#WQWWC, Cee's challenge

Multiple Challenges are fun to do!

Perhaps I will be successful with several challenges today, all in one. Sort of like “one size fits all.”

First the FLOWER OF THE DAY also known as FOTD

Sometimes the things we take for granted are the most beautiful!


Everyone is climbing a tree this month a square tree in fact, thank you Becky!

A Tree Squared for your viewing below

Found this tree in one of the beautiful camp sites here in Spokane.

I call this The Holy Tree, I like holy things!
Second view

NEXT now that we noticed a Pine blossom climbed a tree, let’s all relax next to the trees.

Relax, relax! ♫
Eugi's Weekly, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

He has the Whole World in His HANDS

Looking at the cheat sheet over at Colleen’s site I thought I would try two different forms of poetry. The first form is called a Crapsey cinquain with a syllable count of 2/4/6/8/2. Read below:

Night Sky
Look up, not down
Dark yet bright, the moon glows!
Supernatural is waiting
For you!


The second form from Colleen’s site is a 26 syllables with no set rhyme scheme. It is a syllabic poem with a meter of 3/5/3/3/7/5 the form is a Shadorma, my attempt is read here:

The Night Sky
Look up, never down
High so low
Birds can pierce!
Gleaming Stars Lightning showing

The Whole World in His Hand

Also this post of mine would fit, I believe, with another challenge by Eugi’s COSMOS. Thanks you Eugi’s Causerie.

Politics, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Cry Baby NONSENSE, Enough!

I have had ENOUGH of this social nonsense.
Enough of this talk; Denounce A Wall here but praise A Wall there as in Seattle’s Chop or whatever it is today.

Oppose a rally, as not safe yet, defend a protest safe as can be.

Uses Liberty to destroy Liberty.

The killing of free speech; by the squishing conservative address.
What a bunch of cry babies can’t stand to hear the other side, or is it they don’t want people to wake up and think.

The MANIA today is the word RACIST; in other words, color. I notice those who use that term are the real racist, that is their excuse for their own mistakes of life-styles, and now consequences they suffer for their own bad choices. Poor me! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, time to get your act together, stop looking for an excuse to do wrong.

Photo Challenge, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Uncategorized

Pick me Up @


Cee and Chris an invitation to share your views in images of which I added to their prompt.  

Also, I linked this to a prompt “Euphonious” Pleasing to your eyes, reflections to ponder or food for thought.  Suggested at RDP click here to join.
