Eugi's Weekly, Photo For the Week

A LIFETIME of WAITING … who needs it?

Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Swirling – March 25, 2021

By Eugenia

Stop Swirling Around like a whirlpool

Is life going too fast for you!

Is it any wonder why good stories begin with “Once upon a Time.”

A tip of slowing time if you think it’s going too fast. Watch the clock while anxious for it to reach the top of the hour to start your action. Or stand in the kitchen, not moving, waiting for the water to boil, suddenly it begins to swirl, bubble while swirling into a fury.

Time is life, don’t waste it. Stop the wait stop the fury! Stop allowing your mind to spin and swirl with hopes and desires that may never come your way. Instead, either relax and pray for that peace of soul, accept what blessings you have. In other words, Stop waiting for it to happen either make it happen or move on. Before you know it, life will end, and so will your waiting.

My husband, who passed away eight years ago, would often say. ” If you can do something, do it, or if you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry.”

“Pray and don’t worry,” a motto of Padre Pio. He, through an act of God, Padre Pio being blessed with stigmata, thereby provoking both interest and controversy as most miracles are often questioned. I have adopted his motto, “Pray and don’t worry,” my rule of life because it works!

SoCS, true story

Pondering Padre Pio, his story

Haven’t posted now for a few days, just been busy pondering instead. Here on WordPress, some interesting people come up with prompts to encourage us to write. Today I accept the challenge of one such prompt, “Movie Titles”;SoCS is asking to use the last title of the movie we watched. 

Last night I watched a Youtube movie titled “Padre Pio” for those who do not know this person all you need do is search the internet, he is one worth remembering. 

The link to the very long and moving movie is …

The film and my pondering have haunted me with this thought: 

The Church teaches us that Jesus Christ suffered and died for ALL, but not all people care about it! In the Garden just before He was taken to begin His Passion of death, He saw our faces. Each and every one of us He saw. He knew who would appreciate His reason for coming into the world; His goal was not to live but to die for us. He began to sweat His Blood when He saw the faces of those who would not care. 

Thinking again, how there is no such thing as “Time” when it refers to God the thought of Him suffering just for me that day, centuries before I was born, overwhelms my mind today!  


Word of the Day Challenge

Check Out the Word of the Day — Today


Illustrious might in a sense, mean famous
Someone glorious and quite grand.
Look in the mirror to see how you stand.
In the eyes of the world, perhaps an eyesore.
In the eyes of God, you are much more.

Don’t envy the life of another; count your blessings instead.

There is this legend a man; who complained to God that his cross was too heavy. As the story goes, the man is now seeing numerous stylized crosses to choose. Some very large, others so tiny, some crude and heavy, other slick and light, splintered, skewed or straight; on and on, he looked to see what cross was perfect for him, for he knew we all had to carry our cross, such is life. He looked here and there for his cross, and found one! Picking up his cross, while looking above to God he said, yes!

God now looking down smiled and said, “well done,” that is the exact one I gave you my child.

So you see, we all have a cross even the illustrious people in the world have one, you only see their splashy outward appearance, not the within.

There was this exalted person, illustrious and known to God, while simple to the world, his name was Padre Pio who died in 1968. Padre Pio’s advice and moto were, and it is a good one, “Pray and don’t worry.”


Challenge WOTD    All photos and art are free to use not copyrighted since they are mine to give to you.

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro, Word Prompts

YET! — poetry in Haibun

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Change and Defy” The numerous synonyms will be underlined.
To join our fun please click here and jump right in.


My sojourn day by day, as time goes by, noticing that black is white and white, is now black. Life is altered, modified, and turned from winter to spring in lightning speed. Exchange can be good but just when I think I heard it all, the next day I am blown away by another adverse enlightenment.
My only reaction is to disregard, resist and dare to say NO!

The devil can cheer
near our habits, since he is
not inside our will!




My Haiku above a rephrase of Padre Pio’s quote below:

“healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience since this shows that he is not inside your will.”
― Padre Pio