Daily Word Prompt

What! Why Me!

The Daily Word Prompt

My short story hopefully has a beginning, middle and ending!


One fine day, set on minding my own business, I set out for a long walk in the park. A little dog ran up to me, jumping, growling showing his teeth but did not bark. The incident startled me and took me to bounce back, but then the pup started to cower at my feet. I petted him to give him confidence hoping he would perceive my natural love of animals. Strange as it sounds, the doggy dropped from its mouth what appeared to be a wallet packed with money. I saw an angry woman with a baleful voice running toward me, yelling, “thief, thief.” 

Where is Perry Mason when I need him? I thought.

Only 6Sentence

Very Short six sentence story

The prompt word is “SHELTER”

Just a simple story, I notice lately I enjoy writing poems, short stories, and photo prompts here is one short story for Girlie on the edge.

Waking and thinking about my day off, what should I do today? First, I need that cup of coffee! As she walked around the room, getting her thoughts together, waiting for that cup of coffee, she wondered if the world was still out there, turning on the news to a strange noise; din din din din din din … & words flashing across the screen. 

B R E A K I N G N E W S….  A Voice … Everyone Shelter in Place.  

What Now, she screamed as details from the news rung out, “a new variant just discovered.”  

She went back to bed!


A Wish to come true! #WDYS

Solid and sturdy steps lead up/down through giant pillars gracefully holding up the golden arches year after year. If they could speak but one word, it would be “everlasting.”
Imagine the stories these columns would tell! Day after day, people pass under the grand vaults, some happy and free, others not so much!
I wonder if I will ever walk into the picture and pass under the golden arches; if so, I will make a wish. Until that time, I will consider what that wish might be.

Image credit; Vrolans
#writephoto, Only 6Sentence

Shopping Day through the eyes of “Our Family!”

Presenting the #Writephoto prompt is truly an inspiration for a short story about our family! It doesn’t end there however, have you all met GirlieOnTheEdge with the most exciting prompts such as todays BLANKET is the word for today! I hope you enjoy short stories GirlieOnTheEdge prefers only 6 sentences.

Shopping Trolley in an empty supermarket

Busy as usual, “Our Family’s” life begins and always ends in some eventual surprise, between who, what, and where, plus today is a shopping day! The Family that shops together stays together, so they claim.
“Peggy Sue, don’t forget the snack list for school lunches!”
“Hurry,” the prices are going up as we speak, and oh, mom, does he have to drag his security blanket again all through the store, like last week.
“Come on, get in the car.”
“Where is he … let’s go, Brandon.”

To continue the six sentence story click HERE

FSS, Supernatural Reality

I Confess

Another believe it or not story!

I heard the music as I entered the room, but all that was in my imagination since the room was empty and very still. I knew it was only an illusion because it happens now and then.   

Whenever my mind turns to the wonder of God, the evil one works a trick on my sense of hearing mainly, hearing. I have reached the age to reason that this distraction happens whenever I pray or meditate on His Will.  

The evil one leaves you alone when he has you where he wants you. Please don’t believe me, try it! Begin to pray sincerely, ask God to help you save your soul, and the diversion begins.  

The above story was inspired by Fantango’s Story Starter, he starts off by offering a phrase to inspire a story, today the phrase is underlined above.

What comes to your mind when you think on the phrase, join us and share your story by clicking here for details. Click

Only 6Sentence

Better Late than Never!

Okay, I’ll try this Six Sentence Story challenge; a little late prompt, was initiated from Sunday October third — FOUNTAIN

The way I understand the rules, the following Wed. this story will continue! OH WoW THAT’S TODay!


Take the word “fountain.” The fountain has a lot of different meanings for different people; most definitions remind me of water (but not all) . When we are born, hopefully, our parents take us to the Fountain of Baptism which makes us a child of God.

Consider the “Fountain of youth with stories as we grow older, although fictional in nature, searching for YOUTH. You know finding the fountain, drinking the water, etc., depending on how much we drink, we go back to our youth; the journey backward is an adventure in itself.

In truth far better to search for that TRUE FOUNTAIN that takes you forward to your goal in life, onward we go!

Onward we go!

Carrot Ranch

Short Story to Rouse your Imagination

Across the Water

Arriving finally at the shore of a large lake, the children were excited. “We can see all the way across the water,” they said!
“Look, see that home. It looks so tall and scary.”

“There is a footpath, and we can walk all around the lake to the other side; what an adventure. We will pack a lunch and go tomorrow.”

They followed the path the next day; within a few hours, they were in front of that large home, now looking across the water to where they came.

“Look! Across the water, there is that scary house again!”


I See a Story — What do you see?

Keep it Alive!

Lately, I have been spreading my wings and trying to write short stories.
So I begin with this beautiful photo ABOVE.

One day an angel from heaven overheard a mother and her tiny child speaking as they walked through the forest.
"Do you see those beautiful rays flowing down from heaven upon God's earth?  Those are graces He gives us always, but sometimes like now, when the sun is waking up and peeking through the clouds and trees, we can see those graces.  Yes, they flow down, but I feel like they can be thought of as a ladder-like daddy has to climb up.  Up, up if only we could, like the birds we would see so far overall these treetops."
The little angel was so happy to listen; the angel flew back to tell God how much they appreciated Him and His gift of grace. 
God said, "If only the entire world could be so wise.  Peace would be the reward."  
Eugi's Weekly

Me — Myself — and I

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Bouquet – Sept. 16, 2021


A Short Story to entertain! Titled: Me – Myself – and I

A party for me, myself and I, with beautiful decorations, are planned. Beautiful Bouquets will be placed here and there, along with ribbons and bows.

I love presents, and I hope I get lots and lots of gifts. Flowers too!
I am so excited! After all, it is my special day!

I need a new dress, and I hope I have a good hair day! I think I will put a bouquet of pins in my hair. I have such lovely hair, I want to show it off.

Finally, the day arrived, and everyone was coming! Everyone that I invited, that is.
I, I, and I nothing else seems important than what I want.

The sound of the doorbell ringing was music to my ears, each time, it meant a new gift for me.
The presents were all neatly stacked around the decorative bouquets, but one of them was rather strange because it was round in shape. Oh well! I wondered! Round is good. It has no end!
Upon opening the gifts and tossing them from right to left, she grabbed that box very brightly wrapped with a circular form.
What kind of gift is this, a box without a bottom? Putting her hand into the package, it seemed to go down as far as she could reach; she stretched her arm but felt nothing. Raising her hand as she reached for the card; the card, she neglected to read, it said: Stop reaching DOWN to SELF, reach UP to find your BOUQUET from God.


Adam and Eve — Not quite!

A Short story you may have heard a similar version in the past!

Fantango gives us a tease of words to use, this week I placed it into my FSS below in bold letters.

My story begins –


Excitedly Arron and Evie were anxious to explore their new property, remembering the warning words of their father. "Whatever, don't go near the well; the brick masons are coming tomorrow to fix those loose bricks surrounding Gracie our well.  Gracie blesses us with saving water, but as you can see, it is easy to fall into the well until those bricks are set."
Hmmm!  Evie thought!  She was daring alright and got a little too close while Arron tried to pull her away!  The worse did happen!  They both tripped and fell into the deep well.  Down, down with the speed of lightning!

It seemed like hands were reaching out to them as they moved faster but never hitting bottom; they zoomed down lower and lower.  Then suddenly, they felt on their backside something firm as if they were now riding not down but up!  Higher and higher was their awareness. 
Shooting up and right out of a rabbit hole.  The children knew it was a rabbit's hole because of all the rabbit skins hanging all around them. 
Arron said, "I heard of falling through the rabbit hole but never rising up and out from one." He laughed!

"Brrr! It's cold here wherever we are. I am freezing." Said, Evie
"Here, let's wrap up in one of these rabbit skins," said Arron, and so they did clothe themselves.  
"What happened to us?"
"We fell from Grace!" Said Arron, "I don't think you sufficiently appreciated Our Father's warning."
Carrot Ranch

Short Story only 99-words

The 99-word story above was inspired by a picture prompt; click here to see the image that inspired my story.  

"Hum ho hum another day!"  Waking one Sunday, Rosabella Smith was getting up to attend Church.  She looked into the mirror and thought, Rosabella Smith, you are getting old, but you do look good today. 
Inspecting her collection of clothes, she dressed thinking, that was easy, no pain today, Rosabella?  Those new vitamin supplements I took must be working.

As Rosabella sat down, a priest began the announcements ... with sorrow  "I am sad to inform that one of our long-timers, Miss Rosabella Smith died peacefully last night during her sleep. Cemetery arrangements are to be announced later today. 
Carrot Ranch

Ode to the Sandman

Carrot Ranch always has an interesting prompt and I almost missed this one. Details In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story using the phrase, “stars in the sand.” Your story can be any genre (or poem) and can use realism or fantasy. It’s a dreamy prompt. Go where the it leads!

99 Word STORY begins on


One day in the home of a happy family, the tiny little boy asked his mommy!  "Where was I before I was born?"

"Oh dear, you were the twinkle in daddy's eye."

"Like stars?"

"Yes!  Like stars."

"Wow!" He kept saying as he excitedly ran to tell all his friends.
After a few days had gone by, he woke up rubbing his eyes on one fine sunny morning and noticed some sleepy particles on his fingers.

"Mommy, mommy, look and see the sandman came last night to visit me.
"I do hope he put some stars in the sand."

FSS, Politics, Word of the Day Challenge

Global Research has no clue

Fantango FSS short story sentence is: He could feel the beads of perspiration forming on his forehead as he slowly…

My short story, when I read my email today, this suggested line from Fantango seemed to fit right into my personal feelings, I too wonder WHY?

Story begins on just another day in the world we live in today! To set the frame of mind I wonder why is it of all people, the liberals were always the ones who seemed self-willed, Liberal can be traced back to the Latin word liber (meaning “free”) (no one was going to tell them what to do, nor does anyone have the right to tell others how to live.)

This particular freethinker one afternoon while reading his favorites source of research, He could feel the beads of perspiration forming on his forehead as he slowly… continued to read the fearful headlines, “The Vaccinated Are Getting Sick at High Rates as Scientists Are Clueless As to Why”. For the first time in his life, he began to pray! He began to feel better after her prayed, surely God will show mercy on his loved ones, of which he was mostly concerned with.

He was correct with his thinking, God will hear and answer his prayers. Perhaps this research is merely a coincidence, he hoped as he put the Global Research aside. It was just his Kakorrhaphiophobia getting the best of him, he thought!

documentation here —> https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-mainstream-media-outlet-admits-vaccinated-getting-sick-high-rates-scientists-clueless-why/5753770

Eugi's Weekly, Word Prompts

A very scary short story — right here!

Oh my! I have been reading here on WordPress who have confessed their blogs have evolved; let me add mine to the list.
First, being introduced to prompts/challenges, and then poetry; now, I am having great fun writing short stories.

Shadows caught my imagination

Adding to the eerieness, the electricity ceased, while shadows caught my imagination off guard; being home alone at this time was quite unnerving!

Howling like a wounded Coyote, I heard the wind plunge against the house; the trees LEANed against the fence.

I jumped! I knew to keep calm is easier said than done.


Like a shot, the rain stopped. A few moments later, the front door opened, a voice said, “anything new.”


I replied, “just another boring day, mom.”

Only 6Sentence

A Six Sentence Story

WordPress is the place to be these days of uncertainly, not only do you have an opportunity to voice your solutions/opinions to what is going on in the world, but you can accept all different challenges from other creative bloggers like this one —> Welcome to GirlieOnTheEdge and another edition of Six Sentence Stories!

The prompt word on this challenge is EXPLORE!


Not so long ago, during an era when family gatherings were not frowned upon, it so happened a happy celebration was in progress.

The story begins with a playful grandma wanting to explore her young grandson’s mind with conversation during a joyful party while enjoying sitting together near the table settings with fun things to munch on, lots of yummy fruits, and tasty treats.

Suddenly the nearby phone rings … r i n g -r i n g!

Grandma’s foolery outshined her as she grabbed the banana off the table, put it up to her ear, and said, “hello!”

“Hello, who is this speaking please?”

The confused grandson looked up at her with the most serious look on his face, whispered, “grandma, that is A banana!”


The Home Desired — inspired by…

Fandango, to join us one can read the rules by clicking here.

The Home Desired in Zentangle Art form by Myrna

One fine day, the newly married couple was caring for their precocious niece. They noticed a home they admired had an open house; the three of them began to walk over to the home to see what they might see. The woman especially was very emotional when walking into the home; as soon as she stepped into the room, she realized that this was her home to be.

The young niece, on the other hand, gazing at the advertisement flyer, remarked, “not so fast, auntie, look here what it says in big letters; FOR SALE, HOUSE! … WON’T LAST LONG!”


A Story Starter inspired by Fandango

To join go here —> click

My story: A story I heard as a child modified a bit with my own version.

Once a pet magpie living in a home where children prayed often! This particular magpie learned to talk, and there was only one way to keep her quiet: to speak or sing to the talkative bird.

One typical short pray echoed throughout the house, “Mary, Mother of God, protect me.” So often, even the magpie’s voice repeated, “Mary, Mother of God, protect me.”

One day the magpie flew out the opened window; he flew, higher and higher. Suddenly a large feathered, hungry hawk was hovering over the magpie. “EEEeeeek, Mary, Mother of God, protect me,” shouted the magpie.

Like a shot, the hawk made an about-face and started to fall; before hitting the ground, it regained its ability and flew away. The magpie saw its home below, passed again through the window with a great sigh of relief.

The moral of the story is, Our Lady, when called on, will even protect a bird.


EXPOSED in the most glorious way! #FOWC

A short story exposing those who favor — unveiling the truth of it all. Take the word EXPOSE UNCOVER WHAT IS COVERED! The story begins politics as usual in our daily life:


Much to the chagrin, he heard the Principal whispered, “but could he talk?”

Yet the shy student was please with his high academic score, knowing he was on his way to give the valedictory address, but could he talk?

Surprise and wonder seen on the faces of faculty; could he talk? They questioned each other. The time has come again when the teaching staff could not cherry-pick their favored student; our student rose from merits he earned, not from a “pet” family who relished the team with benefices by word or deed.

Finally, the evening came; teachers are pacing nervously as the audience awaits the shy student to appear from behind the curtain.

He steps up with confidence, never before noticed by his teachers.
Soon they applaud! “Bravo, bravo!”
“Best graduation speech ever!” they echoed!
The teachers are aghast!

Mini Fiction

Till Death do we part

OKAY! I’ll try this Mini Fiction Challenge

The Photo Prompt

Following my favorite friend along the watery trail, we stopped before entering what seemed like a place, a dimension. It was somewhere, everywhere! Best described as before time, or was it after! Right around the bend, oh! Should we or shouldn’t we continue. The flowers! Roses, in particular, without thorns. While walking along the fluid path these roses were all around, I noticed vivid colors without names, yes, colors that haven’t been named yet—every shade from light to dark and in-between. Changing shades gorgeously shadowed with dark tones continuously shifting to dim light. I knew without a doubt these heavenly roses never die; they simply fade away simultaneously while new flowers appear. It is really quite enchanting.
Looking ahead while feeling immensely obliged to pursue forward, I noticed a large podium with a large stern man waiting for me. About this time, my soul inner self felt light and free; infused with a piece of keen knowledge, suddenly without any forewarning, I fell asleep.

Photo Challenge, Politics

The Statue of Liberty Past and Present

A story, perhaps not fiction, I wonder! Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle. Na’ama Yehuda contributed this week’s photo seen below.

One day looking through a collection of postcards, I found the Statue of Liberty card, which brought childhood memories of happier years long past.  The security, that gift from France, meant so much!  A famous landmark was representing freedom.

As they continue to change history, the children in school today will no longer read truth or wonder!  Those in "power" have introduced living in fear instead.  Control; it's happening; we see unfair treatment by those in authority — tyranny instead of freedom promoting fear instead of security. 

However,  America is still the best place to be.  God bless the U.S.A.