dVerse, poetry

My Confession in Haibun Poetry

dVerse is asking for a poem about one or all of the 7 Vices or Virtues and how our life has been affected. Do we see a complementary function between vice and virtue? Is there one, in particular, that has played a crucial role in your giving into temptation? Or one that has provided a valuable lesson?

My Confession of Time

Confession begins while pleading guilty of all, Pride, always the root. Yes, with each passing day the realization of “looking back” has already started, it is Pride, greatest enemy of my life! I demand, could this be the reason why I have been asking for humility lately? You see today I am older than yesterday, and growing old is a gift. TIME!
Understanding the use of this gift is to arrive at my eternity. To correct a sinful life, while that “stranger” the conscience is always nagging, “pray” it warns, for spiritual wisdom to know my sins and be sorry for them … why do I wonder?

Recognizing time —
a reality of Life.
Vice, Virtue our choice.
Eternity always there
on the mind ever-present.