Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Pascal’s Wager “#Awakening”

Reading below might be an AWAKENING for some and not for others.
Awakening the prompt word for Ragtag Daily Prompt #RDP

Speaking of The Christian God… Question: “What is Pascal’s Wager?”

According to Pascal, the wise thing to do is live your life as if God exists because such a life has everything to gain and nothing to lose. If we live as though God exists, we have attained heaven. If He doesn’t exist, we have lost nothing. If, on the other hand, we live as though God does not exist and He does exist, we have gained hell and punishment and have lost heaven and bliss.

Pascal thinks it an intellectual blunder to wager on that there is no God. At least mankind should search for the truth. I know not whence I came or whither I go. I only know that on quitting this world, I shall fall forever either into nothingness or … “into the hands of an angry God.” Heb 10:31.

(A) There is a purpose in life (God made us for life with him), or (B) that there is not.

Under one guise or another, human selfishness always urges man to stake everything on the idea there isn’t God. Pascal tries to show that it is far more reasonable – even from the viewpoint of self-interest – to stake all on there is God. If you bet everything on B and A is the truth, you lose an eternal good. But if you stake all on A and B is the truth, you win.

Pascal’s Wager the ageless or immutable question

Mindlovesmisery's, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

First Line Friday — Destination Unknown

Post Short Fiction inspired by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, First Line Friday!  


The station reminded her of some great creature, its constant machine whir breathing around her as she worked herself through the crowded people all around her. This was the first time she visited the train station. Where was everyone going, she wondered? So many people in one place were going this way and that way. The noise from the trains was indeed an enormous creature, its constant machine; the engine was huffing and puffing.  

This building is the local train station, and FINALLY I am one of those anxious people strolling around looking for my place to board one of those noisy, enormous machines trusting it to bring me to my destination.  


My adventure about to begin, I can only hope I will find the happiness and peace of soul when I reach the end of my journey. 


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word Prompts

Ragtag wants to hear about ACQUIT!

RDP = Ragtag who says —> “Yeah, I went there – the word today is Acquit.  I’m looking forward to seeing your interpretations in words, images, poems, videos, and whatever other creations you come up with…have fun!”

Nancy forgot to say, that THEY TRIED to impeach, but the result was ACQUIT, which means cleared, absolved, exonerated, free.

Trump has many faults and failings, but he is not a GLOBALIST, of which you all should be grateful if you value your freedom.  Don’t vote Globalism or Socialism — Keep America Great!  Pray for our Country!  Pray for Venezuela too!

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word Prompts

BURBLE— Interesting word, especially today!

The best definition of the word “BURBLE.”
Would be this ongoing debate on the
Kavanaugh nomination, on and on, BURBLE!
Beware what goes around comes around!
Carry on, the only thing left is the Vote!

BURBLE, burble, B U R B L E … sick of it, change the channel!

Thank God we Can, STILL change the channel.

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Beauty in the Rough

Ragtag Daily Prompt — The word today is “Inspire” along with my contribution to Tanka poetry.

Rugged, tough, lumpy
Inspired via the knobby
beauty found offbeat
hidden right before your eyes
behold before you stumble!


KnarlyMy photo image of the said tree nearby a school

dVerse, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Smile vs Smirk—Ragtag

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Also Open Link on dVerse

To smile is kind, meek, mild and reserved,
while a smirk is self, vain filled with pride.
A smirk delivers egotism —
The smile presents an invitation of delight!

But the meek shall inherit the land, and shall delight in abundance of peace.
[Psalms 36:11]

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Caution Slippery when wet—Ragtag

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP


Life is treacherous and slippery, know this fact. Also, remember that God is our friend, not our enemy.
If we are to have a chance at heaven, we must run the risk of hell. God’s eternal knowledge does not destroy our freedom.  He is God and we are His creatures, humans with an immortal soul; we can win heaven, the divine life with Him forever, or we can start our hell right here on earth with wrong choices.
Love of God is never forced, He created us all free, our love for Him is given freely, love is a gift. St. Thomas says, “slamming the door on His love, we open the door to His justice.”
Don’t SLIP up! Start with prayer, which is merely talking to God, essential to ask Him for forgiveness and help not to slip up again.

There is no saint without a past, and no sinner without a future.
Saint Augustine