Share your World



Who do you think is an example of a successful person?

Someone who believes in God and, more importantly, obeys Him. 
One particular saint often said "There is only one tragedy in life, and that is to lose your soul."

Why are you doing what you're currently doing?  (take this in any context you like, either as a "what you're doing RIGHT NOW THIS SECOND" or "what you're doing in your life at this point" or any other way that occurs to you.  The question is a bit ambiguous..)

I am trying to wake up!  First, I made a cup of coffee, sat down, and sip, the coffee while talking to God about my day.  After my coffee, I pray my rosary, shower take care of my personal needs.  Sometimes I eat, sometimes I don't.  Check my email and ask Blessed Mother to inspire me to write well what she wants me to tell.  Sometimes she answers me with inspiration, sometimes she is silent.  Next I get on with my day, i.e. housework, rest, errands, rest, prepare meals, rest again, no I am not lazy just old.  We elders need to rest in-between activities.  I like to blog beause it exercises my brain then I rest while I read other blogs.     

What is your personal theme song?
Waking up is hard to do ♫   See below or listen below!

What do you think about tofu?
I hate anything artificial, including imitation sugar!
Just Because

Did You Know

Valentine’s Day is a Catholic Saint’s Feast Day, known as St. Valentine

Valentine’s Day is ALMOST HERE!

My favorite SECULAR quote on the theme LOVE “You always hurt the one you love.” by Allan Roberts also a very popular song with the same words for the Title.

My favorite supernatural quote has to be.
“Let us therefore love God, because God first hath loved us.” 1John 4:19

Love, love and love!

Weekend Writing Prompt

Wake Up — Pray to LOVE TRUTH!

Wanting to write something about “Truth”, I BROWSED the internet looking for a quote.  I like this one —> “Facts are stubborn things” by Ronald Reagan

If you care you too can BROWSE the internet to find profound quotes about the subject of TRUTH.

Another Truth; is Trump and his administration perfect?    NO!


This Quote to that Quote!

INSPIRATION FROM THE Sunday Writing Prompt — 

Accepting their challenge from this quote from Atticus;  –> “We just want the world to love the little monster that we are.”  Atticus a pseudonym for an anonymous poet, writer, and artist.

The prompt reminds me of another quote from the Bible:  The above quote from Attius to this quote below is my post today, Sunday, December 22, 2019.

Adulterers, know you not that the friendship of this world is the enemy of God?  Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God.

James 4:4



Pretty Scary Stuff Divulged

What’s wrong beside everything?

The word from FOWC today is interesting to me since I just read about China’s discovery. AND THE WORD IS DIVULGE!
Let me divulge a Biblical prophecy ABOUT THE BEAST written in the book of Apocalypse chapter 13, verse 13 — ” And he did great signs so that he made also fire to come down from heaven unto the earth in the sight of men.”

The Bible carries scary words, but following the link below broadens them.

Doomsday stuff, you say … TIME WILL TELL!



Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word of the Day Challenge

Words that FIT!

G.K. Chesterton Quote fits perfectly with the word of the day which is … ta-da … YESTERDAY!

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” 

Today is purely INSANITY! Fight for Truth and Morals as was YESTERDAY!

Word of the Day Challenge

Check Out the Word of the Day — Today


Illustrious might in a sense, mean famous
Someone glorious and quite grand.
Look in the mirror to see how you stand.
In the eyes of the world, perhaps an eyesore.
In the eyes of God, you are much more.

Don’t envy the life of another; count your blessings instead.

There is this legend a man; who complained to God that his cross was too heavy. As the story goes, the man is now seeing numerous stylized crosses to choose. Some very large, others so tiny, some crude and heavy, other slick and light, splintered, skewed or straight; on and on, he looked to see what cross was perfect for him, for he knew we all had to carry our cross, such is life. He looked here and there for his cross, and found one! Picking up his cross, while looking above to God he said, yes!

God now looking down smiled and said, “well done,” that is the exact one I gave you my child.

So you see, we all have a cross even the illustrious people in the world have one, you only see their splashy outward appearance, not the within.

There was this exalted person, illustrious and known to God, while simple to the world, his name was Padre Pio who died in 1968. Padre Pio’s advice and moto were, and it is a good one, “Pray and don’t worry.”


Challenge WOTD    All photos and art are free to use not copyrighted since they are mine to give to you.

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro, Word Prompts

YET! — poetry in Haibun

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Change and Defy” The numerous synonyms will be underlined.
To join our fun please click here and jump right in.


My sojourn day by day, as time goes by, noticing that black is white and white, is now black. Life is altered, modified, and turned from winter to spring in lightning speed. Exchange can be good but just when I think I heard it all, the next day I am blown away by another adverse enlightenment.
My only reaction is to disregard, resist and dare to say NO!

The devil can cheer
near our habits, since he is
not inside our will!




My Haiku above a rephrase of Padre Pio’s quote below:

“healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience since this shows that he is not inside your will.”
― Padre Pio

continued, Supernatural Reality

Story about a ROCK

I found this very interesting, and it goes along with my previous post here.

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen had this to say:
In the history of the world, only one tomb has ever had a rock rolled before it, and a soldier guard set to watch it to prevent the dead Man within from rising; that was the tomb of Christ on the evening of the Friday called Good. What spectacle could be more ridiculous than armed soldiers keeping their eyes on a Corpse? But sentinels were set, lest the dead walk, the silent speak, and the pierced Heart quicken to the pulse of life. They said He was dead; they knew He was dead; they said He would never rise again, and yet they watched! In His Resurrection He has given the earth it’s most serious wound — the empty tomb. And to us our greatest hope. ~ Fulton J. Sheen

Having posted Sheen’s quote here, it may be those guards were set to guard others buried, but never because of fear of the dead rising. Remember also, in those days it was never recorded that His enemies denied what happened that glorious day when He proved He indeed was God. Nor did they ever find what they believed was a stolen body. The truth is Longinus – the centurion who pierced the side of Jesus later converted (as well as many others) and became a Saint within the Church, he is known today as Saint Longinus.




DeVerse — Basic Life Lesson


She seemed so sad today, her quiet demeanor was not the person I know.
I began to speak, thinking I probably misjudged her disposition.
Hey! Smile it can’t be that bad, I thought!
Her gentle eyes told a different story.
I then realized she needed some alone time, kissed her forehead and
told her I would be back soon.

True love is serving
Most people misunderstand
True love is knowing



Word Prompts

As the World CHURNS

The world is a container in which we humans are churned, stirred and shaken to make us meaningful in the eyes of God Almighty. We are here to learn the Will of God and are churned at times because of the consequences of our own choices.

Life is a struggle!
Thomas a Kempis says this:

“Without struggle, you cannot obtain the crown of patience, and if you refuse to suffer you are refusing the crown, But if you desire to be crowned, fight manfully and bear up patiently. Without labor, there is no rest, and without fighting, no victory.”
You may ask, and Thomas’ voice continues: “How is it possible to love a life that has such great bitterness, that is subject to so many calamities and miseries? Indeed, how can it even be called life when it begets so many deaths and plagues? And yet, it is loved, and many seek their delight in it.
Many persons often blame the world for being false and vain, yet do not readily give it up because of the desires of the flesh have such great power. Some things draw them to love the world; others make them despise it. The lust of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the pride of life lead to love, while the pains and miseries, which are the just consequences of those things, beget hatred and weariness of the world.
Vicious pleasure overcomes the soul that is given to the world. She thinks that there are delights beneath these thorns because she has never seen or tasted the sweetness of God or the inner joy of virtue. They, on the other hand, those who entirely despise the world and seek to live for God under the rule of holy discipline, are not ignorant of the divine sweetness promised to those who genuinely renounce the world. They see clearly how gravely the world errs, and how many ways it deceives.” (STIRRING)


via Daily Prompt: Churn

Word Prompts

Patience! 1 of 12 Fruits from God


The following words from ~
The Imitation of Christ by Rev. Thomas A Kempis.
The Voice of Christ
What are you saying, My child? Think of My suffering and that of the saints, and cease complaining.

For the genuinely patient man does not consider from whom the suffering comes, whether from a superior, an equal, or an inferior. Whether from a good and holy person or a perverse and unworthy one; but no matter how great adversity befalls him, no matter how often it comes or from whom it comes, he accepts it gratefully from the hand of God, and counts it a significant gain. For with God nothing that is suffered for His sake, no matter how small, can pass without reward. Be prepared for the fight, then, if you wish to gain the victory. Without struggle, you can not obtain the crown of patience, and if you refuse to suffer, you are rejecting the crown. But if you desire to be crowned, fight manfully and bear up patiently. Without labor, there is no rest, and without fighting, no victory.

Patience is also one of the twelve fruits of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) namely Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Benignity, Goodness, Long-Suffering, Mildness, Faith, Modesty, Continency and Chastity.
Pray often: Please O Holy Ghost in Your Goodness please flood my loved ones with Your supernatural gifts and fruits that we will as a family be together for all eternity. Amen

via Daily Prompt: Patience