Stream of Conscience

What can I do anyway?

Presenting My Stream of Conscience

The news again, skip it! Yes, yes a war! Don’t want to hear it!

What can I do anyway, I know, I will sit down and pray, yet I do not want to get tripped up on distractions again. Just sit, relax and ask for the grace to pray well, don’t think about anything else, I hate distractions when talking to God, this time I will not trip up, I promise!



My Repost for this coming week — As We Prepare for ?

Based on a number of reports published by American and Western media outlets, aside from anti-Russia propaganda, the US government has begun its preparations for a possible invasion of Russia via the Baltic countries, the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean and regions bordering the Russian Federation to the East.
According to a May 17 report in Business Insider,
the “US Special Operations Europe (SOCEUR) conducted its largest annual exercise in conjunction with a smaller one” with troops from several NATO member and partner countries. Both drills were staged “at the same time to simulate a full-blown conflict with Russia ranging from the Baltic states and Scandinavia south to Ukraine and the Black Sea region”. The realistic exercises were called Trojan Footprint 21 and Black Swan 21 and “took place in Romania and across Eastern Europe”.
The article also stated that Crimea “would be an ideal environment for Naval Special Warfare operations”. In fact, US SEAL teams are already capable of conducting “over-the-beach raids and ambushes, maritime and land special reconnaissance, and underwater special operations, such as placing sensors on the ocean or limpet mines on enemy vessels”.
The author of the article also opined that Russian radar installations and A2/AD (anti-access/ area denial) “batteries and command-and-control systems would be a logical target for SEAL platoons”. The two exercises essentially showed “how conventional and special-operations units would work together in a major conflict with Russia”.

According to Business Insider, the Russian military bolstered its presence in Crimea since its annexation, “making it a seemingly impenetrable fortress guarding Moscow’s southern flank both from land and air”, and making invading it quite a challenge.
At this point, it is worth reminding revenge-seekers in the United States that Crimea has been viewed as Russia’s stronghold for quite some time. In fact, a number of burial grounds for foreign fighters on the peninsula serve as a reminder of this land’s bloody history. And in the past, there were no openly gay servicemen unlike nowadays in the US and its allies’ armies.
A May 17 article in The National Interest reported that the United States had a plan to attack Kaliningrad, which was described as “a single symphony of violence to break down advanced defenses”. General Jeffrey L. Harrigian, Commander of US Air Forces in Europe, said that the city and its garrison “could be prime targets for” multi-domain operations. Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., the Deputy Editor for Breaking Defense, clarified that there would be simultaneous attacks on Kaliningrad from the air, land, sea and cyberspace, i.e. “a single symphony of violence to break down advanced defenses”. Hackers could first “disrupt communications networks while jamming planes confuse radars”. In the meantime, “bombers, ships and submarines could lob long-range cruise missiles” and ground forces “fire rockets”. Stealth fighters and bombers would then be able to “penetrate surviving defenses to drop GPS-guided” weapons.

Continue reading here —

War is A punishment for the sins of the world

Remember learning that definition in Catholic School prior to Vatican II.


The Power of the Volcano but Power of Prayer is greater

FOWC = Fandango

The prompt today is “POWER” and what a word!  An energy that makes me wonder why all these volcanic eruptions are occurring.  Below is today’s report; concerning to me especially since those Russians Scientists are calling for an earthquake in the U.S.A. not just an ordinary earthquake but a great one!  I mentioned it in on my blog of a few days ago dated March 13 here.

Yet! I wonder some are saying that Russia has weapons that could cause such an event.  Anyway, we won’t have to wait too long, to see!

The POWER OF PRAYER is greater than any other force, use that power it’s free to all!


video about the volcanic starts at about 14.30