poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Think WIN, WIN!

The Alouette form of poetry … (Rhyming on my brain) consists of two or more stanzas of 6 lines or more. Syllabic: 5/5/7/5/5/7 — Rhyme Scheme:  “aabccb

God’s gift of grace free
You won’t disagree!
His teachings Holy and Sound.
Angels there to guide
Always on our side
His Kingdom easily found!

Truth will set us free
Can one disagree?
Be not drunktipsy on sin
Nor a careless life
Choose peace avoid strife
In the end think win, win — win!

Why are some words above bolded? Those would be the synonyms for Loose & Tight as the prompt calls for this week. Click here to join


Sometimes One just has to be SILLY

Can’t find my thinking cap! Don’t say it, I know what you’re thinking!

Tale Weaver – #299 – Over The Top – October 29th I took the challenge anyway!


Looking way Over the top
Stooping under the bottom
Licking a sweet lollipop
Enjoying the cool Autumn

Having indeed a great day
After sleeping sound all night
Cut last blooms for a bouquet
Thinking of what now to write

Now reaching for my laptop
Designing away something —
Anything … Over the top


poetry, Word Prompts

Once upon a time

The Challenge create a poem from paint chips!

Paint Chips for poetry



Once upon a time, time was unknown.
Father God created from His Throne!
God must love the purple-colored tones!

From the kingly royal purple robes
Jacaranda trees over the globe.
Science of ultraviolet probes

The deep purple of the blackberry
The song of the purple canary
Color purple quite legendary.

Once upon a time, obedience was known!


Rhyming today’s NEWS

The prompt word today from Fandango is “PALTRY.
My thinking hat is worn out today, I could not create, however, wanting to help those who always have good ideas.  Thinking about the news with their use of the same words over, and over. Words to describe what we hear constantly and their rhymes or near rhymes make an exciting blog in itself, such as.


Consider the word Paltry rhymes with COSTLY
News rhymes with RUSE
Collusion with CONCLUSION
Impeach with LEECH
Politics with TRICKS
Russian with NOTHING

Hope this helps jog your creative genius.