purple robes
Jacaranda trees over the globe.
Science of ultraviolet probes

The deep purple of the blackberry
The song of the purple canary
Color purple quite legendary.

Once upon a time, obedience was known!

poetry, Word Prompts

Sea Serpents and Mermaids

Paint Chip Poetry the rage; will you take the dare? Clickhere!


When I was little, I had a potpourri of Old Leather boots, past on to me by my big sister. As time went on, her euphoria was all about the color yellow! As in a Turmeric flower, bright yellow pennies, even the bright yellow of the Lazy Lizard.
How silly she is, me, I’ll stick with my dreams of Sea Serpents and Mermaids.

Hand me down treasure
Precious keepsake fun to take
Eyeing her new stuff



I love this challenge, Paint Chip poetry, the chips are seen below:

If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s fun and always a healthy dare; click here for the PROMPT.

My Poem below titled SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND

While searching, wash the SAWDUST from your eyes
Turn away from those ever ENDLESS DUNES
While hunting those desired FRIENDS FOREVER!
Seek high and low valued FOREVER FRIENDS.

Finely finding that APPLE OF YOUR EYE
Friends fitting tightly; a BALLET SLIPPER
With bonds overgrowing as JACK’s BEANSTALK!
Not flourishing cold as a KITTENS NOSE!

Remember friends who take you off from God
Turn away from those ever ENDLESS DUNES.
STOP! Change direction; exit that SCHOOL BUS
While searching — wash the SAWDUST from your eyes!

dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts

How it Will End— Depends on ME!

Linked to dVerse Open Link

Here we are again; time to paint a little, our paint chips can be viewed below.

This is How it will End

The Journey, we are within —
Yesterday, like the first kiss
never again!

Bygone the golden hour of the past —
Wasted? Melted as an ice cap

Will eternity be sipping amethyst wine
and camomile tea relaxing on soft clouds

Dodging hot pink, habanero flames
Continually seeking to devour!

How it will end depends on me!   
