Ah! Another Challenge, Share your World

Questions with Answers … thoughts

My SYW POST for Share Your World
The questions with answers

Why do we seem to respect the dead more than the living?
I believe it is because after a person has died, we see all that was good in them, whatever deeds in life negative, forgotten.
The goal for all; to save our immortal souls, there is a life beyond this life! We respect the dead because we have hope that they died in God’s grace and have achieved their goal.

Why is beauty associated with morality? Or not?
Having physical beauty is a grave temptation, and especially today, many are weak and fall for the superficial comments they hear from others. A beautiful woman attracts attention, and often it is attention from the wrong person. Mothers train your daughters to be humble, modest, and ladylike.

Have gadgets and apps taken away emotions?
I think the emotions wrought from gadgets are different; they are there but not as genuine as natural emotions.

Is there a perfect life? What’s your version of an ideal experience if you care to share? A perfect life is doing the Will of God for that is the only possibility that will bring you happiness and peace of mind. Many will say; what is the Will of God? Begin with knowing the Ten Commandments and pray daily for the grace of discernment. “Ask, and you shall receive.” Most importantly, when we experience the failures, disappointments we should unite them with the life of Christ, that always helps.
The perfect life is if we save our soul, there is only one tragedy in life, that is when we lose our soul. If you put popularity ahead of God’s Will you are heading in the wrong direction, most of the time the majority is on the wrong side. Human respect is an evil.

“Human respect is excessive regard for the opinions or esteem of other men. … Concern for the opinion of others may lead one to act against moral principles and thus to do evil in order to gain the esteem of others.”

I am grateful always when I look back at my life, (now aged 79) my digresses straying away from God, offending Him, my mortal sins, still He kept me from dying in my sins. I was led out of my Faith, into a conciliar form of religion. Ecumenical in nature, forgetting the First Commandment, everything I learned was put on the back burner.
I am grateful I finally found my home again, the Traditional Faith.

Thank you SYW for the opportunity to share!

Christian Belief


Mystics of the Church founded by Jesus.

Sister Consolata Betrone was born in Saluzzo, Italy on April 6, 1903, and was named Pierina Betrone.
Here as seen below is a little leaflet in my possession, with permission to reprint.
RE: – Words spoke by Jesus to Sister M, Consolata a Capuchin Nun.
“Think, One act of love can determine eternal happiness for a soul. Therefore, be careful never to omit one ‘JESUS, MARY I love you, save souls: Lose no time every act of love is a soul.”

Words of Our Lady: “Only in paradise will you realize the value and the fruitfulness of saving souls. The act of love is especially meritorious as one of reparation.”

“One JESUS, MARY, I LOVE YOU, SAVE SOULS atones for thousands of blasphemies.”

Put together all virtuous acts of today that you can perform, and put them beside a day uninterrupted in acts of love, and I will take the love-filled day in preference to anything else you have done or offered Me. JESUS, MARY, I LOVE YOU, SAVE SOULS: Herewith you offer Me everything.”

“Remain true to this act of love, and renew it from hour to hour, and I will grant you everything, Consolata.”
“Consolata, I will lead you to all eights of love and suffering, but always repeat: JESUS, MARY, I LOVE YOU, SAVE SOULS: Nothing more.”
“I prefer one act of love to all other prayers. JESUS, MARY, I LOVE YOU, SAVE SOULS” includes all the souls in purgatory, as those in the militant Church, the guilty and the innocent, the dying, the godless, etc. Fear not: On the day you die, you will have reached the summit and finished your last act of love that Jesus wised from you, when He called you as a Victim of Love.”
Jesus wills to save the world, but the world must return to Jesus. There is only one way.

Turin, 10/1/1948 +M. Cardinal Fossati, Archbishop – Nihil Obstat: Dr. A. Cottier, Libr. censor – Imprimatur: L. Waeber Vic-Gen. Friburgi Helv., die 2 Sept. 1951

His Summons


No room the Inn Keeper cries!

Words of His people, people He came to Redeem. If they knew then, and if only we can realize NOW as we continue to voice, “NO ROOM.”

He continues to call us to Him; He summons us. Do you hear the sanctuary bell ringing?

He says one word, “COME.”

Sweet Jesus! What is there that Thou could have done for us which Thou hast not done?



Never stop praying for your offspring no matter how old they are. The world is pulling the young in the wrong direction, and it is difficult for the youth of today to understand the Truth of their purpose in life, which is to Know God, to Serve Him and to Love Him in this life so we can be happy with Him forever in the next life.

We are all in this fight together against the world, flesh and the devil let us pray for each other and our children. To make our prayers strong, we must unite them in thought; thinking of the entire world.
