dVerse, poetry

Me Myself and I

silhouetteIgnoring life offers freedom —
Sacred Solitude, and God speaks!
Reminding we are never alone so
When you see me walking down the street
Talking, speaking to me myself and I
Know I am never alone.
Didn’t you see my angel
Guardian standing there?

 quadrille poetry for dVerse 

Word of the Day Challenge, Word Prompts

WONDERING a short story

Opening my eyes while thinking, how bright it was outside my window, oh it snowed again; reaching for the covers while pulling them up over my shoulders; why is it so cold I wondered.

Feeling for the alarm, wondering about the joy I felt; I had another hour to sleep, turning over. I’ll just quickly hop out of bed, turn up the heat to warm the house and get back under the cozy, fuzzy blankets for another hour.

Not so fast! What’s this strange dizziness, I wondered, falling back into my pillows and safe zone, confused and anxious, I tried again to get up. To no avail! Quickly fell back sinking into the softness of my bed. I wondered what in the world is going on!

I realized all that brightness I thought was snow outside my window was in actuality the bedroom lights had been turned on.
Gulp! Who are all these people in my room I wondered! No one is looking familiar, and why are they just ignoring me! “Hey!” I screamed.

“No use,” a voice said, “they can’t hear you because you’re dead!”

“Like a candle, your flame burnt out and now you are all mine!”

“Yours,” I screamed, “who are you?”

“Don’t you know, I am the one you have been serving for the past several decades.”

Daily Inkling, poetry, Word Prompts

Is Nothing, Something?


Best way to get attention, in my opinion, is to ask for advice or ask a question like the title of this post today!  Daily Inkling wants to know.


We find SOLITUDE when we dream, we write, compose and discover our sub-conscience.

Remembering, recollection, hindsight of a dream while traveling through
space and time. My trip began early one morning while still dark, dozed off on my coach and experienced a rare dream; rare because it was one that I remembered every detail upon returning.

While in my fantasy state, trying to explain how God always was and how did He become God anyway; boggled with that thought. I began to imagine if there never was a God there would be NOTHING! That was when the question entered, begging for an answer, only an atheist can answer. Is nothing, something?

Fantasy and back
Question without an answer
Only through our dreams