
Always Something New to Learn

On WordPress!

What is a conversational poem? Dialogue poems vary in length and may involve arguments, conversations that tell stories, statements of varying perspectives and witty repartee. They usually involve two people who take turns talking. The conversation may sound natural or occur in rhyming verse, depending on the author. There are no precise rules for writing a dialogue poem; however, the poem is usually based on an exchange of dialogue between two people who approach a subject from different viewpoints. (source)

Okay I’ll try! Using these paint chips below: Now YOU Try!

“Let’s go into this Highlighter store,”
“I like the name, HIGHLIGHTER STORE.”

“Forget it, been there, done that,
more like a Supernova store,
with a lot of nothing.”

“But look, they sell Lavender
scented Teddy Bears.”

“Oh-oh, there’s an Elephant in this room, look!
On the other hand, don’t look; let’s leave.”

“You act like you seen a dinosaur.”
“Not really! Just wanted to see
that movie playing titled,

Word Prompts

Thrift Store Poetry

And so the challenge today is to write a poem using at least 5 of the following words and phrases: the road less traveledPlymouth Rocktissuetaxichalkboardbrown-paper package, and yellow brick road.

Paint Chip Poetry
A little story! Found! Treasures in Thrift stores.
It all begins when purchased; they become yours.
One of the best an old chalkboard with etched words
A recipe — Mix well a woman; one man.
Toss in a brown-paper package, not a pan!
Let’s all hope they never crack as Plymouth Rock.
If done correctly, brand new life should appear.
Months flew by; Birthdays approached with added tears.
Babies —now teens; tissue ruined parents cried.
Their little one’s decisions seemed too rattled.
Some taxied along on the road less traveled.
While remainders choice was the yellow brick road.
As years passed happily, they came to agree.
Shared food sitting under an old apple tree
Story ends on a happy note. Find! Now found!
poetry, Word Prompts

Poetry doesn’t always make Sense!

Let’s paint a picture with only these colors, if you can!

Sure you can, I dare you. Just open the paint cans of …

Paint Chip Poetry

I’ll tell you a story it will be about Neptune.

Believe me, please, I have been there and will return soon!

Watched all gingerroot rhizome shooting up from the ground.

The barrier! Protection thickly lacquered around.

Many dingos-like coyotes; sheep’s in wolf clothing

Multiplying like rabbits while moaning and roaming 

The dingos are coming as a green light blocked the sun.

The nightmare over and illumination appeared. 

I awoke rubbed my eyes, all coyotes disappeared.

Believe me, please, I have been there and will return soon!

Than I’ll tell a story it will be about Neptune.

Ah! Another Challenge, poetry

You Know what they say about being eighty-one!

Paint Chip Poetry https://anotherfearlessyear.net/2020/09/11/paint-chip-poetry-prompt-37/

When I’m OLDER than eighty.
It may be grass will appear
greener, a verdant green — lush
As Garden of Paradise.

Time to relax would be nice!
Taste Wild Huckleberry wine,
Near soft glow of candlelight
I wait, waiting —still, I wait!

My skin will take on an aged
Antique Brass shade — no longer
A peachy tone, when eighty!
Sooner than later —eight one!

Years continue to fly by
As cumulonimbus clouds
Watching to show their tuff stuff.
Sooner than later or die!

Before that dreaded birthday
I’ll visit that Spice Market
If I wait another day
Sooner than later —eighty one

You know what they say about
Being eighty-one —
They say you’re as good as done!

poetry, Word Prompts

Just a Silly Story …

… about a child, dogs, a walk, dreams, and Haibun/Haiku poetry.

I PROMISE to make use of the Paint Chip Challenge. 


“Yes, mom, I PROMISE to take the dogs on a long walk today.”
And so we started; while walking through the rolling hills of our property with my two dogs, Rusty and Sparkle. We discovered this cave that wasn’t there yesterday; it had a metal door, reminded me of our refrigerator, looked like brushed aluminum; I naturally yelled aloud, “OPEN SESAME.”
Screech — clatter — CLANG! Oh! The sound of the metal scraping against the rocky ground. Peering into the brightly lit cave with walls covered in Lapis lazuli stones and that sweet smell of honey, I thought I died and went to Heaven.
Instead, I suddenly sat up in bed, smelling mom, making honey cakes in the kitchen.

What could be better
Colorful dreams — honey cakes
Gemstones and spooky!

Politics, Word Prompts

From BEST TO WORST, as the world goes!

Take out your paintbrush, oops I mean keyboard time to create from, you guessed it, PAINT CHIPS.


From Best to Worst, as the world goes.
If I had a wishbone, wishing for a world filled with the wisdom of the beginning as an heirloom tomato antique in nature!
Enough! Picking politicians from the deep end! Their empty laugh, a voice covered with a greenish patina, always depicting a green with envy gaze.
They go up and down in an organized swim, a lap swim, no wonder they are all wet. Back and forth as fireflies! 

As empty ways fade
Replaced by blooms of flowers
Truth! Sweeten the air!

poetry, Word Prompts

In Defense of Christianity

Again we are challenged with Paint Chips as pictured here


When it comes to The Faith, I want the whole enchilada because Jesus founded One Church, and one of those things is not like the other. A brick building with the word Church does not mean it is THEE Church. Christ’s teaching is not as a lipstick fluctuating with vast changes of shades and colors. As you learned back in the day, the marks of the Church are One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. The Church is not like a Sand Dollar crawling on the bottom; instead, it is a coral reef, anchored, and anchored in Truth. Truth is our nectar in life; the sweet taste of Truth is quite peachy for lack of a better word and the only word left in this challenge of words, known as Paint Chips.

Seek to find This Truth
Quote “The Truth will set you free”
Words never to fail

poetry, Word Prompts

Once upon a time

The Challenge create a poem from paint chips!

Paint Chips for poetry



Once upon a time, time was unknown.
Father God created from His Throne!
God must love the purple-colored tones!

From the kingly royal purple robes
Jacaranda trees over the globe.
Science of ultraviolet probes

The deep purple of the blackberry
The song of the purple canary
Color purple quite legendary.

Once upon a time, obedience was known!

poetry, Word Prompts

Sea Serpents and Mermaids

Paint Chip Poetry the rage; will you take the dare? Clickhere!


When I was little, I had a potpourri of Old Leather boots, past on to me by my big sister. As time went on, her euphoria was all about the color yellow! As in a Turmeric flower, bright yellow pennies, even the bright yellow of the Lazy Lizard.
How silly she is, me, I’ll stick with my dreams of Sea Serpents and Mermaids.

Hand me down treasure
Precious keepsake fun to take
Eyeing her new stuff

poetry, Supernatural Reality, Word Prompts

Take the Challenge, I Did!

I love this challenge, and for some strange reason today I wanted to write about myself, a confession.

Prompt words from Paint Chip resulted in the Haibun with Haiku

Somehow I was inspired to compose about my journey of Faith!
Most think the Church has changed with the recent Modern Popes, but in truth, it didn’t change at all, it just became smaller. Luke 18:8
“I say to you that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, Faith on earth?”

↓ My LONG LOST Faith ↓

After a few moments, asking for inspiration, a BRIGHT IDEA was wrought.
Faith was lost in the past, and like a HERMIT CRAB, I was living in a shell.
Slowly in the early ’70s, I found myself growing warmer to hot like the TROPICS. Realizing if there was a God, my choices were not His.

Something was amiss! I desired the sweet flesh of the Blessed Sacrament, but instead, it was only bread. The Catholic Church changed, I thought! I began to pray.
I yearned to be cleansed; where was this fountain where the Water Lily/LOTUS waited for me? Somewhere I knew for His promise was forever. Seek, and you shall find, like BABY’S BREATH, a beginning again; I found the POMEGRANATE, the Sweet Flesh, red Blood of He who died for me many seeds for all to see, the Church still existed. Like a PEACOCK with its many eyes, God does see our deeds, He cares!

About Tradition
Gates of Hell will not prevail.
Seek, and you shall find!

poetry, Word Prompts

A Paint Chip Haibun

Look and See Beautiful PAINT CHIPS, let’s all write a poem.

A Haibun with Haiku

I wonder from all the different types
of Hydrangea, my grandma’s hydrangeas
are best. Look, see her lime hydrangea
like a key lime pie, the smell. A fragrance so
sweet, mystical, not overpowering.
Today, however, no lime pie. Let’s settle
for a banana split. Our gratitude for that
will be overpowering for sure.  After all, it

runs in the family!

From heaven above
Flowers falling down to earth
Thank you for the scent

Ah! Another Challenge, poetry, Uncategorized

Working my Things to do List

Get out your thinking caps and join the chips 



Oh! Put a spotlight; “things-to-do list.”
Fog dims my view things I might have missed.
Start arranging what is essential.
This job, I hope, to be quite simple.

Need a vivid imagination —
A pyramid, a broad foundation.
Plus fragrant tangled vines of Jasmine
Many hours of work begins, Amen

A menu from bottom to the top
Pull to and fro as bubble gum pops
Back again forward turning to twist
Singing and dancing so go this list.

A well-done job finishing at last
Once and for all look back to the past.
Done! Now as visiting my hometown                             
Finally satisfied I sit down.

Look and see that same old tired scarecrow.
Still standing in the sand. Oh, oh, oh!


Paint Chip Poetry, a Haibun of Inspiration


Poetry?  Perhaps a Haibun with Haiku!

What inspires? Listen carefully as the song, America the Beautiful, inspired by purple mountain majesties. Our imagination, too, is kindling for a vision. Pray for a monsoon of grace, an epiphany, imagine drinking hot cocoa while pondering the unknown. So much still to discover, as Adam and Eve found the fig leaf, you to can find. Something is there waiting for you so away with the fake rubber ducky, away with the cheese puffs, say hello to wine and sweet dessert, time to explore your mind, and unearth your hidden talent.

Good-bye to ducky
Discover wine and dining
Dig up your talent


Paint Chip Poetry here







I love this challenge, Paint Chip poetry, the chips are seen below:

If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s fun and always a healthy dare; click here for the PROMPT.

My Poem below titled SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND

While searching, wash the SAWDUST from your eyes
Turn away from those ever ENDLESS DUNES
While hunting those desired FRIENDS FOREVER!
Seek high and low valued FOREVER FRIENDS.

Finely finding that APPLE OF YOUR EYE
Friends fitting tightly; a BALLET SLIPPER
With bonds overgrowing as JACK’s BEANSTALK!
Not flourishing cold as a KITTENS NOSE!

Remember friends who take you off from God
Turn away from those ever ENDLESS DUNES.
STOP! Change direction; exit that SCHOOL BUS
While searching — wash the SAWDUST from your eyes!

poetry, Word Prompts

Worth waiting for in POETRY

Let’s have a look-see at the paint chips because its time to paint,  our CHIPS can be viewed below.



Pining away thoughts of future
Reflection through a looking glass.
The other side of life appeared.

Seeing Heaven a perfect place
Worth waiting for STOP return, don’t
Look back— forget Disco fever!

Seek toward that field of poppies
A nursery, tulips in spring
Follow the scent of sweet Iris.

dVerse, poetry, Word Prompts

How it Will End— Depends on ME!

Linked to dVerse Open Link

Here we are again; time to paint a little, our paint chips can be viewed below.

This is How it will End

The Journey, we are within —
Yesterday, like the first kiss
never again!

Bygone the golden hour of the past —
Wasted? Melted as an ice cap

Will eternity be sipping amethyst wine
and camomile tea relaxing on soft clouds

Dodging hot pink, habanero flames
Continually seeking to devour!

How it will end depends on me!   



poetry, Word Prompts

A Little Advice on True Love

What a Challenge this time for me, it was indeed!  

A Little Bit of Advice about True Love


True Love is not ever-changing as an inchworm
After the fire, is a hot potato — affirmed

To love is to serve, as a sunflower serves God
Testing love by a mistletoe — certainly odd

Grapefruits quite sour, as well as wild mushroom, are chance
When he’s willing to serve you, its time for romance


Join the Prompt by clicking


dVerse, poetry

Paint Chip Poetry … challenge



A long time ago; Easter morning, imagine the First
How bright IN YOUR EYES was that joyful SUNBURST
Jesus Christ rising from what many believed dead
Guards dropped their weapons of IRON and fled
That giant stone melted as if a SANDCASTLE
The Divine Power of God winning the battle!

Remembering a time; Easter morning!

