Word of the Day Challenge

A New Year brings the act of RENEWAL

The word of the day is RENEWAL and why not? Happy New Year to all!

Bloggers everywhere are posting the good, bad, and ugly of the want to be forgotten 2020 year of Our Lord.

It was okay for me — I don’t go out much anymore anyway, to church, grocery store, and a doctor trip; plus, where I live, they are all open.

Most of the time, since I go out very seldom, the worst that happens to me is I forget to take my mask until I drive up to my destination.

I didn’t get sick, not even a little sniffle, although the dreaded virus was all around me, some family members, friends, and the funniest part was they all had to be tested to make sure they were sick.

Don’t get me wrong; I believe the virus is serious; my prayers are for it to be over ASAP. Who knows, maybe I will get it in 2021, yet I can’t worry about that either, knowing I will not live forever anyway.

At this point in my life, right now! No! I will not be vaccinated. For those that want to be, that is your choice, remember “My Body My Choice.” As the liberals like to chant.

In the meantime, I will try to keep my New Year resolution, giving up my favorite treat, candy! Saying extra prayers for everyone, even all of you and everybody in the world, since God is not limited, why not pray for the world as a whole!

It certainly is a time for balance and getting on with our life; LIFE a gift from God. Remember always to please God not man, that goes for the government too! Put God first and I guarantee you will have a great New Year!

Mindlovesmisery's, poetry, Politics, Word Prompts

Poem Mix with Politics

Over on my sidebar there is a quote that inspired me today. Together with a prompt word SWITCH not to mention Mindlovemiserysmenagerie below.

“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”

Saint Augustine

First time for me with the explanation below through the inspiration of Mindlovemiserysmenagerie Poetry known as Vers Beacoup.

The Vers Beaucoup, a poem created by Curt Mongold, is French for “many rhymes.” Each stanza consists of four lines with a rhyming word scheme of:

My creative verse below rhyming scheme as above with three stanza of three groups

If you get the ITCH to SWITCH, that’s RICH
Don’t DITCH! WOW, do it NOW by golly
Take that VOW! Plan AHEAD, use your HEAD
Before your DEAD! WRITE what’s RIGHT!

Don’t FRIGHT; we UNITE for the FIGHT
Be a KNIGHT! READ now let’s LEAD —
WEED out evil! Pull the PLUG rid that THUG
So very SMUG! GAIN hope to DRAIN!

It’s DEEP don’t fall ASLEEP, WEEP for
The SHEEP! An ARRAY of truth we PRAY
TODAY. To set us FREE we can all AGREE
With GLEE! Soon to sing the LATE Deep STATE!

Supernatural Reality

The Hand Writing on the Wall

Fandango’s word prompt

Imminent! with True Story a YouTube movie I watched!

Because of the strange happenings in the entire world these days and my curious personality, I found myself watching an old Testament Bible story on YouTube about the book of Daniel.

The movie was interesting in many ways, but in particular, the story explains an incident. Daniel, the prophet, was summoned by King Belshazzar to interpret! This king had just defiled sacred objects meant for the One True God; the king dishonored religious cups at his pagan feast.

Imminently strange, mysterious writing appeared on the wall, the frightened king called his soothsayers et al. to interpret, but they could not. Daniel was finally called and told the king “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN” and analyzes them for the king: “MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed … and found wanting;” and “PERES, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.” (Daniel 5;5-31)
Imminently that same night, the king was killed.

true story, Word Prompts

A Short True Story

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “MIGHTY”, The word click here




“Because He that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is His name.” Luke 1;49

Impossible to love her more than her Son, she will always lead you to her Son.

One day while I was explaining to my friend why we honor Mary, she listened and heard. Her young daughter was in the hospital, she was on her way to visit, stopping at the long red light, her eyes looking this way and that way, she saw a Church down the street with a giant statue there of Jesus.

Her daughter was very seriously ill, and she, my friend, decided it was time to pray for her, she continued driving but made a turn around to the Church building to pray at the Church. When she pulled up to the building, getting out of her car, it was not Jesus, but Mary’s figure beckoned her to come into the Church.

Later she mentioned to me her experience and said, “Mary led me to Jesus.” My friend was soon after Baptised as well as her daughter.



Are We the current Sodom and Gomorrah?

The delay of A WAR or THE DELAY of Gods chastisement, WHAT NEXT?

The Delay — Know that we almost had a WAR on our hands A FEW DAYS AGO; know too that Wars are a punishment for the sins of the world. God does not create them He allows them because of the sins of mankind.  Just to name a few: Abortion the killing of a tiny, precious infant, and who knows what this little baby would have contributed to the world?  Now infanticide — immorality everywhere — The world has lost their sense of sin — breaking of the First Commandment mainly — children not knowing if they are girls or boys!  On and on and on!

Look up the miracle of the sun that occurred just a little over 100 years ago, it was written about all over the world even in more recent times as in, yes,  (decades ago; I read it myself as a young adult)  in the National Geographic publication. 

You won’t read these past accounts or events anymore or hear a reminder from the media, because TODAY the world is on a THE slippery slope of decadence.

The question IS:   Have we hit the bottom yet with our morals?  Hear this, The Message of Fatima, and in particular, the Third Secret reveals the Great Chastisement by which God will punish the whole world for the crimes of sinful humanity if people do not repent and stop offending God. On October 13, 1917, at Fatima, at the moment before the great Miracle of the Sun, the Blessed Virgin said, “People must
amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our
Lord any more for He is already too much offended.”

Time short; take an inventory of your mindset!  Know the Ten Commandments of God!

Word of the Day Challenge

All is Well!

Rain cascades softly on the window edge
Gods good grace falling, falling, falling!
A following fierce wind born —

Hear the music of a piccolo; no a bird!
The sky opens up to allow Gods power seen.
Listen; thunder roaring like a lion.

Instantly the sun’s rays appear
Signaling peace restored.
All is well! The storm drifts on!

Politics, Word Prompts

My First Political Limerick

Fandango does it again, the perfect prompt for my LIMERICK!

Coming Soon May 12!

Observed annually on May 12, National Limerick Day celebrates the birthday of English artist, illustrator, author and poet Edward Lear (May 12, 1812 – Jan. 29, 1888). Lear is known mostly for his literary nonsense in poetry, prose, and limericks.
Anyway, rules to remember besides being silly are, it’s five lines long
The first two lines rhyme with each other and with the fifth line
The third and fourth lines also rhyme
Limericks are also supposed to have a certain rhythm.

There was once an election!
And LEFT had their selection,
Surprise, anyway!
Which wrought the hearsay.
The upshot — insurrection!

 (A Limerick)  It’s supposed to be nonsense, ANYWAY like the politics and media of today!



Purest of the Pure

Finest IS as finest WAS
As Truth IS still true today
Everything changes except Truth
The same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
What is Truth? You might say
Truth is the finest of the finest
The highest of the high
Purest of the pure!
Why choose anything less
If truth changes — it never was
Your finest hour begins with truth
A love for truth the finest gift
The truth will set you free!




true story


The word of the day is “PARTISAN.”

William Harvey: Said this: “I avow myself the partisan of truth alone.”

The world today and “some” are foolish but they don’t want anyone to know it, so they just go along with the foolish media. Reminds me so much of this FAIRY TALE.




 This Easter pray for discernment, pray to love the truth.   Don’t be FOOLISH!


poetry, Weekend Writing Prompt, Word Prompts

A Poem composed — Only 74 words



Boats that seem to melt or sink
disappear beyond the vast
horizon. Onward they sail.
—Yonder to and fro they go!
To the eyes it ceases; Gone!
Yet, where? We must confess they
Are still there, somewhere we know!
Is truly Faith surpassing!

The eclipse —horizon as
hidden mysteriously!
Looking back through time we go!

Remember Dear Saint Paul was
Blinded by God in order
To see. Mystical is God
Indeed our Faith surpassing!

dVerse OpenLinkNight

Word Prompts

Wordle Words as Words do Wordle

Posted below: composed with words from Wordle 362


As one gets older, it’s fun to pass away the time by remembering youth in Chicago where my heart will always be. The sign of Christmas, the Holy Season remembering the birth of Christ, approaching means a trip to the department store, riding on the moving staircase.

Picture this: Windows trimmed with that special gift seen only during the Holidays. Animated displays with toys, and children skating on the lake surrounded with pines. You can travel wherever your imagination takes you all this while shopping for that special quilt for grandmother.

Word Prompts

Catholic Church vs. the Vatican

It’s PERPETUAL — The Church — It’s BIBLICAL

It’s difficult these days to defend the Catholic church when the world looks at the Vatican as the center of Catholicism, yet they are wrong!

Why should we be surprised, doesn’t, the Bible warn of a Great falling away from the Church that Christ found, St. Peter the rock as His first Vicar. Today we see and being foretold of this crisis in II Thessalonians. Speaking in Thessalonians of the Second Coming of Christ, the end times. Chapter 2
By falling away, I mean in numbers, “But yet the Son of man, when He cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on earth?” Luke 18:8

Then again …
… we also have His promise that even the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church. “And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18.


So what happened? You might be thinking, and the difference between Traditional Catholicism and your mainstream neighborhood Church is Vatican II   —  came about in the 60’s.  Why?
God allowed this to happen because Catholics, (myself included)  and religious for the most part but not all, were becoming worldly.  Therefore, He who always gives us our desire;  Vatican II adapted to the world as you can see clearly for yourself by the —example of the goings on within the Vatican and trickling down throughout the world.

Its called infiltration by Modernists, Freemasons and or Illuminati. None of which hold to the Catholic Faith.  Beware of the New World Order.—

Stay firm to the teachings you have learned from the beginning we hear in IIThessalonians

PERPETUAL    word prompt TODAY





Word Prompts

Hard-hitting post with no apologizes

Stop the world I want to get off! Where are we ALL going?
What world do you live in?
Hit that mallet hard, STOP, think. Do you live in a world of “main street news,” I hope not.
Are you following Hollywierd, thinking it mod to know every movie, follow every fad? Hit that mallet and think for yourselves. We are all going in the same place; someday judgment. Believe it or not, you will answer for your thoughts, words, and deeds.

That is enough sermon you get from me today; I am no one worthy to judge you, nor am I judging. Where you MIGHT be, I was there too.

Pray to love the Truth, know the Truth and have the grace to follow the Truth, and the Truth is Jesus Christ died for you! Another Truth is He created His mother to be perfect because she had a unique role which was to carry Him within her womb. He was God who was incarnate became a man. “A pregnant woman’s bloodstream contains not only her cells but a small number of her child’s, as well. … While the fetus develops inside the womb, its cells mix and mingle with the mother’s after traveling through the placenta.” (livescience.com)
Therefore she was created by God to be perfect because imperfect is not suited for the Almighty. In other words, she was not just an ordinary woman as many Christians like to believe. “And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord.”[Luke 1:46] and “for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. “[Luke 1:48]
Hit that mallet and again beware! “And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying:”
[2 Thessalonians 2:10]


via Daily Prompt: Mallet

Word Prompts

Disrupt – Thwart – Change (same difference)

Disrupt definition as a verb:

Business. (Religion) To radically change, as by introducing a new product or service (Adaption to the world) that creates a new market: (Belief)
It’s time to disrupt (change) your old business model.
to break or split (something) apart. (The Catholic Church)

Another way of looking at this word is to think of it as wanting modernization, change, novelty.

“And he shall speak words against the High One, and shall crush the saints of the most High: and he shall think himself able to change times and laws, and they shall be delivered into his hand until a time, and times, and half a time.”
[Daniel 7:25]

“For I am the Lord, and I change not: and you the sons of Jacob are not consumed.”
[Malachias (Malachi) 3:6]

Today’s word prompt reminds me of another recent word prompt of which I hope you will visit by clicking here:  THWART  A rather short post of mine.


via Daily Prompt: Disrupt