Politics, Uncategorized

The Big Question IS …

I recently watched a clip of Pelosi asking Trump to defend himself.

Does he even know the charge? I wonder since I have been waiting to hear what it was, and so far, it must be a secret.  

Now this tidbit from.     link

Morrison, who was on the July 25 Trump-Zelensky call testified in Schiff’s secret basement star chamber that nothing illegal was discussed on the Trump-Zelensky phone call.

This is why Schiff held his secret hearings behind closed doors in a basement.

Schiff doesn’t want the American public to know that President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was completely above board.

How dishonest can one be?

No wonder my democratic friends from Chicago, (where I was born and raised) are voting for Trump next time around.



The Telephone Game

What is going on IS: Have you ever played or watch your children, grandchildren sit in a circle and play the TELEPHONE GAME?

If not, you missed great fun to play or watch,  it works like this; someone whispers into the first child a sentence and they, in turn, whisper exactly what was told to them to the child sitting next to them, and so on till the last child stands up and tells to all present what he/she has been told. That is absolutely what we see from these “politicians” a game they play over and over.

Beware of who you vote for, are these really the kind of people you want to run our Country, playing games; do you want a socialist America?
If you fear you will lose friends and family members by voting your conscience, nod your head to your friends, family, associates and go into that private box and vote to “Make American Great Again!”



A Sterling RACIST is

Those that enjoy flinging the name “racist” around proving each time they are the haters of the human race with their pseudo right to kill innocent babies. Contempt for the law just because it doesn’t harmonize today; although yesterday when it was their idea, it was acceptable! ALSO proved by their racist, hatred of America when they can’t stand the concept of “MAKING AMERICA GREAT!”

Is this YOU?  If not vote according to your God-given conscience.

My word 1liner for today!


Conversation Hearts that Tell the Truth

REVERSE is the word of the day!

Why is it the Democrats always cheer for the reverse side of the Republican party?

I encourage all Republicans to be a good sport and send a message, given to the Dems, sugar-coated conversational hearts celebrating the end of February the month of peace and love. All in fun…of course!  ♥


Word Prompts

Define RACIST … or QUIT!


The prompt word today is “forlorn”… in a short wink, the only point of the word might be when I consider the media these forlorn days of reading, hearing their delivery of commentary on what in the past described as”NEWS,” today it is more like FORLORN rumors.

Let us begin by thinking!

Those to the left and right, what is wrong with Making America Great?
Make America Great Again, BY demanding TRUTH from the media.

And MEDIA MAKERS EVERYWHERE the next time you refer to a conservative as a racist… PLEASE define the word RACIST in your narrative, to avoid any misconception.


Journalists are THE FIRST to bring us the TRUTH, remember what Albert Einstein said:

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”