Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word of the Day Challenge

My WORD OF THE DAY — A True Story

Today I write a little about myself, something UNUSUAL since I tend to keep my life to myself.  I have been selfish since I have some things to say!

God has been good to me because I have always loved His teachings.  Although I must confess, I left Him for a time.  There was in my past when I was deceived.  (Another story for a BETTER time)


I am about to type this little story: True, short, and sweet.  It happened to me about 25 years ago!  To set the scene, know that I talked to God directly, but He never answered me at this point in my life.  However, one fine morning, after telling Him how thankful I was for bringing me again to the beginning of a beautiful day. 
 I finally asked Him, "Dear Jesus, why is it I never hear your voice?"  I said a few times in earnest.  "Why God, why?"  I continued ...  "If only I could hear just one word, really hear it, what would it be, just one word."  
I paused and HEARD, the word, just this one word I heard quite audible was ... "COME!"


I linked this post with two prompt words challenges from

#ragtagcommunity and #wordofthedaychallenge

Photo Challenge, Ragtag Daily Prompt

Prompts Participation if you Please

Today this fine Monday, the beginning of a new week, I present to you one of my photographs of “tis the Season.” My participation in the cosmic-photo-challenge along with a tongue twister of my own; inspired by the ragtag community incorporating the word SLEEKIT.

First my photograph inspired by click here

Tis the Season for SLEEKIT Snow

A new tongue twister, say it three times really fast!

See Seasonal smooth, silvery SLEEKIT snow swiftly sailing; soon subsiding.

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Beauty in the Rough

Ragtag Daily Prompt — The word today is “Inspire” along with my contribution to Tanka poetry.

Rugged, tough, lumpy
Inspired via the knobby
beauty found offbeat
hidden right before your eyes
behold before you stumble!


KnarlyMy photo image of the said tree nearby a school