Word Prompts

No, No… Better Not!

52 WORDS 4 Sammiscribbles

When Truth scorned
ignored, denied or hidden;
impossible, never!

Truth is perpetual, forever!
Why then do many doubt?
God IS! He is Truth with a
capital letter.

To continue to deny the Supernatural
certainty is eternal death.

There is a God, the word to
Fear, the word to tremble to hear




When is a Troll not a MONSTER …?

Sing sing a troll
Round and round we go                                     ♫ Trolling Down the River
Now don’t be shy
Raise that voice         
As we troll along —
We await our turn
Humming our style
Now Reach up
Grap those vibes
Before they run away
Musical notes swaying
Our day away



Something to Cheer You for dVerse

The word for the quadrille today is “troll” or any variation or arrangement of it somehow in a poem.

Frank Hubeny says the hard part of a quadrille is that it must have exactly 44 words (excluding title). Some people find 99-word stories difficult. A quadrille permits less than half that many words.


The Power of the Volcano but Power of Prayer is greater

FOWC = Fandango

The prompt today is “POWER” and what a word!  An energy that makes me wonder why all these volcanic eruptions are occurring.  Below is today’s report; concerning to me especially since those Russians Scientists are calling for an earthquake in the U.S.A. not just an ordinary earthquake but a great one!  I mentioned it in on my blog of a few days ago dated March 13 here.

Yet! I wonder some are saying that Russia has weapons that could cause such an event.  Anyway, we won’t have to wait too long, to see!

The POWER OF PRAYER is greater than any other force, use that power it’s free to all!


video about the volcanic starts at about 14.30

Word Prompts

Is it Music or NOISE?

Last night for some reason it was difficult for me to fall asleep, “oh no, not another night of tossing,” I thought.  I also had a notion of tuning in to some Gregorian Chant and soon discovered that ZZZZZZZ’s and the chants got along very nicely together.

Have you ever wondered why when we read the lives of the early Christians and Saints, how God spoke directly to them, while today Heaven is so silent? Or like Thomas, a Kempis said, “The grace of God is not communicated to the worldly-minded.” Perhaps it was because without today’s discoveries they were able to HEAR Him.


God tries to speak to us, but bedazzlement and blindness take over our senses, and we walk in darkness. Without realizing it, we deliberately block His Voice because we prefer





Many or most young people cannot hear God calling them to their vocation; their ears are stopped up with the music of the world indoctrinating their minds with sex, drugs, and anger.

This world of ours comes to an end the moment we take our last breath. We can’t change our will because it is set at that moment forever. If it was the noise, distractions, and chaos, we desired in life, why would we suddenly in eternity want harmony, peace, and love of God?


Of the Lamb and of the virgins that follow him. Of the judgments that shall fall upon the wicked.

And I heard a voice from heaven, as the noise of many waters, and as the voice of great thunder; and the voice which I heard, was as the voice of harpers, harping on their harps.”  Apocalypse 14;2


via Daily Prompt: Noise