Ah! Another Challenge, Word Prompts

An Explanation— Gift

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt –Identity – July 13, 2020

One day while I minded my own business, a couple of men tried to stump me. I knew by the tone of their voice what they intended. It so happened and unknown to me, my scapular was hanging out from beneath my outer garment—those who do not know a scapular, a blessed religious article sacred to Traditional Catholics.
They heckled and said,
“do you really believe that piece of cloth will save you”?
“No,” I said, “it is my identity.”
I continued to explain how an officer wears a badge, or others might wear a logo to identify themself.
To wear a Cross or medal is not superstitious as many WANT to believe; it means merely we identify ourselves with Jesus, Mary His Mother, who was with Him from His conception till His death. Now that is worth in which to identify for those who believe.scapular

poetry, Word Prompts

A Paint Chip Haibun

Look and See Beautiful PAINT CHIPS, let’s all write a poem.

A Haibun with Haiku

I wonder from all the different types
of Hydrangea, my grandma’s hydrangeas
are best. Look, see her lime hydrangea
like a key lime pie, the smell. A fragrance so
sweet, mystical, not overpowering.
Today, however, no lime pie. Let’s settle
for a banana split. Our gratitude for that
will be overpowering for sure.  After all, it

runs in the family!

From heaven above
Flowers falling down to earth
Thank you for the scent