Reena’s Xploration

Past, Present and Future

Reena’s Xploration Challenge #241

A single-line prompt for this week – The only ghost that scares is a past version of you. OR SHOULD I SAY Me!

Write whatever pops up in mind.

What pops into my mind is not you but me!

When I look into my magic mirror into the past, I see myself being deceived.
"Me!  Deceived?  me What PRIDE! 

The devel can certainly deceive, IT is clever that way.  But, I was so happy, carefree, young, and healthy that everything was going my way!  So I thought! 
No, I do not want to visit that ghost, myself!

My problem was allowing myself to put my will above the will of God.  AND It was all my fault;  (I knew better). 

Yet,  I blamed it on the changes within the Catholic Church, how it became more and more adapted to the world, and I went along with it.  It became and IS no more than a religion founded by man, not God.  The Faith that I learned no longer existed.  Same buildings but different theology after 1969.  

One day, however, while clearing unnecessary things out of the house, I came across a shoe box filled with trinkets and "stuff," there, I found my rosary and scapular all tangled up at the bottom of the box.  I still remember untangling them and thinking, I am supposed to be wearing my scapular and praying my rosary.   Suddenly things didn't look so "everything was going my way."  I knew that I was no longer living the will of God but my own choice.  I was on the path of perdition. 

Some Christians even today believe that they are automatically "saved."  The Waterdown new catholic church taught it, and I thought I was happy believing it!  No need anymore to be sorry or confess your sins to a priest; they are automatically forgiven.  So said the new religion, and so says the evil one, believe, and you are saved.   

This all happened to me as I held my scapular and rosary in my hand.

I began that day to pray!  After I began on the right path in time, my unbelieving husband found a Traditional Catholic church for me.  As God promised, even the Gates of Hell will never prevail against it, just smaller now.  

Oh, my husband after, many years later, he passed away, also became a Traditional Catholic;  a Traditional priest by his side, giving him the sacraments of the Church.  Who said God does not hear us or reward us! 

Visit that ghost, NEVER !


The Eye of the NEEDLE — WritePhoto

The photo reminds me of a Bible verse, as explained by my nun teachers, how a rich man has too many treasures and can not pass the narrow passage, but a poor man has little and can squeeze through. Also information is now on the Internet, see source link at bottom of post. It seems the nuns were correct.

“And again I say to you: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
[Matthew 19:24]

Eye of a needle

The eye of the needle used to be in Damascus and was a side gate alongside the main gate of the “street called straight” Being a side gate it was not intended for passage by animals, especially camels carrying side loads. So it was nigh impossible for the act to happen.



Daily Spur, Lucky Dip, Mindlovesmisery's, Saturday Mix

How Would I Know!

For this week’s Lucky Dip, says she reached into her mystery bag and pulled out a Didactic Poem – What! You say what is that? Didactic Poetry is a form of poetry intended for instruction such as for knowledge or to teach.

My attempt is seen below; I wrote it with five-syllable ease-to-flow lines. Titled; FAITH

Do you know — I do!
How does God answer?
How do I know this
His Church tells me so!

Through His suffering
Merits fill the brim
Treasury the Church
His Church —always true.

Almighty Supreme
Great God could have winked!
To save us all —Yet!
Would you have cared? — No!

His torture —The Price.
His wealth — eternal.
Waits for you to draw
From His treasury!

A Divine merit
Never-ending, FREE!
His merits circling
Over and beyond!

His worth forever.
Whirls the world; passion
Infinite!  Complete
Please ask to receive.

Word Prompt is “GREAT”


Back in time, Weekly Prompt

EMPTY — but not for long!

Yesterday was Good Friday, and I spent several hours in Church participating in the liturgies of the memories, as we are encouraged by Holy Church.
Today, the Church refers to as Holy Saturday; I feel empty, knowing many Christians want His Resurrection but not His Cross; I cry!
Remembering how He was placed into the tomb and closed, separated, I feel deep mourning. We, the laity and the Church spend at Our Lord’s sepulcher, this day meditating on His Sacred Passion and Death. There is no Mass; the sacred altar is bare.

Knowing that Jesus at any time could have said NO!
STOP!  I will redeem them without all this suffering, 
but would we appreciate it if He did?

This is the Mystery of our Faith!  Remember too, how SHORT
our life is on earth, even 100 years is short compared to eternity!

Holy Thursday… TODAY!

My Easter Quote… “The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.” ~ Kate McGahan

Writer’s Quotes challenge, join in with an Easter Quote, click here

Easter is the most important day for those following the Church because it proves that Jesus Christ is God, who else could have risen from the dead, and the Jewish people never denied that fact! God bless them!

Today is Holy Thursday, it reminds us of the First Mass that Traditional Catholics enjoy, although hard to find these days not unlike the modern service you will find in your neighbor churches. The True Mass of all times actually suspends time. Believe it!

There we will meet Jesus, Body, Blood, Soul, and His Divinity at Holy Communion.

Today while searching for something spiritual to watch, I found this video, perhaps you too will find it interesting about Holy Thursday. Video link

I Believe Because

Today March 8th IS —

March Eighth

According to Wikipedia, today is Woman’s Day!

The saddest part of today is that most women neglect the only woman who deserves to be remembered today and every day. Mary was so favored by God; she was overflowing, full of grace before her conception, He knew her. God’s Masterpiece, she was created with a particular role, to be the Mother of God. 

   God knew that we, His creatures loved by God, would need a Redeemer! For Our God who knows all, He the Creator of all understood that humans who were created in His image, in that we and we alone have an immortal soul, a beginning without an end. His Divine plan was to become a man with a human nature remaining Divine; through the power of the Holy Ghost and taking a human nature from Mary, His chosen mother. Through her free will, she raised the ideal of womanhood by her obedience and fortitude.

Christ loved His mother; her fiat pleased Him. What an example for us, yet today she remains ignored as Jesus was and still ignored by many who claim to follow Him. Many who think of themself as Christian refuse to imitate Christ as we are called to do, love His mother as He did. 

Luke 1; 41 forward

41 And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb: and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

42 And she cried out with a loud voice, and said: Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

43 And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

44 For behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.

45 And blessed art thou that hast believed, because those things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord.

46 And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord:

Word of the Day Challenge

He is Our Way!


If you believe in coincidences believe this one! Recently the other day I was trying to explain to another person that Catholics DO NOT worship Mary, here is proof right in the Bible. Even the Protestants have it written there.

Luke 1; 46 Mary speaks, “And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord.”

In other words the more you honor her, she magnifes your love for her Son. Your love for her increases love for her Son.

Impossible to love Mary more than her Son, because as the Bible states she always increases your love for her Son, always. As you love her, your love for Jesus grows, which is why Catholics love to meditate on the suffering of Jesus, He redeemed us and He is OUR WAY!

It all started with a Hail Mary!

The Wonders of Thee!

My inspiration from the image presented below by one of my favorite bloggers at #Keepitalive

Look and see the wonders of Thee!
Your creations, a celestial star we call the Sun
Our gift — to give us what we need!
Your feathered friends graced with wings.
Sing and dance, surrounded by a painted sky
Oh, and so high! A child sees!
A child as to us created in your image —
To live forever with Thee!


Share your World

A New Year, what’s next?

One good reason to participate in this challenge known as Share-your-world is to allow you to examine your conscience, a big something for me!

See the questions by clicking above to share your world. We want to know!

For New Year’s Eve, I will be sleeping at my age but will awake slightly when I hear the much younger generation celebrating with what they call making as much noise as possible. Jan 1, 2022, I will attend Holy Mass, a Holy Day described on the Traditional Catholic calendar. 

Next year, let us all pray God will give us all the following year. His patience is incredible; perhaps He will only purify the world as He did in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The greatest lesson I learned is that I don’t need to wear that mask everywhere as in 2020. Grateful too, that most people if not all in my area also figured that out!  

Only 6Sentence

Impossible — NOT!

Today I begin again, looking at the challenges, stopping at the Six Sentence prompt encourging to write about the word GUIDE. When I see that word, I immediately think of the HOLY TRINITY!


It is impossible to explain the Trinity in six sentences, nor with all the words in the dictionary because it can't be explained; it is FAITH!

Only ONE GOD, but Three Person, entirely in agreement, but each has a purpose.  God the Father is the Creator, God the Son, the Redeemer, and the Holy Ghost is our GUIDE.

If you ask, the Holy Ghost He will definitely guide you to the Truth, not because I say so, but because God says so, "Ask and you shall receive."

Thinking about the mystery of the Trinity, speaking for myself, boggles my mind; however, the idea of not being able to rationalize this mystery keeps me humble; God loves the lowly and hates the proud. 

I love a good mystery, and the mystery of the Trinity is worth thinking about because in heaven, we won't need FAITH; we will know!

Ah! Another Challenge

ETERNAL AS IN A Prompt word, or try this one, how do you see yourself. Mirror, mirror on the wall!

Today we live in an age of offended, everyone seems to be. Well offended or not this is my belief and I’ll post what I believe not what others want me to say.

Eternal means no beginning, only God. The Trinity had no beginning but always was; All other false artificial gods had a start if only in the mind of a demon or human person,( one of God’s creatures.) God created us with an immortal soul and, therefore, WE are eternal in a sense; since we will have no end. We will live with God or without Him. Depending on our soul when we take our last breath, it is fixed at that time, no more free will after death. Yet, we live, but where?

A movie out these days warned against. Perhaps because today things are very twisted and eternal might mean demonic.

Now for how do I see myself. At my age these days, it is interesting, my life is behind me, where most reading here, your life is ahead of you and so it should be.

I don’t worry about how I see myself anymore since I am reasonably happy in my day, with little regrets. I advise, don’t take it with you! If you have regret, you should work on correcting it now!

Today at least, for myself, no regrets through lots of begging the man upstairs, tears of sorrow, and resignation to His will. It works; try it!

Right now, I am begging for humility since I know for a fact that He, hates pride.

Having a blog on WordPress can be at times humiliating. Especially when one sets their mind to post-truth instead of fiction. Post what you believe.

true story

About Me!

Okay, however, for me, it was in 1982 that I woke up. Looking back, that was a long time ago through the mind of the “looker” (me). The story was at that time I was hung up on one particular Bible verse, trying to figure out what it meant, at the same time reading Catholic prophecy.

Now…setting the stage for the reader, I was constantly searching (but for what?); one day, I found my rosary all tangled in a box of trinkets. What! I thought I should be praying this as I was taught in school. Yet, today (1982), the rosary is not part of the “team” anymore. Still, I thought I would begin again, and I did. I began to pray the rosary.

As I am typing, I realize I am getting off track from Fandango’s question, the question that inspired my thinking, he asked —> “How much have you and your priorities changed over the past twenty years?
I think what I will do is finish my story in a future post but to answer Fandango’s question, I will say one day in 1982, something happened to me like lightning, and I realized the Bible verse was all about the Catholic church adapting to the world. Adapting to the world, it changed, and today it is no longer the same religion I was taught back in the 40’s 50’s.

This knowledge that strangely showed to me was a shock and made me, through God’s grace,so STRONG in my Faith, the Faith that will never, ever change. Every day now since I recovered from Covid last month, I feel my faith has grown deeper with an understanding beyond words. Don’t be surprised if my future post reflect this change.

Christian Belief

My Sanctuary with images

This week the Weekend Challenge from partner GC and me is Sanctuary.


My Sanctuary, without thinking more than one second is my Faith. If only I could explain, but there are no words on earth to interpret. Therefore, I usually try to play down my feelings since I can’t clarify them.
I will therefore post a few images for the readers here and pray God will pass on to you what I know to be true.

Today I am for some reason inspired to post these images.

I realize many beliefs do not allow the suffering Christ on their cross, but Traditional Catholics strongly believe you can not have the resurrection without first the suffering!

Suffering Jesus

dVerse, poetry

My Parade of Poems — Vintage Baltimore Catechism

My parade of poems is based and inspired by The Baltimore Catechism. Catholics born before the Modern changes in the Vatican (approx. 1960) will remember learning their catechism from these text books.

One day not very long ago, (last week) I was thinking of the Haiku, a form of poetry that is popular here on WordPress and fun to write. Thinking of a theme, why not The Baltimore Catechism!

I thank dVerse along with other experts as Tanks Tuesday with Colleen for introducing several forms of poetry to me, now; in my advanced senior years. Not sure if she will approve an entire parade of Haiku’s or are they Senryu forms? Whatever! But as I said, inspired by the Baltimore Catechism … here is my parade.

Ta Da ♫
Haiku number 1
Created by God
Purpose to Know, Love, and Serve
Eternity Waits

Haiku number 2
Trinity One God
Creation — Angels their fall
Sin entered the world

Haiku number 3 
Forbidden by God
Willfully crime against Him
Beg daily prayer 

Number 4  
Help!  Saviour needed
Jesus born — dies to save us
Grace a gift from God

Number 5  
Faith, Hope, Charity
Virtues Gifts ours to receive
Third Person awaits

Number 6
Peace of soul to win
Treasures realized are yours
Mission accomplished

Number 7
Be smart do your part
All you have to do is ask
Think Pascal's wager

dVerse, poetry

America the Eagle


“And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.” (Apocalypse 12:14) This prophecy fits the Church, which brings forth Christ into the world. The age we are living in today is again as predicted in — II Thessalonians 2:3 as the great falling away. Since the mid 60’s the Catholic Church has been dumbed down. The Vatican at present has an Anti-Christ . Yet, the Church is flourishing in small pockets worldwide, but especially here in America, the Eagle!
America like Christ appears dead, will rise again!
To continue to nourish the Church while waiting His Second Coming.

After many years of seeking, praying and searching I finally found my way home in the Traditional Catholic Church, the difference is night and day.

U.S. the Eagle
Eagles strongest birds of prey
America tough

Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge

The Great American Betrayal

GO Dog

I wonder why! Don’t you?
Who is the real party of hate?
Who incites others to harass?

Harass those who want Free Speach.
Harass Trump supporters or worse?

Laugh and approve as hatefuls pose
with a severed head of the President?

Boo, Hoo, and wah-wah they cry mommy,
all the way home! You poor little dears.

Are you so offended AGAIN!

Although it feels AND WE are in that ship! Remember!
Remember a story; Matthew 8;24
It is written: “And behold a great tempest arose in the sea, so that the boat was covered with waves, but He was asleep. And they came to Him, and awaked Him, saying: Lord, save us, we perish.
And Jesus saith to them: Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith?

Our day is coming and sooner than you may believe.

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word Prompts

Please Allow me to EXPLAIN

I couldn’t resist these two prompt words from two different bloggers here on WordPress. CREDENCE and LUMINESCENCE

Not wanting to sound preachy or assertive; if I do, I apologize; I wanted you to know, especially those who embrace Christianity or think about it.

My post today is about a LUMINESCENCE Flower, a Forever Flower.
What is this a Forever Flower, you may ask? Speaking now of Jesus arouses another question; belief or CREDENCE of why Catholics honor His Mother? She is the Forever Flower and misunderstood by many. It grieves my heart that so many who consider they are Christians yet, miss the inspiration of her privileged grace.

They seem to mistaken her place as a glory possessed by her, not given by God, Himself. Meaning, she who forever, always in His mind, at the perfect time, He created His Masterpiece. His plan! God, who is all-knowing, KNEW.

Allow me, please to explain.

“And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.” 1John 5;7
The Word is Jesus, who, as prophesized, would become A Man with, along with His Divine nature, would have a human nature. Therefore, He needed a human Mother. Consider a woman who would carry God; had to be perfect because God is perfect. Thinking; of the Ark — “So the priests and the Levites were sanctified, to carry the ark of the Lord the God of Israel.” 1 Paralipoenon 1 Chronicles 15-14

To dishonor, His Mother is to dishonor Jesus along with His Will, His plan.

As Jesus came to us through Mary, we imitate Him and find Jesus through Mary’s Forever Flower of grace growing in souls who understand this mystery.

“Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.” Luke 1;48

The Forever Flower of Grace