dVerse, poetry

And It’s FREE — try this challenge

dVerse has a challenge to write a Prosery. FIRST The rules: PROSERY IS a piece of short prose that includes a line from a poem. dVerse gives the line, and then we incorporate it into our prose piece. Prose can be either flash fiction, nonfiction, or creative nonfiction. YOU CAN NOT WRITE A POEM for this prompt. AND, your prose should be no longer than 144 words, sans title. The line to incorporate into the prosery is “Reading what I have just written, I now believe”  

My Creative Writing and Advice to all; it works for me.


One day upon waking one beautiful morning with coffee in hand, I began to talk to God; sitting down to start my day, I imagined He was there too, enjoying His coffee.

I began asking Him to look at all the desires within my heart; whatever He sees there that displeases Him to “yank” it out and toss it far away.

I even imagined Him doing just that! 

I continued with a plea to Him; please replace it with a beautiful flower, a flower of grace that would grow larger and larger each day. Reading what I have just written, I now believe!  Since that day, I have made it a daily habit.

Why not when I believe it. While enjoying a helping hand in managing the garden deep within my soul with flowers, He planted there. Better than seeing a therapist, and it’s free!  


Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge, Word of the Day Challenge

Obey your Conscience not your Friends

Today’s prompt: Write a piece of prose or poetry that ends with in the end, we were just a moment.

Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge: Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Another interesting prompt with the introduction of a new word, at least in My vocabulary of words is: Honeyfuggle

At first, back in the day, living in Chicago, where everyone was a Democrat, and I thought it was good. It was right back in the 40s-50s and earlier still before my time. As time went on, I witnessed a departure from everything sacred to me. Yet, they still were able to honeyfuggle me! With the fake media, the people of lies. Today, my prayer is not that you who are still deceived will find the Truth, but that the Truth will find you. Now looking back to my life in Chicago, I realize! In the end, we were just a moment!


What in the world is it?

dVerse has come up with something different so what is it?   Also, what is it, within my Prosery written here for dVerse and its host?  More questions than answers, first the rules — 144 words or less, using a particular line which is “When far away an interrupted cry.”  Use it in your story, here is my attempt below.

My Prosery


Oh dear, another sleepless night, looking at the clock, thinking, and it’s only 1:30 in the morning. Perhaps if a lie here a little longer I’ll fall asleep. Sigh! When far away, an interrupted cry, what was that? I wondered.
Sitting straight up, in bed, looking half numb out the opened window. To afraid to move an inch. Sounded like a bird or was it a banshee? Was it outside or inside. Did that sound come from my attic or basement?
I can’t stand another moment; I’ll sit here and say that prayer I use to say when I was a kid. “Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.
Amen.” I feel sleepy now, good night whoever you are.