Cosmic Photo Challenge

“Only God can make a TREE.”

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

― Chinese proverb

Reaching down to grab you, it seems!

A holy Tree
Care to dance?
No! Not an elephant trunk, but a tree trunk
Yew Tree, the only image plucked from the internet

Yew-Tree Print Article

An evergreen tree of the genus taxus, allied to the pines, and valued for its wood or timber, is very commonly found planted in the old English churchyards; and was formerly much used to decorate churches at Christmas, Palm-Sunday, and Easter.

This is the Cosmic Photo Challenge

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Beauty in the Rough

Ragtag Daily Prompt — The word today is “Inspire” along with my contribution to Tanka poetry.

Rugged, tough, lumpy
Inspired via the knobby
beauty found offbeat
hidden right before your eyes
behold before you stumble!


KnarlyMy photo image of the said tree nearby a school