dVerse, Photo For the Week, poetry

Back to Kindergarten; a MEMORY!

dVerse is asking bloggers to walk around our house and look at all the things hanging there: on walls, in closets, on your refrigerator door, etc. Pick something that “speaks to you” and use that as the basis for today’s poem. Do take a photo of it if you can, and post the photo too. Perhaps your poem will describe the object, or share a memory about the object, or let us know why the object is important to you; or why it’s hanging there. Any form of a poem is fine; serious or fun or reflective. The key is, we want to hang out with you today and learn about something hanging where you live!


Every time I hear the word “Hanging”, it brings back a memory of me, standing there in kindergarten with the other children and reciting this poem. It had great meaning for me, then as a small child, but today the meaning is even greater. For certainly I have been a very naughty child of God in the past 78 years of my life. Although this is not my poem, composed by me, the author, I believe, is anonymous.

Jesus hanging on the cross,
Tell me was it I?
There are great big teardrops, Lord,
Did I make you cry?
I have been a naughty child
Naughty as can be.
Now I am so sorry Lord;
Please come down to pardon me!

Image of my home walls as seen below:


dVerse, poetry

We Met on Christmas Day—1957

My Christmas Gift from God!

Married … 1961

Now he is gone, his name was Dennis!

A MEMORY afraid to forget

Some die soft and others die-hard.
You left me with a heart scarred.
His Will was to call you home
His Will left me all alone.
Your words to me were bravely spoken
Today I understand the words foretoken.
“It’s Gods Will,” you said over and over.
“Please lend me a prayer,” and moreover;
“What did our priest just say to me?”
Words I just couldn’t foresee.
“Our children will now care for you,”
He knew they would follow through.
Now that it’s been six long years
What I do best are shedding tears.


Word Prompts

Suddenly My Personal Story

My story in short.

A cradle Catholic here who still can hear the nun’s words, “you children have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth.” Then she would explain what that meant. We were born with the Faith and didn’t have to “seek and find” like others.

My journey in life took me this way and that way regarding my religion. When the Church started to change, I began to change.
Suddenly I was permitting myself to do all sorts of things that I would never allow myself earlier in life.

As the years rolled by I often thought of my younger years and why suddenly it was okay to let down the bars so to speak. One day I mentioned this to my priest, and he merely said, “oh! those things are outdated, the prayers, hymns, and even the catechism.” I left there with more questions than answers.

One day very soon after, I was cleaning out some old things and found a shoe box with trinkets. Among the items was my brown scapular and rosary, all tangled together. I untangled them and began to think again; “I should be wearing this scapular and praying this rosary,” I remembered. And so suddenly I made up my mind to do so.

My life at that time didn’t change much the bar was still low, and the goats were coming in. Not until I picked up this book and read it. “Sinners Return to God.”

Suddenly I realized I was going the wrong way. After reading it suddenly again I knew I had to amend my life, and quite suddenly I was committed to doing so.

I consider myself a Traditional Catholic today and have found peace of soul; I suddenly have a new lease on life. And that is a good thing.


via Daily Prompt: Suddenly



Today I feel more conversant with the memory of my husbands last days than usual, so I wrote a poem. Although I may not be considered a poet, I still feel conversant with his memory.

A MEMORY afraid to forget

Some die soft and others die-hard.
You left me with a heart scarred.
His Will was to call you home
His Will left me all alone.
Your words to me were bravely spoken
Today I understand the words foretoken.
“It’s Gods Will,” you said over and over.
“Please lend me a prayer,” and moreover;
“What did our priest just say to me?”
Words I just couldn’t foresee.
“Our children will now care for you,”
He knew they would follow through.
Now that it’s been five long years
What I do best are shedding tears.



via Daily Prompt: Conversant


ETERNITY … a dominant reality!

Eternity should be the only DOMINANT REALITY of our life because it is forever. It is whatever exists outside of time.
It is easy to shake your head and say nothing exists but what if you are wrong?


The consequences of being wrong on this account would mean you can’t change your mind once found in eternity. The time given you now is your opportunity to think about eternity.
Just to give you an idea of how long eternity is, let me share this little analogy from my childhood memory.

Imagine a tiny bird that dwells up high in the heavens above; it flies down to earth every 100 years just to take one sip of the waters contained on earth. Consider all the oceans, rivers, lakes and streams throughout. The bird only takes one little sip and flies back to its place in the celestial abode to await the passing of another 100 years for its return to drink again from earth waters. Chances are it will never finish drinking the entirety of water, but imagine it did! The bird took the very last drop. Imagine this scenario, and believe too that eternity would only be beginning.
ETERNITY should be your only DOMINANT REALITY because it just might be the reality of your existence. ETERNITY … a dominant reality.

via Daily Prompt: Dominant


A long, long time ago when I was in kindergarten back in the middle 40’s, an excellent nun would have us recite this tender little prayer each day.  I still remember it!  childrenJesus hanging on the cross,
Tell me was it I?
There are great big teardrops, Lord,
Did I make you cry?
I have been a naughty child
Naughty as can be.
Now I am so sorry Lord;
Please come down to pardon me!