#writephoto, Photo Challenge

The Angry Rock #writephoto

The Angry Rock

An Angry Rock was sitting there all alone, and I wondered how did it get there?  How does anything or anyone get where we are?  I thought. 

It all began one fine afternoon, exploring while on a needed respite from work. I came across a path, a little rough, enough to be thankful for the hiking boots I wore. As I hiked closer to this towering boulder, my curiosity stirred my imagination; I hoped it would not choose this time to wobble as I so desired to see what was on the other side of the bending road ahead.  

As I got under the dark statue-like figure above, it appeared to have a face, shouting, “Who goes there?” Do I dare to continue?

Would you?



dVerse IS BACK!

For dVerse where we are asked to write a Haibun about a new beginning a first!

Writing not one but four, and this will be my fifth post today, that is a first for me.

Another new beginning I recently experience was moving from my large three bedrooms, three-story home into my converted basement into what I call my cozy cave. (bottom story)

Why the move? Its been eight years since my beloved husband passed, and my six children have long left the nest. My life is in the state of the reverse; in other words, the children I cared for will now care for me.

Now that the packing and sorting out “stuff” is over, finding places for my keepsakes here in my cozy cave was challenging but fun.

I bet you wonder who is living upstairs? Two doggies, one cat, two lovely children (girls), and their mother, my daughter.

Alone, no! Not I
Noise yes!—Quietly! Snowfalls
Float toward the goal

poetry, Word Prompts

A Paint Chip Haibun

Look and See Beautiful PAINT CHIPS, let’s all write a poem.

A Haibun with Haiku

I wonder from all the different types
of Hydrangea, my grandma’s hydrangeas
are best. Look, see her lime hydrangea
like a key lime pie, the smell. A fragrance so
sweet, mystical, not overpowering.
Today, however, no lime pie. Let’s settle
for a banana split. Our gratitude for that
will be overpowering for sure.  After all, it

runs in the family!

From heaven above
Flowers falling down to earth
Thank you for the scent

Ah! Another Challenge, dVerse

The Day the Trees Spoke!

Here at WordPress with dVerse we are challenged to write a prose with 144 words only using the phrase “These memories were left here with the trees” — the line from the poem “How to Write a Poem in a Time of War.” dVerse calls it prose from poetry.

+++++++++++ 144 words below ++++++++++++

As the story is told, there existed one man, one woman, Adam and Eve. Living in a lush garden, without cares everything perfect; even the fiercest animals were gentle and kind.
God gave them one commandment, not to touch or eat of the tree standing there. Delightful to look at but deadly!
Curiosity lost; with the touching of the tree, fruit eaten; the downfall of the human race.
Not the end! But the beginning!
God in His mercy did not curse the trees; instead wrought our salvation, offering another chance to humanity by the use of a tree.
Listen now to the crackling of the leaves underfoot as they searched for one specific an exceptional tree, fashioned to form the Cross to hold the Divine Body of God. The trees in the forest spoke, and “These memories were left here with the trees” FOREVER!

Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge

Just Do It!


Creating the edge of summer — Creative writing!  Do It!

Edge the summer with pictures! Summer; for many their first, others they’re last. For most of us, it is another.
Summer comes then soon departs —
As the seamstress creates her gown adding fringe to her creation;
a keepsake for the years ahead.
Take a pen, paper and edge your summer with lace or shred, happiness with tears; lessons learned!  The seasons God’s gift to us, His time clock.

“Nevertheless, he left not himself without testimony, doing good from heaven, giving rains and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.” Acts of Apostles 14;16

Ah! Another Challenge, Word Prompts


This post today was a new challenge, don’t you love them, I do!
Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Saturday Mix, the author who encourages us to use Antithesis in our writing, (opposites) She has provided an excellent example here below:
In literature, writers employ antithesis not only in sentences but also in characters and events.

Charles Dickens’ novel ” A Tale of Two Cities” provides an unforgettable antithesis example:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.”


Below please find my attempt writing using Antithesis (Opposites)

Remember we are visitors, guests if you will, on this good earth, our stay is brief, like a flash. God is our host, an anchor, holder and our keeper.
If you are seeking happiness realize your enemy who it is: the evil one permits all things in the name of freedom, the deceiver known as liberalism. Recognize a friend for what they are, one who forbids, hinders and opposes destructive actions.

You have been enriched a gift, a guide just for you, an angel, friend.

We are endowed with free will to choose the path; our choice is discord or harmony; peace or war, life or death of the soul. Is it any wonder today so many choose a path of pleasure that leads to unhappiness and spiritual suicide.

Turn back!