Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Themed Poetry Prompt or is it an ILLUSION?

Tanka Tuesday Today Oct.27.2020

Colleen has asked her experts to put a poetry writing spell on poets! This is the 200th Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge! Happy Poetry Writing!

Clear illusion; Pride!
We fall, we rise, we restart!
Lack of prayer — LOST!
Humility a gift — FOUND!
Our journey our time; our goal!

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Reflections to Enjoy

THE Photo Prompt

Tanka poetry inspired by a tranquil image of Trent P. McDonald as seen above.
Colleen suggests Synonyms for two words; move and make. I chose to use “create” for make and “drift” for move.

Magnetic water
Draws life from above —peaceful!
Create reflections
Holding captive souls as it
Obeys — drifting straits foretold.

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Poem about a Poem

Hint & Bold

Today and yesterday too! One of those days with little inspiration to write, but determined as I was; I wrote a Tanka poem about Tanka Poetry. The synonyms are in caps for the words “Hint & Bold.”

Tanka poetry
Syllabic number to count!
Receive your first CLUE —
Refined, VIVID as can be
Desired Tanka poetry!

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Just a simple poem!

What I love about WordPress is fun prompts for inspiration.

Loving Tradition as I do, I chose a Tanka  Haiku Senryu syllable count of 5-7-5; three lines.  The prompt word is MAP/MAPS, short and simple my creation below:  MAPS


GPS is in
Latitude and Longitude
Maps today are out


Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Shoutout to Spring—Today First Day

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Spring and Sing” look for the synonym underlined.
To join our fun, please click here and jump right in.


Little bits of life
Surge forward awaken from
That cold Winter sleep
Wipe the twinkle from your realm
All shoutout the beauty wrought


My art not copyrighted free to use

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Start your New Year with a Tanka Poem




My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words .”Begin and

Opening my eyes
A question appears; new birth?
Am I still dreaming
Lively, bright Vivid such cheer
I forgot its a New Year!



Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Beauty in the Rough

Ragtag Daily Prompt — The word today is “Inspire” along with my contribution to Tanka poetry.

Rugged, tough, lumpy
Inspired via the knobby
beauty found offbeat
hidden right before your eyes
behold before you stumble!


KnarlyMy photo image of the said tree nearby a school

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Poetic Prayer

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Congregate and Passion” Numerous synonyms will be underlined.  To join the fun click HERE.

Gather together
poetic prayer with zeal
on fireSwarm like bees
desire honey — God’s Will be
on earth as is in heaven!

dVerse, poetry

My Confession in Haibun Poetry

dVerse is asking for a poem about one or all of the 7 Vices or Virtues and how our life has been affected. Do we see a complementary function between vice and virtue? Is there one, in particular, that has played a crucial role in your giving into temptation? Or one that has provided a valuable lesson?

My Confession of Time

Confession begins while pleading guilty of all, Pride, always the root. Yes, with each passing day the realization of “looking back” has already started, it is Pride, greatest enemy of my life! I demand, could this be the reason why I have been asking for humility lately? You see today I am older than yesterday, and growing old is a gift. TIME!
Understanding the use of this gift is to arrive at my eternity. To correct a sinful life, while that “stranger” the conscience is always nagging, “pray” it warns, for spiritual wisdom to know my sins and be sorry for them … why do I wonder?

Recognizing time —
a reality of Life.
Vice, Virtue our choice.
Eternity always there
on the mind ever-present.

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Free Wealth

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Bewitch and Treasure“. My choice was “Captivate & Draw for the word Bewitch and Fortune, Love & Wealth for the word Treasure.” This is a Tanka a poem about “The Gift of Faith.”  Written for today’s challenge, July 10.

God’s most precious gift
Will captivate and draw us
Free fortune of love —
Acquiring this wealth of faith 
Priceless riches supervene!

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

“When a child I thought as a child”

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Magic and Green” my choice was “Hocuspocus & Enchantment for Magic/ Unseasoned for Green.” 



Hocuspocus chant
delight for the unseasoned.
Enchantment received —
the child now ripened with age
profits through prayer instead!

Just Because, poetry

Why I love TODAY!

Thank you, God, for this glorious morning in June, I woke up today to another day, with so much to thank you for.  Feeling so happy I sat down and wrote a poem to express my feelings just now about Mondays.

Drowsy on Mondays
Yeah — I survived the weekend
Seven days ahead
Scheming reciting with joy
I’ll do all that tomorrow



poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Tanka Tuesday — St.Joseph Worker

The Church remembers Good Saint Joseph, today May 1st with this Tanka poem.

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Sing and “Celebrate” my choices (plural) are chant, harmonize, honor, rejoice.  So many synonyms to choose from, thank you, Colleen.


May 1st honor to
Our St. Joseph — the worker
called foster-father
rejoice harmonize with chant
today we remember him




My painting of St. Joseph

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Imagination Tanka Poetry Challenge

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “enchant and shape” my choice was “mesmerized and silhouette” –

silhouette upon the wall
moonlight shining through
hurry now begin to pray
Oh! just my mind mesmerized


Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

#Tanka Poetry – Empty Pews

My post here is an acceptance to Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry, her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Joy” and “Fury” my choice was “Elation” and “Passion” –

#TANKA POETRY – my photograph, choir loft inside my Church.


My post of yesterday Titled: “A World Without HIS Cross – WHAT IF?” I felt inspired to compose a Tanka Poem to be included in my post of yesterday – HERE  for those interested in reading, my use of the same synonyms of “Joy” and “Fury.”  Synonyms there are italicized.