
Next Time Think Before You Vote!

A medical doctor professes hundreds of congressional lawmakers, family members and staffers have received Covid-19 preventative care that included an ivermectin regimen – and kept those facts from the American people.

If there will be a NEXT TIME!

Ah! Another Challenge, Politics

Beware Blabbers AHEAD!

Down by the river
I heard these politicians
Blah blah who listened

This week, we are to write the haikai poem of our choice (haiku, senryu, haibun, tanka, haiga, renga, etc.) that states or alludes to either Fall foliage or goose (kari)–or both, if we feel so inclined! Challenge Here

Politics, Word Prompts

From BEST TO WORST, as the world goes!

Take out your paintbrush, oops I mean keyboard time to create from, you guessed it, PAINT CHIPS.


From Best to Worst, as the world goes.
If I had a wishbone, wishing for a world filled with the wisdom of the beginning as an heirloom tomato antique in nature!
Enough! Picking politicians from the deep end! Their empty laugh, a voice covered with a greenish patina, always depicting a green with envy gaze.
They go up and down in an organized swim, a lap swim, no wonder they are all wet. Back and forth as fireflies! 

As empty ways fade
Replaced by blooms of flowers
Truth! Sweeten the air!


The Telephone Game

What is going on IS: Have you ever played or watch your children, grandchildren sit in a circle and play the TELEPHONE GAME?

If not, you missed great fun to play or watch,  it works like this; someone whispers into the first child a sentence and they, in turn, whisper exactly what was told to them to the child sitting next to them, and so on till the last child stands up and tells to all present what he/she has been told. That is absolutely what we see from these “politicians” a game they play over and over.

Beware of who you vote for, are these really the kind of people you want to run our Country, playing games; do you want a socialist America?
If you fear you will lose friends and family members by voting your conscience, nod your head to your friends, family, associates and go into that private box and vote to “Make American Great Again!”