Try something NEW; a Monoku

Eugenia …. suggests a Monoku a type of poem which is made up of a single horizontal line. Traditionally considered as a haiku writing, it is currently accepted as a variant of the haiku form of poetry. Monoku emerged as an independent style of poetry in the 1970s.

Unlike the Haiku which is made up of three outlines with a total of seventeen syllables, Monoku features a single line consisting of seventeen syllables or even fewer.

It contains a pause brought about by speech rhythm with slight or no punctuation. The first letter should not be capitalized – but instead written in lower case.


I’ll try the above form written for WDYS click here to join

Prompt image below

peek-a-boo I love you but you know I do so true I do — I do

Just Because

Did You Know

Valentine’s Day is a Catholic Saint’s Feast Day, known as St. Valentine

Valentine’s Day is ALMOST HERE!

My favorite SECULAR quote on the theme LOVE “You always hurt the one you love.” by Allan Roberts also a very popular song with the same words for the Title.

My favorite supernatural quote has to be.
“Let us therefore love God, because God first hath loved us.” 1John 4:19

Love, love and love!

dVerse, poetry, Politics

Is therapy the answer, I think NOT

I wrote this poem over a year ago, and as I am inspired by dVerse to write about “LOVE” while admitting;  I love my Country U.S.A. and when I see the news today this poem is how I feel!

I begin today
Should I climb on top a hill
Or just kneel to pray
Will He answer presently

Or should I choose therapy


dVerse on LOVE

Word Prompts

Try It! You’ll Like It!



Don’t start your day without saying, Thank You to God!
He and He alone opened the gates of Heaven for those who accept His sacrifice. For those who do not accept Him; pray for them for as long as they have breath, God is not done with them yet.

Just thinking of the temporal things we enjoy is more reason to say, “Thank You!”
I am grateful for my Traditional Catholic Faith, family, friends, and even those I don’t agree with, for they teach me patience and make me stronger.

We all have so little time, compared to eternity (forever), be thankful for the time given. When I am grateful, I notice, the more I ask, the more I am given.

Try it!


Share your World

Sharing! and do we really care?

Share Your World wants to know!

The prompt from this blogger to Share Our World; the form of questions to answer which are: 

  1. What is the meaning of true love?
  2. Do acts of kindness have a motive? 
  3. If we live in a civilized world why do we see so many distinctions between rich and poor?
  4. Do we love ourselves more in the virtual world than in the real world?

 Number one: The meaning of True Love is to serve when we serve our love grows deeper. Serving each other in marriage will always be a success; this is why a mother loves her children, she serves them from the beginning of their life. 

Number two: If your acts of kindness are done only to boost your reputation (for example, the politician) WRONG! Acts of kindness should always be done for the sake of God, not to feed your ego. 

Number three: Because people have different opportunities, choices and we are not robots, the poor will always be with us, it is written.

Number four: The virtual world is to me what I am aiming for, my goal, the real world is what I am. We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. Therefore we are called to love ourselves.  



Conversation Hearts that Tell the Truth

REVERSE is the word of the day!

Why is it the Democrats always cheer for the reverse side of the Republican party?

I encourage all Republicans to be a good sport and send a message, given to the Dems, sugar-coated conversational hearts celebrating the end of February the month of peace and love. All in fun…of course!  ♥


dVerse, poetry

“The Secret Ingredient” IS …

Found at dVerse


Energy too
Wonder what it is?
Affectionate trusting
A girl or a little boy
You’re getting warmer with your thought
One more key and the answer is yes
A puppy of course, what else could it be!



LOVE  the best topic no matter who, what and where.

poetry, Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Free Wealth

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Bewitch and Treasure“. My choice was “Captivate & Draw for the word Bewitch and Fortune, Love & Wealth for the word Treasure.” This is a Tanka a poem about “The Gift of Faith.”  Written for today’s challenge, July 10.

God’s most precious gift
Will captivate and draw us
Free fortune of love —
Acquiring this wealth of faith 
Priceless riches supervene!