Just Because

Fandango’s Provocative Question #FPQ

He asks: What are your primary sources for news these days? Are you confident that your sources present the news accurately, fairly, and without bias? Or have you given up trying to keep up with the news anymore?

Try: https://www.brighteon.com/



Have a Blessed Day everyone!



My Repost for this coming week — As We Prepare for ?

Based on a number of reports published by American and Western media outlets, aside from anti-Russia propaganda, the US government has begun its preparations for a possible invasion of Russia via the Baltic countries, the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean and regions bordering the Russian Federation to the East.
According to a May 17 report in Business Insider,
the “US Special Operations Europe (SOCEUR) conducted its largest annual exercise in conjunction with a smaller one” with troops from several NATO member and partner countries. Both drills were staged “at the same time to simulate a full-blown conflict with Russia ranging from the Baltic states and Scandinavia south to Ukraine and the Black Sea region”. The realistic exercises were called Trojan Footprint 21 and Black Swan 21 and “took place in Romania and across Eastern Europe”.
The article also stated that Crimea “would be an ideal environment for Naval Special Warfare operations”. In fact, US SEAL teams are already capable of conducting “over-the-beach raids and ambushes, maritime and land special reconnaissance, and underwater special operations, such as placing sensors on the ocean or limpet mines on enemy vessels”.
The author of the article also opined that Russian radar installations and A2/AD (anti-access/ area denial) “batteries and command-and-control systems would be a logical target for SEAL platoons”. The two exercises essentially showed “how conventional and special-operations units would work together in a major conflict with Russia”.

According to Business Insider, the Russian military bolstered its presence in Crimea since its annexation, “making it a seemingly impenetrable fortress guarding Moscow’s southern flank both from land and air”, and making invading it quite a challenge.
At this point, it is worth reminding revenge-seekers in the United States that Crimea has been viewed as Russia’s stronghold for quite some time. In fact, a number of burial grounds for foreign fighters on the peninsula serve as a reminder of this land’s bloody history. And in the past, there were no openly gay servicemen unlike nowadays in the US and its allies’ armies.
A May 17 article in The National Interest reported that the United States had a plan to attack Kaliningrad, which was described as “a single symphony of violence to break down advanced defenses”. General Jeffrey L. Harrigian, Commander of US Air Forces in Europe, said that the city and its garrison “could be prime targets for” multi-domain operations. Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., the Deputy Editor for Breaking Defense, clarified that there would be simultaneous attacks on Kaliningrad from the air, land, sea and cyberspace, i.e. “a single symphony of violence to break down advanced defenses”. Hackers could first “disrupt communications networks while jamming planes confuse radars”. In the meantime, “bombers, ships and submarines could lob long-range cruise missiles” and ground forces “fire rockets”. Stealth fighters and bombers would then be able to “penetrate surviving defenses to drop GPS-guided” weapons.

Continue reading here —

War is A punishment for the sins of the world

Remember learning that definition in Catholic School prior to Vatican II.

dVerse, poetry, Politics

Is therapy the answer, I think NOT

I wrote this poem over a year ago, and as I am inspired by dVerse to write about “LOVE” while admitting;  I love my Country U.S.A. and when I see the news today this poem is how I feel!

I begin today
Should I climb on top a hill
Or just kneel to pray
Will He answer presently

Or should I choose therapy


dVerse on LOVE

opinion, Wordle

For what its WORTH … to You!

The Wordle of WORDS are:

My first thought was to PASS on this wordle, yet, my brain quickly turned to the MAINSTREAM NEWS known as those who brown noses or PANDER to one side! As SHOCKing seems to some, in reality, they are DESIGNed that you and I FALL in LINE!
FILL the gap with inconsistency is the method of operation.
Many come to America because they COVET the USA; some come to dishonor our STRIPES of red, white, and blue. Their ears only hear the WILD fake news of the PRESS who MINE but can’t find the dirt they seek.
Thank God for the great awakening and 4 more years of Truth, Justice, and the American way.


I Took the Sunday Whirl Challenge

Wordle today is to use these words underlined in your writing challenge.  The words are:



It is written so says the Lord, “vengeance is mine.”

Have you heard of this guy called Jeffrey Epstein?
Held there in New York State, love for children was his crime.
Bored he was sitting in his cell, nothing but sheets he whined.
Count my money; bring me a deal, he loudly opined.
Found guiltless; Watch! I always get my way!  Wait, now, I’ll take that shot of wine.

It is written so says the Lord, “vengeance is mine.”


Rhyming today’s NEWS

The prompt word today from Fandango is “PALTRY.
My thinking hat is worn out today, I could not create, however, wanting to help those who always have good ideas.  Thinking about the news with their use of the same words over, and over. Words to describe what we hear constantly and their rhymes or near rhymes make an exciting blog in itself, such as.


Consider the word Paltry rhymes with COSTLY
News rhymes with RUSE
Collusion with CONCLUSION
Impeach with LEECH
Politics with TRICKS
Russian with NOTHING

Hope this helps jog your creative genius.

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP, Word Prompts

BURBLE— Interesting word, especially today!

The best definition of the word “BURBLE.”
Would be this ongoing debate on the
Kavanaugh nomination, on and on, BURBLE!
Beware what goes around comes around!
Carry on, the only thing left is the Vote!

BURBLE, burble, B U R B L E … sick of it, change the channel!

Thank God we Can, STILL change the channel.