Ah! Another Challenge, Politics

Beware Blabbers AHEAD!

Down by the river
I heard these politicians
Blah blah who listened

This week, we are to write the haikai poem of our choice (haiku, senryu, haibun, tanka, haiga, renga, etc.) that states or alludes to either Fall foliage or goose (kari)–or both, if we feel so inclined! Challenge Here

Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge

Lens-Artists equal WILD

I captured these wild geese playing at the river nearby;  thinking they might make a cute comic strip with added interest.  As always here at my blog the photos plus art are not copyrighted and free to use.




Photo For the Week

I’m a copy cat… see or should I say Cee

Pick Me Up – March 15, 2019

I Love this idea of Pick Me Up!
Most artwork and photos on my blog are my own, feel free if you want to use them, I don’t copyright my work, wanting to share has always been my goal.