Back in time

Screwtape Letter by C.S. Lewis

Throwback Friday, I like that, reminds me of Fandango’s Back in Time on Fridays.

Looking back in time, I wrote this last February; a — C.S. Lewis Screwtape letter! C.S. a British writer. He is best known for his works of fiction, especially The Screwtape LettersThe Chronicles of Narnia, and The Space Trilogy, and for his non-fiction Christian apologetics, such as Mere ChristianityMiracles, and The Problem of Pain.

I posted this last February, but find it interesting it is so relative to today, I can’t help to wonder why it is; (not all) but most liberal thinking people are falling for the government and media’s voice. Of course, this letter is fiction and not meant to judge the soul of anyone as to what the devil thinks of us. C.S. Lewis wrote these words in his book “The Screwtape Letters” years ago. Amazing how this could have been written today:

Now the letter to follow:


′′One young devil asked the old devil, “How did you manage to bring so many souls to hell?” The old devil answered: “I instilled fear in them!”

Answers the youngster: “Great job!
And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger?” “No, they were afraid of the disease!” “Does this mean they didn’t get sick? Are they not dead? There was no rescue for them?”
The old devil man answered: “but no . . . they got sick, died, and the rescue was there.” The young devil, surprised, answered: “Then I don’t understand???” The old devil answered: “You know they believed the only thing they have to keep at any cost is their lives.
They stopped hugging, greeting each other. They’ve moved away from each other. They gave up all social contacts and everything that was human! Later they ran out of money, lost their jobs, but that was their choice because they were afraid for their lives, that’s why they quit their jobs without even having bread.
They believed blindly everything they heard and read in the papers.
They gave up their freedoms, they didn’t leave their own homes literally anywhere. They stopped visiting family and friends.
The world turned into such a concentration camp, without forcing them into captivity.
They accepted everything!!!
Just to live at least one more miserable day . . . And so living, they died every day!!! And that’s how it was very easy for me to take their miserable souls to hell….. ′′devil!
C.S. Lewis in 1942


The End, of the letter I meant!

Politics, Reblog

VAERS Report Indicates 9,000+ Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Deaths, a 2,000 Increase in One Week

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S. licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Nwo Report


The most wicked medical experiment in human history has hit a horrific threshold.

In the past week, the latest VAERS Report indicates over 9,000 deaths related to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

That’s more vaccine-related deaths than all other vaccines combined.

Yet, the government and Big Pharma continue to insist the experimental jabs are safe and effective.

Trending: Newest Trump Dancing Video Is Out and I’m Dying!

With over 9,000 vaccine-related deaths, in what reality is this “safe and effective?”

Past vaccinations were pulled with dozens of deaths.

But the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are pushing 10,000.

And VAERS is notorious for underreporting cases.

That means we likely already passed 10,000 experimental COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths.

Here’s the latest:

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Children’s Health Defense reported:

Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021, a total of438,441 total adverse…

View original post 375 more words

Word of the Day Challenge



The opposite of Hope is Despair! Today so many of us live on fear, which is one of the ploys of communism. What do we have today, FEAR! DESPAIR, no HOPE for the future. We tend to believe what we hear and what we hear is what the New World Order wants YOU to hear, which is why you already see so much censorship. Another tactic of communism.
Beginning with … “that’s not a ‘politically correct’ jingle.” Surrender of Freedom of speech!
That’s what comes with the New World Order. We live in a time where those who hate conservativeness; those who live with this hate. Hate another point of view, hate God, desire only a world without God.

Perhaps we are getting very close to sliding down that slippery slope but into what? The world, the Church both seem to be sliding together into the mud. Yes, we have God’s promise He will always be with us. However, He never intended for us to seek a modern religion that suits our lifestyle.
If you research while going back in time, those who seek God should know that when Jesus was on earth, He said when He returns would He find FAITH upon the earth. Speaking of the Church, He founded. “But yet the Son of man, when He cometh, (Second Coming) shall He find, think you, faith on earth?” Luke 18:8
Today, the Roman Catholic Church is in apostasy (Look at what the so-called pope is saying these days.) There is still a remnant, pockets of Traditional Catholics all over the world. Click to search

Ignore the communist tricks to imprison you; fear them NOT. Vote your conscience and, above all, PRAY for Godly ORDER!

Ah! Another Challenge, Politics, Word Prompts

Do Beeee of Good CHARACTER

The prompt today is the word “Character.”  I love prompts because they always make me dust off my brain.  I only wish I had the time to participate in them all, but I do have a life outside this “box” of electronics.  Today I plan to clean out my shed, I better put on my mask to protect me from the dust.  LOL!

Here is my take today on the subject of Character click if you want to join.

Today the world is living with so many different characters and trying to get along is a challenge itself. — A confusion wrought by change, black is now white, right is now wrong, but what was wrong is now the new normal.

There is a conspiracy to rid the world of God. Anyone who denies this is either part of it or one with their head in the sand. How do I know this, LOOK AROUND?

In my 80 years of life, I have met many characters most with integrity, others eccentric, or cranks. Lucky me, I get along with all of them, some better than others. They all have something to give.

The world is so filled today with chaos; who are we, or mainly who am I to say who is correct or mistaken to believe in a conspiracy. I have reached to point in my life, to pray for truth, let the world go by, and hope that when it stops for me to get off, I will be ready to face God when He asks me like He will ask all of us. HOW DID YOU KEEP THE FAITH?


Just Because

Public Control through Holographic Proj.

 Prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “reservation.”

My stream of conscience and what it means to me is what I am concerned about and should I say something about it and I will;  therefore I write about my reservation.
Today we listen here and there about aliens, meaning beings from other planets. “They are here,” as in the alien news.

My hesitation and reluctance concerning this subject are merely put this way.
If you believe that Jesus Christ is God and He became incarnate through the Blessed Mother (All generations will call her Blessed, Luke 1:48).  If you believe also,
the purpose of His coming was to redeem all humanity, because He loves us that much after the fall.  (Adam & Eve first bestowed with an immortal soul.) You too would have reservation about believing in aliens from other planets. Why? Because that would mean that God would have to come again on those planets to be crucified all over again and again, Mary His mother would have to reincarnated each time.

Unless of course, you believe that those aliens are so very good and perfect they never had their fall as we have here on earth. If that is the case, we have nothing to fear since if they are that Christ-like through His eyes, they are perfect, right, good and pure.

Consider HOLOGRAMS and read the link below bolded.

If you are interested in this read so far and are in the know about the New World Order it is essential to take a look at this link provided: 

P.S.  If you are an unbeliever, atheist it would take more faith to believe in all this life, aliens etc. all over the universe than to believe in intelligent design as in God.

Word Prompts


My opinion of why the New World Order will be INEFFICIENT in the form of Political poetry authored by myself.


New World Order
everyone suffers rights
surrender freedom deception
truly ancient plot – restriction
Great Seal Novus Ordo
arranged design


via Daily Prompt: Inefficient
