true story

Stuck in an Elevator

Again, I write about an experience that happened to me about ten years ago—living in Spokane! Where I accept the teachings of Christ and practice devoted ancient worship at Mount St. Michael, an old historic building high on a hill that overlooks Spokane; here is an image of it.

Photo by Rene Ochoa

The chapel where Mass is offered in that castle-like building happens on the second floor; many elderly avoid the long walk up the stairs and opt to take the elevator. One day my daughter’s mother-in-law and I were in the elevator riding down to the main floor where our family was waiting for us; they took the steps.

The elevator came down, but the doors would not open; we waited and heard our family members through the door speaking/laughing while waiting for us, we were so close, but far away, it seemed. On our side, a little fear started to develop within the two of us. I decided to call my daughter with my cell phone and told her we were in the elevator, but the doors will not open. We both heard her, with a panic-stricken voice, speak to her husband standing nearby, “our mothers are stuck in the elevator!”

They called the priest, and his voice sounded upset and alarmed. Now panic was on the other side of the door; we could listen to them all, no more laughing, just speaking “what to do.” All this was happening within a 15, minute time frame.

Suddenly I felt the elevator jolt; it started to move down; down to the basement, the door opened, and we both walked out quickly into the basement.

Can you imagine how our loved ones felt when the elevator rose to the main floor, when the doors opened, and we were gone. Remember, our family members, including the priest and other onlookers, were unaware that the elevator had started up and emptied us at the basement floor. They were all too busy thinking about the situation.

“Where are they?” We could hear their chatter as we walked up the steps to the main floor, hearing them gasp and wonder about where we possibly had gone. That entire experience (now that it is over) seems comical to me, and I still giggle about it today!

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word of the Day Challenge

My WORD OF THE DAY — A True Story

Today I write a little about myself, something UNUSUAL since I tend to keep my life to myself.  I have been selfish since I have some things to say!

God has been good to me because I have always loved His teachings.  Although I must confess, I left Him for a time.  There was in my past when I was deceived.  (Another story for a BETTER time)


I am about to type this little story: True, short, and sweet.  It happened to me about 25 years ago!  To set the scene, know that I talked to God directly, but He never answered me at this point in my life.  However, one fine morning, after telling Him how thankful I was for bringing me again to the beginning of a beautiful day. 
 I finally asked Him, "Dear Jesus, why is it I never hear your voice?"  I said a few times in earnest.  "Why God, why?"  I continued ...  "If only I could hear just one word, really hear it, what would it be, just one word."  
I paused and HEARD, the word, just this one word I heard quite audible was ... "COME!"


I linked this post with two prompt words challenges from

#ragtagcommunity and #wordofthedaychallenge

true story

About Me!

Okay, however, for me, it was in 1982 that I woke up. Looking back, that was a long time ago through the mind of the “looker” (me). The story was at that time I was hung up on one particular Bible verse, trying to figure out what it meant, at the same time reading Catholic prophecy.

Now…setting the stage for the reader, I was constantly searching (but for what?); one day, I found my rosary all tangled in a box of trinkets. What! I thought I should be praying this as I was taught in school. Yet, today (1982), the rosary is not part of the “team” anymore. Still, I thought I would begin again, and I did. I began to pray the rosary.

As I am typing, I realize I am getting off track from Fandango’s question, the question that inspired my thinking, he asked —> “How much have you and your priorities changed over the past twenty years?
I think what I will do is finish my story in a future post but to answer Fandango’s question, I will say one day in 1982, something happened to me like lightning, and I realized the Bible verse was all about the Catholic church adapting to the world. Adapting to the world, it changed, and today it is no longer the same religion I was taught back in the 40’s 50’s.

This knowledge that strangely showed to me was a shock and made me, through God’s grace,so STRONG in my Faith, the Faith that will never, ever change. Every day now since I recovered from Covid last month, I feel my faith has grown deeper with an understanding beyond words. Don’t be surprised if my future post reflect this change.

Only 6Sentence

A Six Sentence Story

WordPress is the place to be these days of uncertainly, not only do you have an opportunity to voice your solutions/opinions to what is going on in the world, but you can accept all different challenges from other creative bloggers like this one —> Welcome to GirlieOnTheEdge and another edition of Six Sentence Stories!

The prompt word on this challenge is EXPLORE!


Not so long ago, during an era when family gatherings were not frowned upon, it so happened a happy celebration was in progress.

The story begins with a playful grandma wanting to explore her young grandson’s mind with conversation during a joyful party while enjoying sitting together near the table settings with fun things to munch on, lots of yummy fruits, and tasty treats.

Suddenly the nearby phone rings … r i n g -r i n g!

Grandma’s foolery outshined her as she grabbed the banana off the table, put it up to her ear, and said, “hello!”

“Hello, who is this speaking please?”

The confused grandson looked up at her with the most serious look on his face, whispered, “grandma, that is A banana!”


A Story Starter inspired by Fandango

To join go here —> click

My story: A story I heard as a child modified a bit with my own version.

Once a pet magpie living in a home where children prayed often! This particular magpie learned to talk, and there was only one way to keep her quiet: to speak or sing to the talkative bird.

One typical short pray echoed throughout the house, “Mary, Mother of God, protect me.” So often, even the magpie’s voice repeated, “Mary, Mother of God, protect me.”

One day the magpie flew out the opened window; he flew, higher and higher. Suddenly a large feathered, hungry hawk was hovering over the magpie. “EEEeeeek, Mary, Mother of God, protect me,” shouted the magpie.

Like a shot, the hawk made an about-face and started to fall; before hitting the ground, it regained its ability and flew away. The magpie saw its home below, passed again through the window with a great sigh of relief.

The moral of the story is, Our Lady, when called on, will even protect a bird.

true story

The Year was 1957

Come one come all to the Christmas Blogging Party HERE Your INVITED!

One Christmas; a story!
A year ending, a party foretell
My life — that Christmas Day!
A day I remember very well
Strangers; little did we know
A gift was coming; His plan!
This guy I met became my beau.
I often wonder this wise man.
A gift to me or was I a gift to him?
That gift from God, who else?
My husband, dear, my Christmas gift!


continued, I Believe Because, true story

Personal Miracle Story


(Continuation of my series beginning here).  Series of why I believe in God.

The story you are about to read now written without exaggeration. For a believer, not a good idea to lie or stretch the truth; it would be equivalent to hammering the nails in the hands of Jesus. I mention this since I hope the following story will always be believed since our family miracle story is one reason I believe in God.

Years ago, my daughter, with her husband, was told they would not conceive, disappointed as they were, they chose to adopt. A miracle itself, it is challenging to adopt babies. However, they successfully adopted not one but two babies, years apart. (Not twins)

When the second child a boy, I will call Denis. Denis was healthy and loving, but after three years, we lost him. He passed away quite suddenly. (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) The couple is devasted and confused as to why God allowed this to happen, why take our child?
The sadness that followed, there are no words to describe it. My daughter grieving, asked me who she could pray to intercede for her to God. All she wanted was consolation! A reason to go on living!
I told her to pray to St. Therese of the Child Jesus because her parents lost all their male children, and St. Therese promised that she would help those still living when in her eternity. Her feast day on the Traditional Catholic calendar is Oct. 3. (Vatican II council while adapting to the world changed much of the Traditions one was the removal of some Saints, changes to the calendar of saints sometime in the ’60s.) BTW, Catholics do not worship the Saints; rather, we look to them as an example of their life. We are not praying to the dead; Catholics believe Saints are alive living their eternity.

Trying to brief this long story into a shorter version, I continue.

The family prayed a novena for a consolation to St. Therese. Shortly after that, the Vatican II religion allowed her relics; relics of St. Therese carried throughout the world in 2000, for veneration. My daughter read in the news that these holy relics were coming to a nearby Church. While there, they pressed their loved one’s picture to the relic and asked only for help to get on with their life.

Now the miracle!

Ten months later, my daughter gave birth to a boy, and to add to the joy; his birthday is on the feast day of St.Therese, Oct.3. Oct.3 on the Tradition Catholic calendar. God in heaven loves the number three. Therefore He graced her with two other children totaling three.

No one will ever take the place of our Saint-Denis, who also has answered many prayers for us. He was only three, but it is a pious belief to imagine the souls who reside in heaven are at the prime age of 33, the period Jesus Christ died for the world.

(Series why I believe in God, to be continued)


Ah! Another Challenge, Word Prompts

An Explanation— Gift

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt –Identity – July 13, 2020

One day while I minded my own business, a couple of men tried to stump me. I knew by the tone of their voice what they intended. It so happened and unknown to me, my scapular was hanging out from beneath my outer garment—those who do not know a scapular, a blessed religious article sacred to Traditional Catholics.
They heckled and said,
“do you really believe that piece of cloth will save you”?
“No,” I said, “it is my identity.”
I continued to explain how an officer wears a badge, or others might wear a logo to identify themself.
To wear a Cross or medal is not superstitious as many WANT to believe; it means merely we identify ourselves with Jesus, Mary His Mother, who was with Him from His conception till His death. Now that is worth in which to identify for those who believe.scapular

true story, Word Prompts

A Short True Story

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “MIGHTY”, The word click here




“Because He that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy is His name.” Luke 1;49

Impossible to love her more than her Son, she will always lead you to her Son.

One day while I was explaining to my friend why we honor Mary, she listened and heard. Her young daughter was in the hospital, she was on her way to visit, stopping at the long red light, her eyes looking this way and that way, she saw a Church down the street with a giant statue there of Jesus.

Her daughter was very seriously ill, and she, my friend, decided it was time to pray for her, she continued driving but made a turn around to the Church building to pray at the Church. When she pulled up to the building, getting out of her car, it was not Jesus, but Mary’s figure beckoned her to come into the Church.

Later she mentioned to me her experience and said, “Mary led me to Jesus.” My friend was soon after Baptised as well as her daughter.


dVerse, poetry

Words Unknown

Traditional writing and True, my shining moment to remember!

dVerse has given us an opportunity to share your shining moment.  This is mine!

My shining moment was and will always be the moment in time when my son came home after several stays in Afghanistan. He often still speaks of the time he experienced combat — waking up to intruders, and suddenly from one second to the next, face to face with the enemy.
Knowing of this event and waiting for his return. The words expressing how I felt when he came home, are yet unknown to even a Linquist.

One dry, dusty day …
Far away from home! Shots fired!
My Prayer answered.



SoCS, true story

Pondering Padre Pio, his story

Haven’t posted now for a few days, just been busy pondering instead. Here on WordPress, some interesting people come up with prompts to encourage us to write. Today I accept the challenge of one such prompt, “Movie Titles”;SoCS is asking to use the last title of the movie we watched. 

Last night I watched a Youtube movie titled “Padre Pio” for those who do not know this person all you need do is search the internet, he is one worth remembering. 

The link to the very long and moving movie is …

The film and my pondering have haunted me with this thought: 

The Church teaches us that Jesus Christ suffered and died for ALL, but not all people care about it! In the Garden just before He was taken to begin His Passion of death, He saw our faces. Each and every one of us He saw. He knew who would appreciate His reason for coming into the world; His goal was not to live but to die for us. He began to sweat His Blood when He saw the faces of those who would not care. 

Thinking again, how there is no such thing as “Time” when it refers to God the thought of Him suffering just for me that day, centuries before I was born, overwhelms my mind today!  


dVerse, poetry

Rhyming Christmas with Etheree Poetry

dVerse is asking for Christmas to rhyme, why not try an Etheree in Poetry!


Wake Up

See the Morn

Brightly Glowing

A Baby is Born

His Mother Beckoning

Welcoming All Shepherds — Kings

A World Sleeps on while Angels Sing

The Newborn King wrapped in swaddling clothes

Close your eyes, to hear His Voice Whispering



true story, Word Prompts

The word today— SASHAY

A little story to share! It all started several months ago when my neighbors’ pet duck wandered over to my yard and made a nest under my porch. She gathered pine needles and felt quite safe. I waited in wonder what would happen next and this week she came out from down under with 12 little ducklings sashaying behind her.

One of the small miracles of life; these 12 tiny fuzzy little creature and how they all stick together following their mother wherever she goes. I am enjoying watching them. They have become the delight of my life; you might say, my life must be pretty dull if a few ducklings can bring such joy.

No, not dull, yet, raised in Chicago this touch of rare country living God permitted me; His tender tending His creatures reminds me of this Bible verse. “Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they?” [Matthew 6:26]


Aren’t they cute?

Daily Spur, true story

And, It Happened to Me, REALLY — True Story


Usually, it is not my thing to write about my personal life. Love reading about yours but mine is on the dull side. That was until a few days ago which results in the inspirational title of this blog.  Today is special since it really happened to me!

Washington State having been inundated with snow during the last few weeks; even declared an emergency. So picture this; living in a home with a steep, metal roof. Yes, you can see where I am going with this story, but continue reading where the angels come in. Whoever said angels don’t exist and protect us is wrong.

There is one part of my home that the snow falls first, falling own to the porch below the roof. Hearing it fall I gazed out my window, noticing how cute my birdfeeder looked with the snow piled up to the sky. Grabbing my boots, and camera I started to venture down the walkway, where I needed to go to capture the picture.

This has never happened to me before which is why this is a special post, but I heard in my pee brain a voice, loud and clear; “STOP! don’t take another step.” I stopped and looked up to see there above just a little corner of snow that didn’t come down yet; it was at the edge of the roof above the spot where I intended to walk for the best view of my birdfeeder. From my viewpoint not realizing the danger I took another step, just then I heard the creaking above, and I instinctively froze.

I was wrong it was not just a little bit of snow, behind it was such a force, it shot off my roof, over the porch above me and on to the sidewalk just in front of me where I was standing frozen in fear. It knocked me over face down into the snowdrifts beside me; it felt as if a cannonball hit my upper back and neck. However, because I did hesitate and stopped just before the avalanche, instead of standing in full line I was only standing at the end of the snow line.

I did manage to get up, retrieved my camera which flew in the snowdrifts, retreated inside the house, pondered about the experience as to what could have been but wasn’t.

After a few moments, I climbed over the snow-covered walkway and took the coveted picture. Today I am reminded by the experience with a souvenir whiplash on my neck and of course, the birdfeeder picture is seen below.



dVerse, poetry, true story

Tradition + Haibun Poetry just for YOU!

My Haibun for dVerse

Once Upon Tradition, we discovered that Truth and Humility are very similar in the fact that humility, among other definitions, is acceptance of Truth. Without humility, we cannot win heaven. Because If humility is missing, PRIDE is present.
Just think, it is very straightforward! God can only create goodness, and the angels when created were untainted. However tradition explains, God who knows all things, foretold to His angels that He would also create a nature with a lower essence than His angels. God continued to educate the angels of His plan, but many of them objected to giving one particular woman her proper place. “I will not serve.” The idea that a mere woman would be so privileged, blessed and recognized as to carry God within her human body.

Luke chapter 1; verse 48 “All generations shall call me BLESSED.”

At that moment in time Pride was born into existence, many angels fell.
Pride originated; deception appeared. The fallen then showing Adam and Eve how pleasant Pride looks, Eve accepted the bait while exercising free will thus; giving a new twist on that phrase, “The right to choose.”

Freewill — right to choose
angels, devils, good, evil
humility, pride




Once Upon a Time — An Earthquake

dVerse   Haibun and Haiku

One unexpected day for me quite unforgettable was the Northridge Earthquake: On January 17, 1994, at 4:31 am, an earthquake in California where I lived with my husband and six children occurred. It was rumored at that time the quake was over 7 magnitude, but for the benefit of the insurance companies, the experts said 6.7.
Suddenly without warning, the bed started to go up and down, violently, not back and forth as one would expect but, up and down. The noise of all the pictures and other “whatevers” hanging on the wall was overwhelming. I jumped out of bed knowing it was an earthquake and quickly ran into my children, pulling them out of bed, rushing with my husband outside the house, and into our car. Sitting in the car getting our self together after the shock of it all. Sitting waiting for daylight, since all utilities were out. We could see and hear our neighbors doing the same thing, but some were using flashlights inspecting their property. The aftershocks too were quite disastrous.
Our family was one of the fortunate ones with little damage compared to the many others. When something like this happens, at least in my case, I forget to pray I react to the experience only. Therefore, now when I am in my quiet time and do pray, I have this imaginary spiritual bank account that my Guardian Angel is in charge of, and if something of this nature ever happens again, I will automatically draw from it. It may sound silly to the reader here, but it gives me the piece of mind I need while living in this dangerous world.

Shake Rattle and roll —
One cold, long night without sleep
historic moment!


Comical Courage


It takes COURAGE to write an actual story that sounds more like a joke on a religiously serious themed blog, but here goes.

Not really a joke at all, because it happened to me, true story.

One day about 25 years ago, I was caring for one of my granddaughters, she was about 4 or 5 years old at that time.

I was a bit disgruntled about all the nonsense I saw on T.V. at that time extended to kids T.V. shows, in my opinion. This particular child, like most, loved to sit and watch T.V. she would sit there all day if someone allowed it.

I started to talk to her about it. The conversation went somewhat like this. I will call her Little Zandra to protect the innocent.

“Little Zandra don’t you think you are watching too much television?”
“No, I love T.V. granny.”
“There are so many bad things on the T.V. for a little girl to see.”
“I want you to make me a promise, little Zandra.”
“What is it?”
“Promise me you will never, ever watch bad EVIL television shows again.”
“Okay, I promise I will never watch bad EVIL television, I will only watch good evil, T.V.”


via Daily Prompt: Courage