Christian Belief

Christians KNOW YOUR ENEMY who is closer than you know

I have been thinking about this for a long time, after years of prayers, and spiritual reading, the most detrimental enemy to losing your soul is your Pride. God hates pride and loves humility, it is right there before your eyes, read your Bible.

Pray for humility if you want to win Heaven. Jesus meek and humble of heart make our heart onto Thy Heart.

Inspired to write this here and now, take it or leave it!

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The Catholic Church teaches us that this beatitude has nothing to do with poverty as with worldly riches or money.
The beatitudes are disposed of in an order. Also, are the basic teachings of Christ one teaching flows smoothly one into another.
Each beatitude preceding one prepares the way for what immediately follows, furnishing us in particular with spiritual arms of such graces as are necessary for obtaining the virtue of the next beatitude.

“Thus the poor in spirit (the genuinely humble) will mourn for their offenses to God, and whoever is filled with sorrow/contrition for his sins cannot but be just and behave to others with meekness and clemency; when possessed of these virtues, he then becomes pure and clean of heart. Peace of conscience reigns in this assemblage of virtues and cannot be expelled from the soul by any tribulations, persecutions, or injustices of men.
What is this poverty of spirit but humility and contrition? This virtue of humility is placed in the first place of the beatitudes; it is the parent of every other virtue, as pride is the mother of every vice. Pride deprived our first parents of their original innocence, and nothing but humility can restore us to our former purity. We may pray and fast; we may be possessed of mercy, chastity, or any virtues; if humility does not accompany them, they will be like the virtue of the Pharisee, without foundation, without fruit.

(Collected Homilies of St. John Chrysostom 15 vols.) A Great read —

Click to access 0345-0407,_Iohannes_Chrysostomus,_Homilies_on_The_Gospel_Of_Matthew,_EN.pdf


Keep it Alive — definitely!

Sadje asks with her photo prompt “Before I die!”

Before I die, something that is before me constantly.
Realizing most people these days feel that everyone goes to heaven, there is no hell, they want to believe. That is what makes them comfortable. I pray not to be so presumptuous; I know that only a few get to heaven, those who die in the State of Grace, without severe unrepented sin. Mathew chapter seven “Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

My post here; knowing well it is impossible to change anyone; only God can do that when asked of Him. For me doing God’s Will no matter how difficult it is, not making excuses to do MY will instead of the Will of God is what I must continue living for, praying, and depending on Him. Before I die, I MUST NOT FALL!

Ah! Another Challenge

What Am I or What ARE WE … A Weekly Challenge

What Am I — Weekend Challenge

The Weekly Challenge

What Am I

Firstly I am a being composed of Body and Soul.
An Immortal soul! A human being! BTW … so are you!
We all have the same purpose, to know, love, and serve God in this life that we will be happy with Him in heaven for all eternity. That is our primary purpose. During this journey, we go in many different directions, depending on where He has placed us.

FFFC, Uncategorized

The Talking Tree — Speaking to Thee

A Flash-Fiction inspiration:

The prompt image and perception remind us of the present and past. The trunk of the tree represents the NOW; the top represents the past. Nature is finding a voice to explain as time goes by, things seem to thin out, situations are no longer excessive as when looking directly at them, seeing them from a distance they become surrounded; strangled/tangled with different happenings in our past life.
Is the top of the tree the beginning of life or the end? That may depend on how we look at it. Do we still have a purpose, or have we fulfilled it? Do we have regrets or content?

One day while strolling in the park and passing this tree so many times, I saw it for the first time. I wanted to climb it, so I did. When I reached the very top, after being scratched from head to toe with snarly branches and prickly bits, I looked down below from where I started. Everything below seemed so real beckoning me to hurry back. Suddenly I began to fall, down, down; I tried to grab on to the past, but could not. The force of gravity was in full force, seeing the ground getting closer and closer, shut my eyes; waited for the slam. Got up and shook off the remnants of my past, what a Wake-Up! I got up, examined my life, and vowed from that day on to find my purpose in life and fulfill it, starting with obeying the Ten Commandments of God.



FFE, Word Prompts

How to be Happy, Healthy and Holy

Life, what is our purpose of being here? In today’s world, unfortunately, it means doing whatever we want.

If we are honest with ourselves and examine our conscience, we will admit the above idea does not bring us happiness, only unhappiness.
We are merely as the saying goes, “Barking up the wrong tree” or not looking in the right direction for peace of soul and happiness.
Humanity, for all times, is given Ten Commandments to follow: the influence of this world say they are only suggestions.

How is putting the Ten Commandments on the back burner working out for you? Do you know the


“Not doing well today, “Take a pill.” There are pills today for everything under the sun. Medicines to help your state of mind, pills to keep you awake or fall asleep. Some tablets help you lose weight, or cope as struggling through the day Etc. Etc.  Indeed!  Medicines are gifts of God, not to be abused or replaced with truth.  Ask and you shall find!  Remember in the end God gives us our desires as we lived them.

Could it POSSIBLY be that WE are BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE?  Realizing I have been there done that!

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Purpose of Life

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen’s Challenge Tanka Poetry; her instruction is to use the synonyms for the words “Plan and Finish” the numerous synonyms are underlined.
To join our fun, please click here and jump right in.

My Haibun and Haiku or Senyru below:

Most Sashay through life without giving little thought to the end.
Time, also known as the world; more than breath, less than an illusion.
God’s design is all in all. We desire yet wonder what we yearn.

Purpose of life be
Happy in eternity
Know Love and Serve God




Ask, and it shall be given you:
seek, and you shall find:
knock, and it shall be opened to you.”

Ah! Another Challenge, Word Prompts

Moment of Truth …

Death is the moment of Truth!

Why is it so morbid to think of death?

Is it because we are afraid of the truth.

Life, on the other hand, is a pleasant subject, we have high expectations, hopes for happiness, and delusions that it will never end.
As the years go by, that moment of truth gets closer and nearer.
We push it away, but why?

The reason is, we don’t understand our purpose in life. What is our mission?

Simply put, it is “To Know, Love and Serve God in this life so we will be happy with Him in Eternity.”

Many Christians seek a lifestyle that speaks the reason for life is for God, to know me, love me and serve me, then they wonder why they fear that moment of truth, DEATH!

The atheist reasoning best explained from an epitaph etched on a gravestone. “All dressed up and no place to go.”









poetry, Word Prompts

Frantic – Never Despair

Word prompt – Frantic  –  My humble advice for what its worth.

People become frantic in life because they don’t know their purpose in life. Seek and you will discover, ask and you will receive. God created humans with an immortal soul and with a definite purpose.

Think about the reason for living; the same for everyone, to Know, Love and Served God in this life so that we will be perfectly happy with Him in the next life.

It is very true that we all have different circumstances, talents, and cultures but it is written within us our goal in life.

Stop again and think about the purpose of life a lesson forgotten that leads to “FRANTIC“!

Knowing, Loving and Serving God is the purpose of our life and the key to fill that empty void we all experience from time to time.

How to Know Him?  Pick up and hold that crucifix in your hands, feel the suffering and you will begin to Know Him. This precious Baby born to us is now dying on the Cross. (Holy Week). Tomorrow is Good Friday, GOOD because He has purchased heaven for us and opened its gates, which were locked.

I hope you have read through this post and down to where you reached my simple Tanka poem about our purpose in life.

Birds soaring up high
to and fro, wanting to know –
discerning purpose
glory to Almighty God
every creature beneath Him

via Daily Prompt: Frantic


That Void Within Us

The holy season of Christmas is upon us, but first, there is Advent.
Advent a time for preparation; think of it as parents preparing for their new baby, the Christ Child, our Child. The world slept and was unaware of His miraculous birth of the much waited Redeemer so long ago, but today we know! We realize who He Is and was born that first Christmas Day? Therefore we have more of an obligation to prepare this Advent. We read in the Gospel of Luke 12; 47-48 “And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself, and did not according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. [48] But he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more.”


Let’s begin! Let’s Stop, Look and Listen! Stop and look into our soul, do you feel that void? We all have that void something is missing! Now listen, hear that whisper. Listen it’s your guardian angel.

Stop again and think about the purpose of life a lesson today, forgotten. Knowing, Loving and Serving God is our purpose of our life and the key to once and all fill that empty void.

How to Know Him; just pick up and hold that crucifix into your hands, feel the suffering and you will begin to Know Him.
This precious Baby born to us, is now dying on the Cross and for what reason? Ask yourself, why did the Second person (the Word) who was perfectly happy with The First and Third Persons in heaven take Flesh, consent to being born in poverty, on that first Christmas that we are about to remember?

He didn’t have to suffer for us, He could have just willed the gates of heaven to open, and by His, Will could have saved us, but would we appreciate that! No! But, wait! Do we today understand His passion realizing there isn’t any cross that you have endued that He did not take up Himself. Think of this and you will Love Him.

Serve Him this Christmas, make a proper preparation for the newborn King, make Him the King of your family. Teach your children it is NOT all about the presents, but it is all about His PRESENCE.



Never stop praying for your offspring no matter how old they are. The world is pulling the young in the wrong direction, and it is difficult for the youth of today to understand the Truth of their purpose in life, which is to Know God, to Serve Him and to Love Him in this life so we can be happy with Him forever in the next life.

We are all in this fight together against the world, flesh and the devil let us pray for each other and our children. To make our prayers strong, we must unite them in thought; thinking of the entire world.
