
#WordPrompt… It’s Back

Word Press Prompt, this month it is the world BRIDGE; Yes WORLD!

Bridge, so many kinds of them, see here to get my point! Click to see how many

The purpose is to connect!  So why are the governments doing everything possible to disconnect us?
The media is, in my opinion, the dominant spark at "full speed ahead" aimed at the sheeple.  This quote by Winston Churchill makes the point.  "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

Life is a journey, and we all want to live in peace with happiness for our loved ones; we travel along, we arrive at a bridge; before we cross, be careful to know what is on the other end of the bridge.  (The connection)  These days do your research, don't blindly cross that bridge!  And above all, pray!  "My longing for truth was a single prayer." ~Edith Stein

As we begin to cross the bridge, it may seem gloomy, dark, and full of wonder; what will we find as we connect to the other side of life?
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~Plato

Prayer is light, don't do it alone, don't just follow along AND "Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day."  Jesus Christ


Open Wordle to the Mainstream Media

Wordle 445 and the famous 12 words to compose creative writing, what fun, try it here.

Media today, with their fake STORYTELLERS! Could you send them all to JAIL? Instead, they continue to SAVOR their SLY CHAIN of lies. YESTERDAYS news the same NOW and forever with their WEE non-COURAGEOUS facts. ASK them to please to turn off the HEAT and pull in their TENDRILS just for today!


Stop the World


I want to get off!

What a life we live; how convenient! Today you and I or anyone, how lucky can we be today to be alive in these silly times. So featherbrained, it is comical and sad at the same time. 

Is it any wonder our children don’t know if they are boys or girls nor do their parents.  

Our need for amusement no longer means getting dressed, finding a ride that takes us to the neighborhood circus that arrived to entertain us.

Our need to laugh is at our fingertips, so colorful we can taste it.

Just grab your favorite chair, get comfy in your P.J.s turn on your means of media, and get your popcorn, sit down, being careful not to wet your pants through laughter. 

This entire impeachment bazaar is like closing your eyes, and ears and imagine A cow is screaming across the arroyo.



Rhyming today’s NEWS

The prompt word today from Fandango is “PALTRY.
My thinking hat is worn out today, I could not create, however, wanting to help those who always have good ideas.  Thinking about the news with their use of the same words over, and over. Words to describe what we hear constantly and their rhymes or near rhymes make an exciting blog in itself, such as.


Consider the word Paltry rhymes with COSTLY
News rhymes with RUSE
Collusion with CONCLUSION
Impeach with LEECH
Politics with TRICKS
Russian with NOTHING

Hope this helps jog your creative genius.

Just Because, SoCS

Earthquakes news and forecasts

Regularly I tune into the live earthquake website and Dutchsinse on Youtube. Lately, there is a severe showing of activity near the crater known as the Pisgah Crater Volcano. For those yet to be introduced to Dutchsinse and his predictions and No he is not a prophet, just a young regular guy who discovered a unique scientific way of forecasting earthquakes. A little about Dutch; his fundamental discovery based on science which is why the “experts” hate him.

Getting back to my interest in this Pisgah Crater Volcano is because it seems it might be an awakening of a small volcano there in Ludlow Calif.

Not sure if the readers have been following since the mainstream news spends most of their time spinning the earthquakes that are ongoing in the world of politics. Brainwashing those who can’t think, but only obey those who preach bunkum.

Getting back to: Have you realized today about 1,500 potentially active volcanoes worldwide, which reminds me of this verse: “And there shall be great earthquakes in divers places, and pestilences, and famines, and terrors from heaven; and there shall be great signs.”[Luke 21:11]

Living today, in my opinion, is undoubtedly lively!

Word Prompts

Define RACIST … or QUIT!


The prompt word today is “forlorn”… in a short wink, the only point of the word might be when I consider the media these forlorn days of reading, hearing their delivery of commentary on what in the past described as”NEWS,” today it is more like FORLORN rumors.

Let us begin by thinking!

Those to the left and right, what is wrong with Making America Great?
Make America Great Again, BY demanding TRUTH from the media.

And MEDIA MAKERS EVERYWHERE the next time you refer to a conservative as a racist… PLEASE define the word RACIST in your narrative, to avoid any misconception.


Journalists are THE FIRST to bring us the TRUTH, remember what Albert Einstein said:

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”