Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Color in Poetry written in Free Verse

I took the challenge to write about color in poetry — a Free Verse Poem I read about here at LITERARY DEVICES. @ https://literarydevices.net/free-verse/

This challenge was inspired by Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry; click this for details.

Hoping this will live up to Colleen’s standards of Free Verse Poetry. It does have a syllable count of 9 per line.

This Big Round World; a coloring book
From the BLUE sky with hints of TURQUOISE,
Far-reaching down to secure BROWN earth!
Seasonal Summer with RED hot sun,
Fall with shades of ORANGE tinted leaves,
Winters are cold, and colored snow WHITE
At last, the time to welcome Spring GREEN!
When the long dark nights are BLACK; it seems
The sun sleeping in-between the GRAY
Soft silvery PINK and PURPLE clouds!
This Big Round World; a coloring book!

May the month of color see here for a fun prompt