
dVerse, Inspires every time

An invitation to write that memory you can’t forget, it’s Thanksgiving Season After All!!

My Memory in Haibun Poetry   OUCH!  Graitful it wasn't worse!

Thinking back, remembering Thanksgiving Day as a child, I was always excited to see my cousins. One particular Aunt and Uncle had ten children. However, sad to say only seven lived past infancy. The best day was when we all got together, all seven, plus my brother and me. We were very wild and would run, play, jump; one Thanksgiving Day, I accidentally tripped while working up an appetite for the great Feast that was about to begin. I was running with all the gusto within me.
I did not like what I bit into that Thanksgiving Day; it was my tongue. Next came the brightly colored blood everywhere. Next, I remember being taken into the bathroom with several “big” people trying to stop the blood and tears.
Ahh! Memories! I know now that events end but memories last forever; I am living proof at 81 years old, I still wear the scar.

Best bite ever, not!
Impossible to forget
Holidays are here



Too, too Tired! A Haibun with Haiku

Just to create conditions that something did happen a long time ago. A memory to awaken according to dVerse at … click here for more information, CLICK!

Going back in time is something expected as one age. This memory always comes to mind when I do this exercise, and I have often recalled it.
I could barely walk; therefore, I must have been about 24 months.
Knowing I couldn’t have been more than three. I remember walking outside with my mother and her lady-friend. I remember sitting down on the sidewalk and sitting there, sitting there.
My mother refused to pick me up; she kept coaching me to get up. After a few moments went by, but it seemed to me at that time a very long time. She started to walk ahead with her lady friend, leaving me to sit there.
Now that I am grown, I imagine she said something like this, “okay, just sit there, but I am going home.” The picture in my memory is; it seems as if she is far, far away; I am frightened — she left me!
I would not get up to run to her since she seemed an eternity away.
I can still see how tiny both she and her lady-friend were because they were so far away in my mind’s eyes.
In reality, they were only about 50 feet from me, and I know this because my mother would have never left me!

Stubborn baby girl
Take my hand — up little one
Too tired, mama dear!

Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge

Just Do It!


Creating the edge of summer — Creative writing!  Do It!

Edge the summer with pictures! Summer; for many their first, others they’re last. For most of us, it is another.
Summer comes then soon departs —
As the seamstress creates her gown adding fringe to her creation;
a keepsake for the years ahead.
Take a pen, paper and edge your summer with lace or shred, happiness with tears; lessons learned!  The seasons God’s gift to us, His time clock.

“Nevertheless, he left not himself without testimony, doing good from heaven, giving rains and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.” Acts of Apostles 14;16