The Perfect MOTHER — RDP

Today on RDP Saturday, we are prompted to create a post with prose, poetry, or image and share it with Ragtag Daily Prompt”, “RDP,” and “Silk” as tags.

Silk always reminds me of the Mother of God; when she lived on earth, she was very poor, and silk was not a part of her life. She was humble and the perfect mother; God knew, and He created her for a special role; although she had free will, as the Bible quotes, she was full of grace (Luke 1;28) and never sinned of her own free will.

However, when her life was over, she died as we all will; now lives in heaven forever, helping us who ask her. She is dressed in the finest SILK, as fit for the Queen, she is.

Some Christians, by their own admission, ignore her and they miss out so much for the Bible also informs us that all generations shall call her Blessed. Luke 1; 48 “all generations shall call me blessed.”


Reena’s Xploration, Xploration

The Ecstatic of Tours

Looking for an interesting place to tour, consider this site rich with miracles, legends, and pagan history.  

 This strange prophecy below is associated with St. Odile, who is revered as the patron saint of Alsace and this historic site.   History of Alsace

The prophecy stated below sounds like today’s newscast.  

There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun

“Before the war breaks out again, food will be scarce and expensive. There will be little work for the workers, and fathers will hear their children crying for food. There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun. Toward the end, darkness will cover the earth. When everyone believes that peace is ensured, when everyone least expects it, the great happening will begin. Revolution will break out in Italy almost at the same time as in France. For some time the Church will be without a Pope.”

That last line — “For some time the Church will be without a Pope.” It would be more obvious if it said, Catholic Pope, in my humble opinion.    

Link to the tour:

Reena Xploration

Christian Belief

Christians KNOW YOUR ENEMY who is closer than you know

I have been thinking about this for a long time, after years of prayers, and spiritual reading, the most detrimental enemy to losing your soul is your Pride. God hates pride and loves humility, it is right there before your eyes, read your Bible.

Pray for humility if you want to win Heaven. Jesus meek and humble of heart make our heart onto Thy Heart.

Inspired to write this here and now, take it or leave it!

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The Catholic Church teaches us that this beatitude has nothing to do with poverty as with worldly riches or money.
The beatitudes are disposed of in an order. Also, are the basic teachings of Christ one teaching flows smoothly one into another.
Each beatitude preceding one prepares the way for what immediately follows, furnishing us in particular with spiritual arms of such graces as are necessary for obtaining the virtue of the next beatitude.

“Thus the poor in spirit (the genuinely humble) will mourn for their offenses to God, and whoever is filled with sorrow/contrition for his sins cannot but be just and behave to others with meekness and clemency; when possessed of these virtues, he then becomes pure and clean of heart. Peace of conscience reigns in this assemblage of virtues and cannot be expelled from the soul by any tribulations, persecutions, or injustices of men.
What is this poverty of spirit but humility and contrition? This virtue of humility is placed in the first place of the beatitudes; it is the parent of every other virtue, as pride is the mother of every vice. Pride deprived our first parents of their original innocence, and nothing but humility can restore us to our former purity. We may pray and fast; we may be possessed of mercy, chastity, or any virtues; if humility does not accompany them, they will be like the virtue of the Pharisee, without foundation, without fruit.

(Collected Homilies of St. John Chrysostom 15 vols.) A Great read —

Click to access 0345-0407,_Iohannes_Chrysostomus,_Homilies_on_The_Gospel_Of_Matthew,_EN.pdf

true story

Stuck in an Elevator

Again, I write about an experience that happened to me about ten years ago—living in Spokane! Where I accept the teachings of Christ and practice devoted ancient worship at Mount St. Michael, an old historic building high on a hill that overlooks Spokane; here is an image of it.

Photo by Rene Ochoa

The chapel where Mass is offered in that castle-like building happens on the second floor; many elderly avoid the long walk up the stairs and opt to take the elevator. One day my daughter’s mother-in-law and I were in the elevator riding down to the main floor where our family was waiting for us; they took the steps.

The elevator came down, but the doors would not open; we waited and heard our family members through the door speaking/laughing while waiting for us, we were so close, but far away, it seemed. On our side, a little fear started to develop within the two of us. I decided to call my daughter with my cell phone and told her we were in the elevator, but the doors will not open. We both heard her, with a panic-stricken voice, speak to her husband standing nearby, “our mothers are stuck in the elevator!”

They called the priest, and his voice sounded upset and alarmed. Now panic was on the other side of the door; we could listen to them all, no more laughing, just speaking “what to do.” All this was happening within a 15, minute time frame.

Suddenly I felt the elevator jolt; it started to move down; down to the basement, the door opened, and we both walked out quickly into the basement.

Can you imagine how our loved ones felt when the elevator rose to the main floor, when the doors opened, and we were gone. Remember, our family members, including the priest and other onlookers, were unaware that the elevator had started up and emptied us at the basement floor. They were all too busy thinking about the situation.

“Where are they?” We could hear their chatter as we walked up the steps to the main floor, hearing them gasp and wonder about where we possibly had gone. That entire experience (now that it is over) seems comical to me, and I still giggle about it today!

Christian Belief, true story

Today is NOT an ordinary day

For many people, it will be just another day, but it is NOT because …

Ascension Day is officially celebrated on a Thursday the 40th day of Easter. That is TODAY! Today is NOT your ordinary Thursday; it is an extraordinary Day with Traditional Catholics, as it has continuously since Easter been known as Ascension Thursday.

“Imagine yourself, my soul, present on this day on the Mount of Olives; imagine yourself standing amongst the disciples of our Lord, gazing at your Saviour while He takes leave of His followers, gives them His final blessing, and then slowly rises up into Heaven. When you have vividly realized this marvelous scene, proceed to meditate upon the following points:

1st. At the very same instant in which our Lord was lifted from the earth and began slowly to soar upwards to Heaven, the souls of the just men of earlier times who were in Limbo rose also, in order, together with their Redeemer, with their heavenly King, to make their triumphal entry into the Heaven. Their portals were opened to all believers. What joy, what rapture must have filled the hearts of that saintly band, the venerable patriarchs and holy prophets, the great men and pious women of the Old Dispensation, for whom, released at length from their tedious captivity of a thousand years, the time has now come to enter with delight into the heavenly Jerusalem! And as once before, when Jesus came down from Heaven to earth, the angels ascended and descended, so they doubtless did on this happy occasion when their Lord and King returned to the Heaven He had left. Fix your attention upon the glory, the jubilation, the triumph that attended our Lord’s Ascension, and when you have to some extent realized it you may consider next:

2d. How fully the prediction of the Royal Prophet which the Church takes upon her lips today was accomplished: “Thou hast ascended on high; Thou hast led captivity captive.” (Ps. Ixvii. 19.) Our Lord took with Him to Heaven captives of two kinds. These were the souls of the just, who had for so long a time waited in captivity in Limbo, and there were also His beloved Mother and the apostles, who, being still held in bondage in the prison of the body, could not follow Him actually, though they could follow Him spiritually, inasmuch as they were consumed with longing to ascend at once with Him into Heaven. From the time of His departure, despising all earthly things, they only aspired to heavenly things and yearned more and more after them, anticipating with holy impatience the day when they would see God and dwell with Him forever in Heaven. My soul, if you are conscious of yet clinging with your affections to the things of time and sense, pray God that on His Ascension this day into Heaven, He would take your heart captive and draw it thither after Him.

3d. Consider how a bright cloud received our Lord and gradually veiled Him from His disciple’s sight. There they remained standing, in hallowed silence, for the Scriptures do not mention a single word having been spoken by them; their souls too full for words, divided between the sorrow of parting, regretful desire, and eager aspiration. If you, my soul, experience similar emotions, if with Thomas à Kempis you are fain to say: “When, good Jesus, shall I contemplate the glory of Thy kingdom? When shall I be with Thee in Thy kingdom which Thou hast prepared for Thy beloved from all eternity? “then listen to the reply which our Lord gives you, speaking in the words of this admirable little book: “Wait a little while, and thou shalt see a speedy end of evils; meanwhile labor faithfully in My vineyard; I will be thy reward. Write, read, sing, sigh, keep silence, pray, bear thy crosses manfully; eternal life is worthy of all these and greater combats.” (Imit. iii. ch. 47.) Forget not this saying of our Lord: “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent bear it away.” (St. Matt, xi. 12.).”  

I reblogged this from – here

Images are many and can be seen on the internet here for interested readers.


Back in time, Weekly Prompt

EMPTY — but not for long!

Yesterday was Good Friday, and I spent several hours in Church participating in the liturgies of the memories, as we are encouraged by Holy Church.
Today, the Church refers to as Holy Saturday; I feel empty, knowing many Christians want His Resurrection but not His Cross; I cry!
Remembering how He was placed into the tomb and closed, separated, I feel deep mourning. We, the laity and the Church spend at Our Lord’s sepulcher, this day meditating on His Sacred Passion and Death. There is no Mass; the sacred altar is bare.

Knowing that Jesus at any time could have said NO!
STOP!  I will redeem them without all this suffering, 
but would we appreciate it if He did?

This is the Mystery of our Faith!  Remember too, how SHORT
our life is on earth, even 100 years is short compared to eternity!
#YDWord, Word of the Day Challenge, Word Prompts

BEWARE of the unforgivable!

Make sure your Faith is not considered KAPUT for lack of a better word, the word prompt for today! Kaput

Mark 3:28-29, ….” But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness but is guilty of an everlasting sin.” 

We can’t live a life of sin while hoping that we still will make it to heaven one day.


Of Christians who believe ONLY in words, “believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.” Redeemed, yes, but to be saved, they must act. But they continue their lives of living in sin, believing that they will be held unaccounted for — without a change — since Jesus died for our sins. They forget that He redeemed them, but they must amend their lives, not presume they are saved without giving up their sins.  

PRESUMPTION is one of several sins against the Holy Ghost.

It is not ME, warning, it is the WRITTEN WORD & I QUOTE. Here we can read not only FAITH; we must amend our life.

James 2:22-24

“Seest thou, that faith did co-operate with his works; and by works faith was made perfect? … Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only?”

Or if you prefer the Protestant version see below

King James Version (KJV 1900)22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? verse 22 – You see, his faith and his actions worked together.  His actions made his faith complete.  The actions are works, not just words. Beware of presumption, meaning to only presume you are saved and continue a life of living in sin. 

Forgive me if I sound like I am pointing at you or judging, I am NOT! I feel inspired to write this because it happened to me, the evil one deceived me into actually believing that God was pleased with my life, although I knew in my heart, I was living in sin. Deception is a true chimera delusion.

Ah! Another Challenge

These Dark Days

No Mercy?

God’s Mercy is infinite as our Mercy for our enemies should be, but are they? That is the question!

Showing Mercy to those who injured us is the greatest revenge; I do not know who said it, but it is true. Also, we have this —> “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” ~Jesus Christ

Yet we want to forget there IS, like it or not, Divine Justice from God.

Beyond our last breath, we are taken to His Seat of Justice!

Yet, today we might face His Divine Justice here on earth, a chastisement foretold during the Great Apostasy from His Church. 2Thessalonians 2-3; One such commentary explained in the Haydock Bible as meaning; “According to a third and common exposition, by this revolt or apostasy, others understand a great falling off of great numbers from the Catholic Church and faith, in those nations where it was professed before; not but that, as St. Augustine expressly takes notice, the Church will remain always visible, and Catholic in its belief, till the end of the world. Could it be that Vatican 11 beyond 1960, when the Catholic Church adapted to the world, was this event? Visible, yes, but smaller as it began at its founding by Christ. 

This is when everything started to change, (1960’s) the world, little by little lost all sense of sin; continues today with what was white is now black and what was BLACK IS NOW WHITE.

May God have Mercy on us during these very dark days.     

I Believe Because

Today March 8th IS —

March Eighth

According to Wikipedia, today is Woman’s Day!

The saddest part of today is that most women neglect the only woman who deserves to be remembered today and every day. Mary was so favored by God; she was overflowing, full of grace before her conception, He knew her. God’s Masterpiece, she was created with a particular role, to be the Mother of God. 

   God knew that we, His creatures loved by God, would need a Redeemer! For Our God who knows all, He the Creator of all understood that humans who were created in His image, in that we and we alone have an immortal soul, a beginning without an end. His Divine plan was to become a man with a human nature remaining Divine; through the power of the Holy Ghost and taking a human nature from Mary, His chosen mother. Through her free will, she raised the ideal of womanhood by her obedience and fortitude.

Christ loved His mother; her fiat pleased Him. What an example for us, yet today she remains ignored as Jesus was and still ignored by many who claim to follow Him. Many who think of themself as Christian refuse to imitate Christ as we are called to do, love His mother as He did. 

Luke 1; 41 forward

41 And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb: and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

42 And she cried out with a loud voice, and said: Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

43 And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

44 For behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.

45 And blessed art thou that hast believed, because those things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord.

46 And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord:

Fandango Flashback

What is a MNEMONIC the word of the day back in time

Fandango invites us to go back and see what we wrote on this very day. Looking back, I found this. It is not my intent to offend anyone, but if you only knew the importance of not forgetting. The word MNEMONIC was the word of the day!

Several years ago when my blog was just beginning on this day, February 11, 2018 inspired by a word: MNEMONIC — A mnemonic technique is one of many memory aids that is used to create associations among facts that make it easier to remember these facts.  Popular mnemonic techniques include mind mapping and peg lists. These techniques make use of the power of the visual cortex to simplify

Below was my post in 2018 or press this link


Other tools to remind us of “things” are useful, but the Cross of Christ is a treasure indeed!

The Cross of Christ is seen today in images, pictures, hanging in churches as smooth, slick straight sample of wood that was sanded and made perfect. The Cross on that Good Friday; imagine instead wood knotted, splintered, gnarled, rough and damp.

Why is it that many Christians see in their own way the cross without the suffering? Their cross scarcely a remembrance, symbol of His instrument of death.

If you consider yourself Christian, recognize the cross for what it is.  The only MNEMONIC you will TRULY NEED. 

We read in the Bible how Our Lord called St. Peter, Satan! Because even St. Peter refused the idea of crucifixion. St. Peter did not wish the suffering Jesus. Our Lord words, “He turning, said to Peter: Go after me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou dost not relish the things that are of God, but the things that are of men.
[Matthew 16:23]
also in:
The Haydock Bible it is explained of 1 Corinthians 1 Ver. 18. For the word of the cross. That is the preaching that the Son of God, both God, and man, died nailed to an infamous cross. Folly is looked upon as ridiculous and incredible, by all obstinate unbelievers that perish: but it received as the work of God, and an effect of his divine power, by such as are saved. (Witham)

“And he said to all: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”
[Luke 9:23]
Traditional Catholics of today and Catholics from all centuries; the past, understand this to mean, we are to get up on that Cross with Christ, do this by offering yourself to Him and accepting His Will not running away from it, nor removing His Body from the cross. Face His suffering.
“And taking bread, he gave thanks and broke; and gave to them, saying: This is my body, which is given for you. Do this for a commemoration of me.”
[Luke 22:19]
Many Christians believe that God loves you when He showers you with riches or with no problems in life. One wonders why so many wealthy people give in to suicide, despair. In truth, God loves you when He allows you to share with Him in His life, His pain. “Come follow Me; “I say to you: but unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish.”
[Luke 13:3]
Let us never forget; there is a MAN on that Cross.

Share your World

It’s My Life

Sharing my World, why not that’s what blogging is all about. The questions with my honest answers are below for interested readers.



What is one topic you love to talk about?

If you know me, its my Faith! Why because nothing else matters except the salvation of my soul.

I love to talk about my Faith because it is the only aspect or view perfectly logical. It is not complicated; Jesus proved He is God by rising from the dead, and even the Jewish people never denied that! He was foretold in the Old Testament, which happened as He said it would.
He founded ONE religion and foretold near the end of the world, it would adapt to the world, and so it has. The so-called Catholic religion the Vatican (since 60’s the Vatican) today breaks Divine Law. Adapting to the world although sounds like “brotherly love,” yet in the eyes of God, “I AM THE LORD, no others gods before me.”Divine Law,” by saying all religions are good. The Bible refers to it as the harlot, you know what that is… …casual encounters.


Ask the wonder question . ‘But so, suppose there was a magical wizard standing right in front of you and you could turn your life into anything you wanted, what would you do? ‘  For example: What, who, where, why? ‘  (Short explanation:  Suspend disbelief and suppose for a moment that you COULD turn your life into anything you wanted it to be.  Answer any or all of those “W” codicils as you wish)

The wonder answer is as follows:

I had my time in my life in which I was searching, being led into the modernism of the Church, I found myself doubting, does God really exist.
At that time, I was fearful for my immortal soul and started to pray to know the truth. Finding the Traditional Faith is another miraculous story of its own for me. Therefore the answer to the WONDER QUESTION is, “been there, done that.” Searching, no thanks, I found it, and I understand it, plus I now live with peace of soul. “Seek and You shall find, Ask and it will be given to you.”


(This one has been asked before in various ways)
Could you adjust to life without any internet?
This means the net has theoretically failed and there’s no cyber connection any longer.  Things have gone back to the old ways of land-line telephones (because cells don’t work without the ‘Net) and hand written letters.  Paper newspapers and magazines.  Hard bound books.  Having to actually do finances with ledgers, paper and pen or pencil.  There are a myriad of things the internet brings with it that I think we’ve all gotten so used to that we now take them for granted.   The Millennials and generations after them don’t know the ‘old ways’ at all really in my opinion.

I don’t think it would be difficult if everyone, the entire world was without the internet, because then we would not be missing anything. If I was the only person without the internet, yes I would wonder daily what I was missing!


What do you think is unique about the human ‘animal’ (homo sapien)?

As far as homo sapien, that species, the Church follows the Bible; we all came from Adam and Eve, the first human’s God created with an immortal soul. Created creatures who roamed the earth before Adam and Eve did not possess an immortal soul; their soul died with them.
It is not complicated as science wants to believe, pray to know, and love the truth; there is only ONE truth founded by God.

Whatsoever IS

Whatsoever is Lovely

I love to see new bloggers coming out with their idea of a new challenge; who doesn’t love a challenge. This one and who could resist with a name like
“Whatsoever is Lovely!”

The world might be falling apart but for me, (Living) I must be crazy because everything is always lovely! Although it is cold outside and quite icy on my street, I remember walking through the grounds of my Church property known as Mount St. Michael in Spokane Wa. where we celebrate only the Traditional Catholic Church before — the dreaded epoch of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 occurred. “Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there comes a revolt first,” (Vatican II).

These are some of the pictures you would see walking there on the park-like grounds on a beautiful Spring day.

Whatsoever is lovely!♫

Looking forward to doing this walk again, if God allows me to live to see another Spring Day; next time I will post some images of our rosary walkway that overlooks the city of Spokane.


The Wonders of Thee!

My inspiration from the image presented below by one of my favorite bloggers at #Keepitalive

Look and see the wonders of Thee!
Your creations, a celestial star we call the Sun
Our gift — to give us what we need!
Your feathered friends graced with wings.
Sing and dance, surrounded by a painted sky
Oh, and so high! A child sees!
A child as to us created in your image —
To live forever with Thee!


true story

My Christmas Tree for all to SEE!

My Christmas tree is up! All decorated with handmade ornaments by myself and rosaries I have collected over the many years of my life. Broken chains, missing beads, and most of all, the Crosses were lost, AND it took me three days to repair the rosaries, so many; several were left to me when my mother passed away, several I found at garage sales, and most were mine all worn out. Yet they are all fixed TODAY and happily hanging on my Christmas tree, waiting as I am waiting for the celebration of the birth of our Redeemer.

God is so good; it is His birthday, yet we get the gifts; the greatest gift is knowing Him who became a man like us—living not in luxury but poverty to teach us what is essential in this life and what is not.  

I love Christmas; that was the day I met my husband when I was 17 years old.

Before I met him, when I was a young girl, I would ask God to give me a special Christmas gift as the day came closer, not knowing He would, the following Christmas 1997.  

What makes Christmas GRAND is that we all recognize it: atheists, non-Christians, children, and the elderly. That is the POWER OF GOD!

The word Christmas originally meant Christ’s Mass. I remembered back in 2015, a war against the word “Christmas.” Even the stores were trying to change it to Happy Holiday, but they lost. It is what it is, CHRISTMAS!  They CAN NOT; WILL NOT ever remove God!  

Only 6Sentence

Impossible — NOT!

Today I begin again, looking at the challenges, stopping at the Six Sentence prompt encourging to write about the word GUIDE. When I see that word, I immediately think of the HOLY TRINITY!


It is impossible to explain the Trinity in six sentences, nor with all the words in the dictionary because it can't be explained; it is FAITH!

Only ONE GOD, but Three Person, entirely in agreement, but each has a purpose.  God the Father is the Creator, God the Son, the Redeemer, and the Holy Ghost is our GUIDE.

If you ask, the Holy Ghost He will definitely guide you to the Truth, not because I say so, but because God says so, "Ask and you shall receive."

Thinking about the mystery of the Trinity, speaking for myself, boggles my mind; however, the idea of not being able to rationalize this mystery keeps me humble; God loves the lowly and hates the proud. 

I love a good mystery, and the mystery of the Trinity is worth thinking about because in heaven, we won't need FAITH; we will know!

Weekend Writing Prompt

Is There a Fork in Your Road?

Decisions, decisions if you truly can’t decide, why not stop and pray to the only One True God. Try it, you might be surprised.

Who is the One True God? Who showed us how to carry our cross, who lived a life of humility. Who but God could rise from the dead, and no one, not even the Jews in His day denied it. Humility; fighting for Truth.

Inspired by https://weeklyprompts.com/2021/11/27/weekly-prompts-weekend-challenge-fork-in-the-road/

RFK Jr. Sends Out Urgent Message on the New World Order: “This Is Armageddon. This Is the Final Battle. We Need To Win” (VIDEO)

Ah! Another Challenge

ETERNAL AS IN A Prompt word, or try this one, how do you see yourself. Mirror, mirror on the wall!

Today we live in an age of offended, everyone seems to be. Well offended or not this is my belief and I’ll post what I believe not what others want me to say.

Eternal means no beginning, only God. The Trinity had no beginning but always was; All other false artificial gods had a start if only in the mind of a demon or human person,( one of God’s creatures.) God created us with an immortal soul and, therefore, WE are eternal in a sense; since we will have no end. We will live with God or without Him. Depending on our soul when we take our last breath, it is fixed at that time, no more free will after death. Yet, we live, but where?

A movie out these days warned against. Perhaps because today things are very twisted and eternal might mean demonic.

Now for how do I see myself. At my age these days, it is interesting, my life is behind me, where most reading here, your life is ahead of you and so it should be.

I don’t worry about how I see myself anymore since I am reasonably happy in my day, with little regrets. I advise, don’t take it with you! If you have regret, you should work on correcting it now!

Today at least, for myself, no regrets through lots of begging the man upstairs, tears of sorrow, and resignation to His will. It works; try it!

Right now, I am begging for humility since I know for a fact that He, hates pride.

Having a blog on WordPress can be at times humiliating. Especially when one sets their mind to post-truth instead of fiction. Post what you believe.

true story

About Me!

Okay, however, for me, it was in 1982 that I woke up. Looking back, that was a long time ago through the mind of the “looker” (me). The story was at that time I was hung up on one particular Bible verse, trying to figure out what it meant, at the same time reading Catholic prophecy.

Now…setting the stage for the reader, I was constantly searching (but for what?); one day, I found my rosary all tangled in a box of trinkets. What! I thought I should be praying this as I was taught in school. Yet, today (1982), the rosary is not part of the “team” anymore. Still, I thought I would begin again, and I did. I began to pray the rosary.

As I am typing, I realize I am getting off track from Fandango’s question, the question that inspired my thinking, he asked —> “How much have you and your priorities changed over the past twenty years?
I think what I will do is finish my story in a future post but to answer Fandango’s question, I will say one day in 1982, something happened to me like lightning, and I realized the Bible verse was all about the Catholic church adapting to the world. Adapting to the world, it changed, and today it is no longer the same religion I was taught back in the 40’s 50’s.

This knowledge that strangely showed to me was a shock and made me, through God’s grace,so STRONG in my Faith, the Faith that will never, ever change. Every day now since I recovered from Covid last month, I feel my faith has grown deeper with an understanding beyond words. Don’t be surprised if my future post reflect this change.