Ah! Another Challenge, Photo Challenge


Life in Colour Challenge GOLD

This month we will be looking for Gold. Gold is the colour of wealth, of power, of gods. Gold-leaf applied to paintings, gold crowns and coins. But look also for golds in the natural world, a fish, a sunset or sunrise, flowers and autumn leaves or sunlight on water. Or capture the light in the ‘golden hour’.

One of my favorite Holy Card pictures that depict Christ hidden in the Blessed Sacrament where the Mass of all times is offered.

Vintage Holy Card

Adam and Eve — Not quite!

A Short story you may have heard a similar version in the past!

Fantango gives us a tease of words to use, this week I placed it into my FSS below in bold letters.

My story begins –


Excitedly Arron and Evie were anxious to explore their new property, remembering the warning words of their father. "Whatever, don't go near the well; the brick masons are coming tomorrow to fix those loose bricks surrounding Gracie our well.  Gracie blesses us with saving water, but as you can see, it is easy to fall into the well until those bricks are set."
Hmmm!  Evie thought!  She was daring alright and got a little too close while Arron tried to pull her away!  The worse did happen!  They both tripped and fell into the deep well.  Down, down with the speed of lightning!

It seemed like hands were reaching out to them as they moved faster but never hitting bottom; they zoomed down lower and lower.  Then suddenly, they felt on their backside something firm as if they were now riding not down but up!  Higher and higher was their awareness. 
Shooting up and right out of a rabbit hole.  The children knew it was a rabbit's hole because of all the rabbit skins hanging all around them. 
Arron said, "I heard of falling through the rabbit hole but never rising up and out from one." He laughed!

"Brrr! It's cold here wherever we are. I am freezing." Said, Evie
"Here, let's wrap up in one of these rabbit skins," said Arron, and so they did clothe themselves.  
"What happened to us?"
"We fell from Grace!" Said Arron, "I don't think you sufficiently appreciated Our Father's warning."
Christian Belief

My Sanctuary with images

This week the Weekend Challenge from partner GC and me is Sanctuary.


My Sanctuary, without thinking more than one second is my Faith. If only I could explain, but there are no words on earth to interpret. Therefore, I usually try to play down my feelings since I can’t clarify them.
I will therefore post a few images for the readers here and pray God will pass on to you what I know to be true.

Today I am for some reason inspired to post these images.

I realize many beliefs do not allow the suffering Christ on their cross, but Traditional Catholics strongly believe you can not have the resurrection without first the suffering!

Suffering Jesus

Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge


The Cosmic Photo Challenge suggested FREESTYLE this week, so here goes!


It’s all about the LIGHT!

First image fallen leaves along with paper doily pressed under plexiglass just one of my many experiments in photography.

Bell in my Church to announce the beginning of Traditional Mass

Last image is my photo during the Traditional Mass also known as the Mass of all times.

Time Suspended

Mad World

The Chastisement of the world — Catholic prophecy

Fandango asks on

What worries you the most about the future? Why is that your biggest concern? Or are you not that concerned about the future?

This post might not make sense unless raised as Traditional Catholic.
I hesitate to post it, but as you see, I did! Post it!

What concerns me is the world is ripe for the chastisement of the world!

Christians who are honest will have to admit that when Jesus said, “Upon this rock, I will build My Church.” Words that resulted at the beginning of the Catholic Faith, a Faith misunderstood for centuries. It is foretold that this Faith will adapt to the world ( 2nd Epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians; ) and become small. “My Kingdom is not of this world.” His Kingdom is His Divine Supernatural Faith. (Luke 18;8. )

Catholic prophecy warns us before His Second Coming; God will allow a chastisement because today, what looks like His Faith BUT IS NOT; had adapted to the world!

Therefore, my only concern is for those who do not believe. My concern the Catholic prophecy! IS Coming Soon, I fear!

Read all about it by clicking here!

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Found Poetry, I found it!

This week because it’s the beginning of a new month!

Colleen Chesebro says, “This challenge is NOW a true poet’s choice! Use any poetry form that you’d like including free-style or prose poetry. If your form is something new, teach us how to write it. Have fun!

She suggested several forms, take a look here, CLICK!

I wanted to try as she suggested FOUND POETRY with there being several different methods, I choose the BLACK OUT! Using the Lord’s Prayer also know as The Our Father.

A blackout poem begins with an existing text, usually a newspaper. Using a heavy black marker, the writer blots out most of the page. The remaining words are not moved or rearranged. Fixed in place, they float in a sea of darkness. The contrast of black and white stirs thoughts of censorship and secrecy. What’s hiding behind the headlines of our daily paper? What does the highlighted text reveal about politics and world events?

The idea of redacting words to create a new work goes back centuries, but the process became trendy when writer and artist Austin Kleon posted newspaper blackout poems online and then published his book and companion blog, Newspaper Blackout.

Evocative and dramatic, blackout poems retain the original typography and word placement. Some artists add graphic designs, while others let the stark words stand on their own.




The theme of today EXCITEMENT its at AlwaysWright.

My little story may not be appreciated but still it is my story just the same!

After really thinking of all the events in my life, of which many were quite exciting. The one that, even today, gives me excitement the average person might not relate to is the day I found the Traditional Latin Mass.
After being led into through Vatican II, a man-centered service and not knowing where to turn, except to pray! Praying I did, finally after a long time, several years, in fact! Quite miraculously, I found Traditional Catholic Latin Chapel, the feeling was I was lost, but now I came home! It was and IS VERY EXCITING.


“Nun. Thy prophets have seen false and foolish things for thee: and they have not laid open thy iniquity, to excite thee to penance: but they have seen for thee false revelations and banishments.”
[Lamentations 2:14]

Breaking News happening concerning the Traditional Latin Mass

Francis has dropped a bombshell on the traditional Catholic community with his latest declaration in “Traditionis Custodes” severely restricting the celebration of the traditional Latin Mass (also known as the “extraordinary form”)

That news too is exciting to me, because we may be seeing the Second Coming of Christ soon, NOTICE I said MAY BE, what do I know! Not much but hoping!

Cee's challenge

Anyone for images of Landscapes and/or Fields


Anytime I want to find a place for great pictures I just walk around the acres of land near and through Mount St. Michael, a Traditional Catholic parish, here in Spokane.

Turkeys run wild all around the Mount, here is a capture I took with their family and friends.

Hey! Conservatives, don’t let the turkeys get you down! (the devil made me say that!)

Next my landscape, also within the park-like grounds of Mount St. Michael, inviting all to browse the mysterious path to who knows what is beyond the gateway!

Don’t stop yet, see below: While I was there I also found this odd, bumpy humpy tree near the gym, at Mount St. Michael, I squared it off for the TreeSquare challenge running here on WordPress.


Did Someone say BLUE?

Every time I hear the word BLUEhttps://traveltalk.me.uk/2021/07/04/life-in-colour-26/, I remember this childhood prayer I learned in school.

Lovely Lady dressed in blue ——-
Teach me how to pray!
God was just your little boy,
Tell me what to say!

Did you lift Him up, sometimes,
Gently on your knee?
Did you sing to Him the way
Mother does to me?

Did you hold His hand at night?
Did you ever try
Telling stories of the world?
O! And did He cry?

Do you really think He cares
If I tell Him things ——-
Little things that happen? And
Do the Angels WINGS

Make a noise? And can He hear
Me if I speak low?
Does He understand me now?
Tell me ——-for you know.

Lovely Lady dressed in blue ——-
Teach me how to pray!
God was just your little boy,
And you know the way.


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP


Sunday prompt today is “COLLEAGUE.” My little story can be read below as fiction based on prophesy. Only Time will Tell!


However, most have heard of “make-believe,” now we live in an era of “fake believe.” One day not so long ago, in what is now the world of “fake-believe,” lived an evil man who wanted to play God. He had many colleagues with the same agenda.

He started to believe he was a god when he dabbled with the sun.

The only One and True God allowed this evil person leeway because the culture became reversed. Bad was expected, and good was considered outdated.

God, too, can reverse, and the moon with the sun suddenly stopped giving light. For three days and nights, the earth suffered darkness.

Those on earth who honored God were protected in their homes, while those who cheered the new culture discovered that God would never be mocked.

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Haibun of Perpetual Flowers with Haiku

A Halo!

A Favorite white rose, living now, a flower!
Combine that thought with mystery of today; hidden, a secret of the rosary!  The Coronation!
Imagine the Mother of God forever crowned as Queen; no! Not ...
 a crown made with yellow gold; we call precious metal.  Think —a sweet fragrance saturating the air with several white vivid roses all aglow and strung together in the form of a crown — a crown of perpetual flowers that will never die.  

Glory of a rose
Enduring everlasting
A Crown for our Queen
God’s Masterpiece

dVerse, poetry

My Parade of Poems — Vintage Baltimore Catechism

My parade of poems is based and inspired by The Baltimore Catechism. Catholics born before the Modern changes in the Vatican (approx. 1960) will remember learning their catechism from these text books.

One day not very long ago, (last week) I was thinking of the Haiku, a form of poetry that is popular here on WordPress and fun to write. Thinking of a theme, why not The Baltimore Catechism!

I thank dVerse along with other experts as Tanks Tuesday with Colleen for introducing several forms of poetry to me, now; in my advanced senior years. Not sure if she will approve an entire parade of Haiku’s or are they Senryu forms? Whatever! But as I said, inspired by the Baltimore Catechism … here is my parade.

Ta Da ♫
Haiku number 1
Created by God
Purpose to Know, Love, and Serve
Eternity Waits

Haiku number 2
Trinity One God
Creation — Angels their fall
Sin entered the world

Haiku number 3 
Forbidden by God
Willfully crime against Him
Beg daily prayer 

Number 4  
Help!  Saviour needed
Jesus born — dies to save us
Grace a gift from God

Number 5  
Faith, Hope, Charity
Virtues Gifts ours to receive
Third Person awaits

Number 6
Peace of soul to win
Treasures realized are yours
Mission accomplished

Number 7
Be smart do your part
All you have to do is ask
Think Pascal's wager

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Pascal’s Wager “#Awakening”

Reading below might be an AWAKENING for some and not for others.
Awakening the prompt word for Ragtag Daily Prompt #RDP

Speaking of The Christian God… Question: “What is Pascal’s Wager?”

According to Pascal, the wise thing to do is live your life as if God exists because such a life has everything to gain and nothing to lose. If we live as though God exists, we have attained heaven. If He doesn’t exist, we have lost nothing. If, on the other hand, we live as though God does not exist and He does exist, we have gained hell and punishment and have lost heaven and bliss.

Pascal thinks it an intellectual blunder to wager on that there is no God. At least mankind should search for the truth. I know not whence I came or whither I go. I only know that on quitting this world, I shall fall forever either into nothingness or … “into the hands of an angry God.” Heb 10:31.

(A) There is a purpose in life (God made us for life with him), or (B) that there is not.

Under one guise or another, human selfishness always urges man to stake everything on the idea there isn’t God. Pascal tries to show that it is far more reasonable – even from the viewpoint of self-interest – to stake all on there is God. If you bet everything on B and A is the truth, you lose an eternal good. But if you stake all on A and B is the truth, you win.

Pascal’s Wager the ageless or immutable question


Why I Love the Catholic Faith #WQWWC

I decided to participate in a challenge with the tag of #WQWWC; mainly the theme is FAITH!

If you look at my blog is is about my faith, the TRADITIONAL Catholic Faith, not the Modernism you see in your neighbor catholic churches. There is a difference read Second Thessalonians Chap. 2 ” Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come an apostasy.” (From said Faith!)

Famous quotes about 'Catholic Faith' - Sualci Quotes 2019
Matthew 10:22

Because the world hates Catholics!

“And you shall be hated by all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved.”

Click here to see a beautiful and TRUE story of Faith

Oh oh! Don’t expect many likes from this post, my thinking! Oh well! Prove me wrong!

dVerse, poetry

America the Eagle


“And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.” (Apocalypse 12:14) This prophecy fits the Church, which brings forth Christ into the world. The age we are living in today is again as predicted in — II Thessalonians 2:3 as the great falling away. Since the mid 60’s the Catholic Church has been dumbed down. The Vatican at present has an Anti-Christ . Yet, the Church is flourishing in small pockets worldwide, but especially here in America, the Eagle!
America like Christ appears dead, will rise again!
To continue to nourish the Church while waiting His Second Coming.

After many years of seeking, praying and searching I finally found my way home in the Traditional Catholic Church, the difference is night and day.

U.S. the Eagle
Eagles strongest birds of prey
America tough

dVerse, poetry

What the World Needs Now

dVerse a poem

The Rosary

Beads to hold between fingers.
Living, breathing, life’s weapon!
We pray first through the short links—
Represent — our life, short! Next
The endless circle — Eternity!
Suggesting infinity! Never-ending beads
Slip along the ring around a blessed
String. Perfumed as the scent of a rose
Rising to heaven! She offers us her
Baby Son! It all began with the angel’s
Words, “Hail Mary full of grace.”
God’s creation perfectly as His Mother
Must be! She gave us the rosary!




I always have noticed the power of God in that even the unbelievers celebrate Christmas!

Wherefore you shall also count this day among other festival days, and celebrate it with all joy, that it may be known also in times to come,” Esther 16:22

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Strange Coincidence calls for a Cinquain

“Holiday Traditions” Theme/Prompt

After Christmas, one traditional custom awaits the Feast of the Three Kings, always on Jan. 6. The Wise men who brought gifts for the Christ Child, Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. This Feast Day is called The Epiphany.

This year, on Jan. 6 Congress counts the electoral votes Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes. As President of the Senate, the vice president presides over the count and announces the results of the Electoral College vote. 

My Cinquain below represents this strange coincidence. 

Three Wise Men Tradition
election — selection — ruling