Word of the Day Challenge

Poem — The Wind does blow

First, lock us up with a new plague!
The price of gas is what?  They say!
Grounded again!
Close the churches; they just might pray
The world looks suddenly so vague!
Started with forbidding to pray.
Almighty Powerful God; out!
Ground them who refuse to obey
Everything must now be our way.
These radicals all-day long tout
Our way or no way we convey!
Yet, the wind does blow today.
Remember the end, the story.
Forget not our flag, Old Glory.
God brings His enemies to naught.
His perfect timing, we are taught.



Man Plans, and God Laughs!

Question from #FPQ and it is related to his #FOWC prompt word “HELP” at least in my mind. Click here for more details.

Fandango asks! Hmmmm!

“Given the matter how much control we have over our own lives, my provocative question this week is…
Looking at your own situation, how much of your life is formed by things that are outside of your control versus things that are within your control? Please elaborate to the extent you feel comfortable.”


I live according to this adage, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.” Not to say I don’t plan, I do. Every day while sipping my coffee, I talk to God, not a formal prayer, just talk. I plan my day and end it with, “according to your Will, not mine.” Sometimes I beg, knowing that He is in charge, and of course, I always (try) depend on His HELP!

So far, looking back on my life (soon to be 82). It has been about as good as it gets — with many complications and snags. The worse of my years was between 1969 – 1982. Those were the years I did not depend on God’s HELP! I even doubted the existence of God. Like so many other Catholics, I was led right out of the Church into a new modern way of thinking. (Novus Ordo=Vatican II)

I realize I am getting away from the provocative question, so back on track, I will end by saying I now know that nothing of my life is under my control, except my daily prayer for HELP! I learned the hard way when my dependence on God was on the back burner; everything was chaos. The horror of it was, I didn’t know how disordered my life was; I only knew I was not at peace.

Prayer will always OBVIATE despair.

Fandango Flashback, true story

Flashback from exactly One Year from today

Fantango’s Flashback challenge he asks below on his page.

Wouldn’t you like to expose your newer readers to some of your earlier posts that they might never have seen? Or remind your long term followers of posts that they might not remember? Each Friday I will publish a post I wrote on this exact date in a previous year.

From one year ago I posted this:

Personal Miracle Story
August 27, 2020
Myrna Migala


  Series of why I believe in God.

The story you are about to read now written without exaggeration. For a believer, not a good idea to lie or stretch the truth; it would be equivalent to hammering the nails in the hands of Jesus. I mention this since I hope the following story will always be believed since our family miracle story is one reason I believe in God.

Years ago, my daughter, with her husband, was told they would not conceive, disappointed as they were, they chose to adopt. A miracle itself, it is challenging to adopt babies. However, they successfully adopted not one but two babies, years apart. (Not twins)

When the second child a boy, I will call Denis. Denis was healthy and loving, but after three years, we lost him. He passed away quite suddenly. (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) The couple is  devastated  and confused as to why God allowed this to happen, why take our child?
The sadness that followed, there are no words to describe it. My daughter grieving, asked me who she could pray to intercede for her to God. All she wanted was consolation! A reason to go on living!
I told her to pray to St. Therese of the Child Jesus because her parents lost all their male children, and St. Therese promised that she would help those still living when in her eternity. Her feast day on the Traditional Catholic calendar is Oct. 3. (Vatican II council while adapting to the world changed much of the Traditions one was the removal of some Saints, changes to the calendar of saints sometime in the ’60s.) BTW, Catholics do not worship the Saints; rather, we look to them as an example of their life. We are not praying to the dead; Catholics believe Saints are alive living their eternity.

Trying to brief this long story into a shorter version, I continue.

The family prayed a novena for a consolation to St. Therese. Shortly after that, the Vatican II religion allowed her relics; relics of St. Therese carried throughout the world in 2000, for veneration. My daughter read in the news that these holy relics were coming to a nearby Church. While there, they pressed their loved one’s picture to the relic and asked only for help to get on with their life.

Now the miracle!

Ten months later, my daughter gave birth to a boy, and to add to the joy; his birthday is on the feast day of St.Therese, Oct.3. Oct.3 on the Tradition Catholic calendar. God in heaven loves the number three. Therefore He graced her with two other children totaling three.

No one will ever take the place of our Saint-Denis, who also has answered many prayers for us. He was only three, but it is a pious belief to imagine the souls who reside in heaven are at the prime age of 33, the period Jesus Christ died for the world.
Eugi's Weekly, Photo For the Week

A LIFETIME of WAITING … who needs it?

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Swirling – March 25, 2021

By Eugenia

Stop Swirling Around like a whirlpool

Is life going too fast for you!

Is it any wonder why good stories begin with “Once upon a Time.”

A tip of slowing time if you think it’s going too fast. Watch the clock while anxious for it to reach the top of the hour to start your action. Or stand in the kitchen, not moving, waiting for the water to boil, suddenly it begins to swirl, bubble while swirling into a fury.

Time is life, don’t waste it. Stop the wait stop the fury! Stop allowing your mind to spin and swirl with hopes and desires that may never come your way. Instead, either relax and pray for that peace of soul, accept what blessings you have. In other words, Stop waiting for it to happen either make it happen or move on. Before you know it, life will end, and so will your waiting.

My husband, who passed away eight years ago, would often say. ” If you can do something, do it, or if you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry.”

“Pray and don’t worry,” a motto of Padre Pio. He, through an act of God, Padre Pio being blessed with stigmata, thereby provoking both interest and controversy as most miracles are often questioned. I have adopted his motto, “Pray and don’t worry,” my rule of life because it works!

dVerse, poetry

What the World Needs Now

dVerse a poem

The Rosary

Beads to hold between fingers.
Living, breathing, life’s weapon!
We pray first through the short links—
Represent — our life, short! Next
The endless circle — Eternity!
Suggesting infinity! Never-ending beads
Slip along the ring around a blessed
String. Perfumed as the scent of a rose
Rising to heaven! She offers us her
Baby Son! It all began with the angel’s
Words, “Hail Mary full of grace.”
God’s creation perfectly as His Mother
Must be! She gave us the rosary!

Farrago Express, Word Prompts

Thankful is what it’s all about!

I have discovered a new site I believe I will enjoy and so will you; Click here

Thanksgiving is almost here, who isn’t THANKFUL? I am and this is


Having reached that part of our journey, the road that takes us to look back instead of forward, I honestly have much to be thankful.
Naturally, I traveled up hills, sliding down and falling too! Most of the twists and turns I chose were correct, yet the few where I lost my compass, my direction is what I hope to forget.
I am thankful for TRADITIONAL Catholic Confession.

I am thankful I followed my vocation of marriage and raising children, now rewarded with grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
God does reward on earth as well as in Heaven. Be thankful!

When the nuns explained why we should pray daily for the person we would eventually marry. I began to pray that day.
I am thankful for 50 plus years of marriage to a man who treated me like a queen. It was nice to be treated like a queen, mainly since we were raising six children; I was so tired at times. No time to write poetry, which is why I try to do it now. Thankful for the time left to me.

Now a widow yet thankful that God has given me His Faith He established on earth. A Faith, my husband, came to join, knowing now we will be together again when my time is finished.

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Themed Poetry Prompt or is it an ILLUSION?

Tanka Tuesday Today Oct.27.2020

Colleen has asked her experts to put a poetry writing spell on poets! This is the 200th Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge! Happy Poetry Writing!

Clear illusion; Pride!
We fall, we rise, we restart!
Lack of prayer — LOST!
Humility a gift — FOUND!
Our journey our time; our goal!

Word of the Day Challenge


All about GRACE!



Did you know that “grace,” “gracias,” and “Grazie” all descend from the same Latin word, “grātia”?!
Grace is the Prompt word today via “Word of the Day Challenge.”
In my world, a word I use regularly. This post will reflect on what sense of the word I mean since the definition varies.

Grace is a gift from God! Pure and simple.

Ave Maria, gratia plena meaning Hail Mary FULL OF GRACE.

Word Prompts

Try It! You’ll Like It!



Don’t start your day without saying, Thank You to God!
He and He alone opened the gates of Heaven for those who accept His sacrifice. For those who do not accept Him; pray for them for as long as they have breath, God is not done with them yet.

Just thinking of the temporal things we enjoy is more reason to say, “Thank You!”
I am grateful for my Traditional Catholic Faith, family, friends, and even those I don’t agree with, for they teach me patience and make me stronger.

We all have so little time, compared to eternity (forever), be thankful for the time given. When I am grateful, I notice, the more I ask, the more I am given.

Try it!



What in the world is it?

dVerse has come up with something different so what is it?   Also, what is it, within my Prosery written here for dVerse and its host?  More questions than answers, first the rules — 144 words or less, using a particular line which is “When far away an interrupted cry.”  Use it in your story, here is my attempt below.

My Prosery


Oh dear, another sleepless night, looking at the clock, thinking, and it’s only 1:30 in the morning. Perhaps if a lie here a little longer I’ll fall asleep. Sigh! When far away, an interrupted cry, what was that? I wondered.
Sitting straight up, in bed, looking half numb out the opened window. To afraid to move an inch. Sounded like a bird or was it a banshee? Was it outside or inside. Did that sound come from my attic or basement?
I can’t stand another moment; I’ll sit here and say that prayer I use to say when I was a kid. “Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.
Amen.” I feel sleepy now, good night whoever you are.


Fandango’s Provocative Question, answered by me!

Each week Fandango will pose what he thinks is a provocative question for other bloggers consideration. His question is below, why not give us your input, just click here link:

“Do you believe in fate and predestination? If so, what or who is the source? If you do believe in predestination, is there anything anyone can do to change their predestined fate?”

I believe God has a purpose for every one of us in this life and on an appointed day, we will die. Prayer is most important in the discovery of this purpose without prayer we are left to our own discretion, and more often we are doomed to failure. God, however in my belief, also hears the prayers of others when they pray for us, especially our parents. He mainly listens to parents, when a parent curses their children, He hears that too!

We make our own choices, it’s called free will, to choose right from wrong that is what determines our peace of soul. God who knows everything knows our options before we make them He did not create us to be puppets. God wants us to depend on Him, which is why He showed us in the Bible the perfect prayer known as the Lord’s Prayer aka The Our Father, that prayer when you offer it has everything we need.

There is only One God not many gods as stated in the First of the Ten Commandments. The First three Commandments are how we are expected to treat God; the other Seven Commandments are how we are supposed to treat each other. It’s not that difficult. To pray is to be humble and God loves humility, to say no to prayer is Pride. As long as we have breath, it is never too late to start, but when we draw that last one, our will is fixed forever. Why? Because if we choose not to want God in our life, why would we want Him in the next?

Sorry Fandango, for the preaching, but you asked for it!


The Power of the Volcano but Power of Prayer is greater

FOWC = Fandango

The prompt today is “POWER” and what a word!  An energy that makes me wonder why all these volcanic eruptions are occurring.  Below is today’s report; concerning to me especially since those Russians Scientists are calling for an earthquake in the U.S.A. not just an ordinary earthquake but a great one!  I mentioned it in on my blog of a few days ago dated March 13 here.

Yet! I wonder some are saying that Russia has weapons that could cause such an event.  Anyway, we won’t have to wait too long, to see!

The POWER OF PRAYER is greater than any other force, use that power it’s free to all!


video about the volcanic starts at about 14.30

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

The Butt-Kicking Prayer

I’m all in favor of letting God decide as to who is LOST and who are the ones deserving of PARADISE — tired of hearing the Left show how the Right is so wrong and vice versa. Aren’t you?

For me, it was New York when Governor Cuomo signed a NEW law stating killing of newborns legal.

Let’s let God decide!

I heard about this “butt-kicking prayer” for those who are offending God, prayers to wake them up.  Change boy to all offenders and one nation praying for another then sit back and watch God decide who are the offenders and who are the protectors of His law.

Great short video and very entertaining too! Just imagine when you watch to change the boy mentioned as a group not only one boy. Imagine prayers going up to heaven to God that His truth to be known down below to the offenders with no brains.  No one wants to harm anyone; just to warn them.

Video here: MUST WATCH! You will love it!


Sorry Video won’t load correctly, it seems when you click you must then click the watch on youtube icon.


My words of Today — “MY BAD”

Just saying “My Bad” is not good enough.
The battle is between good and evil, and the prize is your soul.
Know this; you can not win this struggle on your genius alone no matter how skillful you are. When we stand before God, saying “Oooops” will not be good enough.

This morning while praying my prayers I realized something, now you can dismiss it, after all, who am I to advise anyone; and you are right to think that, I am no one in particular. For those who are curious and want to read my adventure, however for what it is worth, it is simply this:
“Ask, and you shall receive” means we must ask God to win this battle for us, ask Him to be at our side and FIGHT this war for us. He gave us a guardian angel, believe it or not, thank Him for that, but mainly we must merely ask Him to battle for us.

If you say, I don’t believe in God; do it anyway, “Ask, and you shall receive.” (Matthew 7;7)
Try this daily, a comfortable little prayer in poetry.

The battle begins
One True God stands at my side
because I ask Him

Have confidence, and I will meet you on the other side someday.

Just Because, true story

True Story St.Michael Archangel

Yesterday was the Feast Day of St. Michael.  Years ago this true story was told on the radio and those who were privileged to hear it was impressed.  Since then it has appeared in various places; many of you I feel have already heard this inspiring story.

A young Marine named Michael who wrote a letter home to his mother while he was in the hospital after having been wounded in Korea in 1950. A Navy Chaplain named Father Walter Muldy was given the letter, checked the facts and concluded what was in the message was true. A year later he read the letter in public for the first time, to a gathering of some 5,000 Marines at the Naval Base in San Diego. Here is the letter:
Dear Mom,

I wouldn’t dare write this letter to anyone but you because no one else would believe it. Maybe even you will find it hard but I have got to tell somebody. First off, I am in a hospital. Now don’t worry, you hear me, don’t worry. I was wounded, but I’m okay you understand. Okay. The doctor says that I will be up and around in a month.

But that’s not what I want to tell you.

Remember when I joined the Marines last year; remember when I left, how you told me to say a prayer to St. Michael every day. You didn’t have to tell me that. Ever since I can remember you always told me to pray to St. Michael the Archangel. You even named me after him. Well, I always have.

When I got to Korea, I prayed even harder. Remember the prayer that you taught me? “Michael, Michael of the morning, the fresh chord of Heaven adorning,” you know the rest of it. Well, I said it every day. Sometimes when I was marching or sometimes resting. But always before I went to sleep. I even got some of the other fellas to say it.

Well, one day I was with an advance detail way up over the front lines. We were scouting for the Commies. I was plodding along in the bitter cold; my breath was like cigar smoke.

I thought I knew every guy in the patrol when along the side of me comes another Marine I never met before. He was bigger than any other Marine I’d ever seen. He must have been 6’4″ and built in proportion. It gave me a feeling of security to have such a body near.

Anyway, there we were trudging along. The rest of the patrol spread out. Just to start a conversation I said, “Cold ain’t it.” And then I laughed. Here I was with a good chance of getting killed any minute, and I am talking about the weather.

My companion seemed to understand; I heard him laugh softly. I looked at him, “I have never seen you before, I thought I knew every man in the outfit.”

“I just joined at the last minute,” he replied. “The name is Michael.”

“Is that so,” I said surprised. “That is my name too.”

“I know,” he said and then went on, “Michael, Michael of the morning …”

I was too amazed to say anything for a minute. How did he know my name and a prayer that you had taught me? Then I smiled to myself, every guy in the outfit knew about me. Hadn’t I taught the prayer to anybody who would listen? Why now and then, they even referred to me as St. Michael. Neither of us spoke for a time, and then he broke the silence.

“We are going to have some trouble up ahead.”

He must have been in excellent physical shape, or he was breathing so lightly I couldn’t see his breath. Mine poured out in great clouds. There was no smile on his face now. Trouble ahead, I thought to myself, well with the Commies all around us, that is no great revelation. Snow began to fall in great thick globs. In a brief moment, the whole countryside was blotted out. And I was marching in a white fog of sticky particles. My companion disappeared.

“Michael,” I shouted in sudden alarm.

I felt his hand on my arm, his voice was rich and strong, “This will stop shortly.”

His prophecy proved to be correct. In a few minutes, the snow stopped as abruptly as it had begun. The sun was a shining hard disc. I looked back for the rest of the patrol; there was no one in sight. We lost them in that heavy fall of snow. I looked ahead as we came over a little rise.

Mom, my heart stopped. There were seven of them. Seven Commies in their full pants and jackets and their funny hats. Only there wasn’t anything funny about them now. Seven rifles were aimed at us.

“Down Michael,” I screamed and hit the frozen earth.

I heard those rifles fire almost as one. I heard the bullets. There was Michael still standing. Mom, those guys couldn’t have missed, not at that range. I expected to see him blown to bits. But there he stood, making no effort to fire himself. He was paralyzed with fear. It sometimes happens, Mom, even to the bravest. He was like a bird fascinated by a snake. At least, that was what I thought then. I jumped up to pull him down, and that was when I got mine I felt a sudden flame in my chest. I often wondered what it felt like to be hit, now I know..

I remember feeling strong arms around me, arms that laid me ever so gently on a pillow of snow. I opened my eyes, for one last look. I was dying. Maybe I was even dead; I remember thinking well, this is not so bad. Perhaps I was looking into the sun. Maybe I was in shock. But it seemed I saw Michael standing erect again only this time his face was shining with a terrible splendor. As I say, maybe it was the sun in my eyes, but he seemed to change as I watched him. He grew bigger, his arms stretched out wide, perhaps it was the snow falling again, but there was a brightness around him like the wings of an angel. In his hands was a sword. A sword that flashed with a million lights. Well, that is the last thing I remember until the rest of the fellas came up and found me. I do not know how much time had passed. Now and then I had but a moment’s rest from the pain and fever. I remember telling them of the enemy just ahead.

“Where is Michael,” I asked.

I saw them look at one another. “Where’s who?” asked one.

“Michael, Michael the big Marine I was walking with just before the snow squall hit us.”

“Kid,” said the sergeant, “You weren’t walking with anyone. I had my eyes on you the whole time. You were getting too far out. I was going to call you in when you disappeared in the snow.”

He looked at me, curiously. “How did you do it, kid?”

“How’d I do what?” I asked half angry despite my wound. “This marine named Michael and I were just …”

“Son,” said the sergeant kindly, ” I picked out this outfit myself and there ain’t another Michael in it. You are the only Mike in it.

He paused for a minute, “Just how did you do it, kid? We heard shots. There hasn’t been a shot fired from your rifle. And there isn’t a bit of lead in them seven bodies over the hill there.”

I didn’t say anything, what could I say. I could only look open-mouthed with amazement.

It was then the sergeant spoke again, “Kid,” he said gently, “a sword stroke killed every one of those seven Commies.”

That is all I can tell you, Mom. As I say, it may have been the sun in my eyes; it may have been the cold or the pain. But that is what happened.

Love, Michael


Just Because, true story

Just DO IT!

Not Thy Will be done … but My Will!  WRONG!
Thinking back on my life, in the 70’s; while wondering, does God exist?
Being raised through the Catholic school system my religion meant much, my lifestyle based on what I learned by the nuns. Suddenly then, why was I doubting?
Now I realize why the doubt; I was losing His grace, grace that was keeping me from falling. The Church was changing subtly but fast enough for me to pretend teachings, disciplines no longer mattered. I started to relax; doing my own will.
Mentioning this confession above is essential to the rest of this blog post because I want to write about an account or scenario where an unbeliever wants to believe, and with God’s grace; where to begin is the question. A beginner should start at the beginning with prayer. I had to begin again and know the feeling.


Prayer is talking to God. If one has never prayed before, has in the past but not lately; begin by talking to God as you do with a friend. The critical part, vital is somewhere within your talking to God sincerely, because He knows sincerity; you must petition Him for three things. 1. To see the Truth when you hear it. 2. To love the Truth. 3 To be given the grace to act on this Truth.
Now don’t expect anything to happen immediately, pray daily, and you will be surprised. One more request especially these days when there are so many churches with different lifestyles pulling souls from one direction to another. During your search for Truth ask Him when you draw your very last breath you will be in His grace, and united to the Church that He founded.

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Poetic Prayer

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Congregate and Passion” Numerous synonyms will be underlined.  To join the fun click HERE.

Gather together
poetic prayer with zeal
on fireSwarm like bees
desire honey — God’s Will be
on earth as is in heaven!

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Spiritual Darkness

The Catholic religion has a term called Spiritual Darkness.  NOT depression, in truth, it makes your Faith stronger. The best example I can think of when a mother is teaching her child how to walk she holds the child up for a while, then comes the time she lets go, to guide and strengthen showing how strong he/she is. The mother is there just in case he or she falls.

This is why we experience this feeling of abandonment at times.

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Dry and Wet” —

Oh my thirsty soul
petitions grace from above
Spiritual test
sprinkle me end this rupture
pray I flee this harsh desert


My watercolor painting of years ago


Just Because, poetry

Why I love TODAY!

Thank you, God, for this glorious morning in June, I woke up today to another day, with so much to thank you for.  Feeling so happy I sat down and wrote a poem to express my feelings just now about Mondays.

Drowsy on Mondays
Yeah — I survived the weekend
Seven days ahead
Scheming reciting with joy
I’ll do all that tomorrow