Reena’s Xploration

Past, Present and Future

Reena’s Xploration Challenge #241

A single-line prompt for this week – The only ghost that scares is a past version of you. OR SHOULD I SAY Me!

Write whatever pops up in mind.

What pops into my mind is not you but me!

When I look into my magic mirror into the past, I see myself being deceived.
"Me!  Deceived?  me What PRIDE! 

The devel can certainly deceive, IT is clever that way.  But, I was so happy, carefree, young, and healthy that everything was going my way!  So I thought! 
No, I do not want to visit that ghost, myself!

My problem was allowing myself to put my will above the will of God.  AND It was all my fault;  (I knew better). 

Yet,  I blamed it on the changes within the Catholic Church, how it became more and more adapted to the world, and I went along with it.  It became and IS no more than a religion founded by man, not God.  The Faith that I learned no longer existed.  Same buildings but different theology after 1969.  

One day, however, while clearing unnecessary things out of the house, I came across a shoe box filled with trinkets and "stuff," there, I found my rosary and scapular all tangled up at the bottom of the box.  I still remember untangling them and thinking, I am supposed to be wearing my scapular and praying my rosary.   Suddenly things didn't look so "everything was going my way."  I knew that I was no longer living the will of God but my own choice.  I was on the path of perdition. 

Some Christians even today believe that they are automatically "saved."  The Waterdown new catholic church taught it, and I thought I was happy believing it!  No need anymore to be sorry or confess your sins to a priest; they are automatically forgiven.  So said the new religion, and so says the evil one, believe, and you are saved.   

This all happened to me as I held my scapular and rosary in my hand.

I began that day to pray!  After I began on the right path in time, my unbelieving husband found a Traditional Catholic church for me.  As God promised, even the Gates of Hell will never prevail against it, just smaller now.  

Oh, my husband after, many years later, he passed away, also became a Traditional Catholic;  a Traditional priest by his side, giving him the sacraments of the Church.  Who said God does not hear us or reward us! 

Visit that ghost, NEVER !

Word of the Day Challenge

He is Our Way!


If you believe in coincidences believe this one! Recently the other day I was trying to explain to another person that Catholics DO NOT worship Mary, here is proof right in the Bible. Even the Protestants have it written there.

Luke 1; 46 Mary speaks, “And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord.”

In other words the more you honor her, she magnifes your love for her Son. Your love for her increases love for her Son.

Impossible to love Mary more than her Son, because as the Bible states she always increases your love for her Son, always. As you love her, your love for Jesus grows, which is why Catholics love to meditate on the suffering of Jesus, He redeemed us and He is OUR WAY!

It all started with a Hail Mary!

Fandango introduces Time Travel

Looking back in time on WordPress, Fandango gives an opportunity to do just that!

Wouldn’t you like to expose your newer readers to some of your earlier posts that they might never have seen? Or remind your long term followers of posts that they might not remember? Each Friday I will publish a post I wrote on this exact date in a previous year. ~Fandango

Below was/is my post from January 28, 2018, I was just beginning on WordPress about that time.

Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge

A Time to pray, a time to play, a Get Away!

Can color change? Color is beautiful as Life is beautiful and valuable to all!

Images below reflect the best way to GET AWAY!

Getting away through Lens-Artists. Advice from an elderly, an old woman, me!

We can’t stop the world and jump off!
Even if we could, where would we land
Our place is here; it’s not quicksand!
Life is beautiful; happiness is at hand.
Seek your peace of soul, a gift given!
Relax and pray the only get away!

Find a time to pray
Time to relax and play
Meditation a good source to get away
Stop, listen someone is calling!

Always remember the color of your world changes!

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Just a simple poem!

What I love about WordPress is fun prompts for inspiration.

Loving Tradition as I do, I chose a Tanka  Haiku Senryu syllable count of 5-7-5; three lines.  The prompt word is MAP/MAPS, short and simple my creation below:  MAPS


GPS is in
Latitude and Longitude
Maps today are out



Sunday Whirl — Tradition— My Read

Today looking at the words of the day, including Fandango’s word “Gap,” also Wordle at the Sunday Whirl prompts. The words just fell into place; advice, not from me, input from that unwritten law known as TRADITION.
In today world of New Age Magic, it takes courage to talk about the existence of an immortal soul. The struggle exists between the world, flesh, and the devil! We hear the stories; yes, life can be quite messy without Him, who died for us. Close that gap today, develop a sacred mantra, a prayer, we are all vulnerable, swallow your pride and lean toward the Almighty, the only way.

Wordle words underlined above.


dVerse, poetry, true story

Tradition + Haibun Poetry just for YOU!

My Haibun for dVerse

Once Upon Tradition, we discovered that Truth and Humility are very similar in the fact that humility, among other definitions, is acceptance of Truth. Without humility, we cannot win heaven. Because If humility is missing, PRIDE is present.
Just think, it is very straightforward! God can only create goodness, and the angels when created were untainted. However tradition explains, God who knows all things, foretold to His angels that He would also create a nature with a lower essence than His angels. God continued to educate the angels of His plan, but many of them objected to giving one particular woman her proper place. “I will not serve.” The idea that a mere woman would be so privileged, blessed and recognized as to carry God within her human body.

Luke chapter 1; verse 48 “All generations shall call me BLESSED.”

At that moment in time Pride was born into existence, many angels fell.
Pride originated; deception appeared. The fallen then showing Adam and Eve how pleasant Pride looks, Eve accepted the bait while exercising free will thus; giving a new twist on that phrase, “The right to choose.”

Freewill — right to choose
angels, devils, good, evil
humility, pride




A Horror Story


Make no mistake about it, when God created THE EVERYTHING, the world was perfect; Adam and Eve were immaculate. Before the first sin, it was as close to heaven on earth as we can imagine.

Then one day as we have learned, one crime against God resulted in destruction. Everything God created suffered from that one sin. Only ONE! That thought alone should make us realize the horror of offending God. Remember too, that pride comes before the fall, as it happened to the fallen angels. Let’s continue with the story.

How the fallen angels must have rejoiced seeing that one sin of Adam and Eve. It reminded them of their evil deed. “hee hee,” they laughed and rejoiced. Laughed because as the saying “Misery loves company” is proven for the first time.

Let’s step back now before the fall of the angels and ask why did they fall? Could it be the All-Knowing God reveals to the angel’s certain truths beforehand?
Perhaps He did! Consider that God allowed the angels to know His plan for creation, one point, that angels would be higher than humans in the hierarchy.

“Good,” they thought!

Here comes that pride before the fall of the angels.

“Of course we are greater than those humans, look at our intelligence and beauty.”

They may have spoken words like this to each other if we dare to imagine.

“These insignificant humans who are so lowly, and You Master are willing to take on flesh, and from a woman yet, to become one of them.”

And with that, the great battle of which they fell, down, down they fell.

“A woman shall crush thy head.” (Genesis 3;15)

God the Father has willed to be appeased by the blood of His only begotten Son because of this one sin of Adam and Eve. To repair our legacy, remove original sin, and help our now fallen nature.
But, why? Why would God Almighty take on flesh, suffer so much and lower Himself to become like one of His creatures? Have you ever really examined your thoughts as to why?

Jesus is our Saviour, but what does He need to save us from?

He desires to save us from an eternity of HATE! An absence of God forever, no turning back. Hell must be very sorrowful a place, and God must love us very much to endure such excruciating pains, which by the very word excruciating comes from another word meaning Crucifixion.





Christian Belief


Mystics of the Church founded by Jesus.

Sister Consolata Betrone was born in Saluzzo, Italy on April 6, 1903, and was named Pierina Betrone.
Here as seen below is a little leaflet in my possession, with permission to reprint.
RE: – Words spoke by Jesus to Sister M, Consolata a Capuchin Nun.
“Think, One act of love can determine eternal happiness for a soul. Therefore, be careful never to omit one ‘JESUS, MARY I love you, save souls: Lose no time every act of love is a soul.”

Words of Our Lady: “Only in paradise will you realize the value and the fruitfulness of saving souls. The act of love is especially meritorious as one of reparation.”

“One JESUS, MARY, I LOVE YOU, SAVE SOULS atones for thousands of blasphemies.”

Put together all virtuous acts of today that you can perform, and put them beside a day uninterrupted in acts of love, and I will take the love-filled day in preference to anything else you have done or offered Me. JESUS, MARY, I LOVE YOU, SAVE SOULS: Herewith you offer Me everything.”

“Remain true to this act of love, and renew it from hour to hour, and I will grant you everything, Consolata.”
“Consolata, I will lead you to all eights of love and suffering, but always repeat: JESUS, MARY, I LOVE YOU, SAVE SOULS: Nothing more.”
“I prefer one act of love to all other prayers. JESUS, MARY, I LOVE YOU, SAVE SOULS” includes all the souls in purgatory, as those in the militant Church, the guilty and the innocent, the dying, the godless, etc. Fear not: On the day you die, you will have reached the summit and finished your last act of love that Jesus wised from you, when He called you as a Victim of Love.”
Jesus wills to save the world, but the world must return to Jesus. There is only one way.

Turin, 10/1/1948 +M. Cardinal Fossati, Archbishop – Nihil Obstat: Dr. A. Cottier, Libr. censor – Imprimatur: L. Waeber Vic-Gen. Friburgi Helv., die 2 Sept. 1951

His Summons


No room the Inn Keeper cries!

Words of His people, people He came to Redeem. If they knew then, and if only we can realize NOW as we continue to voice, “NO ROOM.”

He continues to call us to Him; He summons us. Do you hear the sanctuary bell ringing?

He says one word, “COME.”

Sweet Jesus! What is there that Thou could have done for us which Thou hast not done?


That Void Within Us

The holy season of Christmas is upon us, but first, there is Advent.
Advent a time for preparation; think of it as parents preparing for their new baby, the Christ Child, our Child. The world slept and was unaware of His miraculous birth of the much waited Redeemer so long ago, but today we know! We realize who He Is and was born that first Christmas Day? Therefore we have more of an obligation to prepare this Advent. We read in the Gospel of Luke 12; 47-48 “And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself, and did not according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. [48] But he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more.”


Let’s begin! Let’s Stop, Look and Listen! Stop and look into our soul, do you feel that void? We all have that void something is missing! Now listen, hear that whisper. Listen it’s your guardian angel.

Stop again and think about the purpose of life a lesson today, forgotten. Knowing, Loving and Serving God is our purpose of our life and the key to once and all fill that empty void.

How to Know Him; just pick up and hold that crucifix into your hands, feel the suffering and you will begin to Know Him.
This precious Baby born to us, is now dying on the Cross and for what reason? Ask yourself, why did the Second person (the Word) who was perfectly happy with The First and Third Persons in heaven take Flesh, consent to being born in poverty, on that first Christmas that we are about to remember?

He didn’t have to suffer for us, He could have just willed the gates of heaven to open, and by His, Will could have saved us, but would we appreciate that! No! But, wait! Do we today understand His passion realizing there isn’t any cross that you have endued that He did not take up Himself. Think of this and you will Love Him.

Serve Him this Christmas, make a proper preparation for the newborn King, make Him the King of your family. Teach your children it is NOT all about the presents, but it is all about His PRESENCE.