Lucky Dip, poetry

The Youth and Senior Citizens

Writing a poem in the Villanelle poetry form, at least for me, was a brain exercise.  Yet, I need  a brain workout today!   
Mindlovemiserymenagerie posted instructions on how to write a Villanelle.
A Villanelle is a nineteen-line poem consisting of a very specific rhyming scheme: aba aba aba aba aba abaa.
The first and the third lines in the first stanza are repeated in alternating order throughout the poem, and appear together in the last couplet (last two lines).   You can read a great example on their post by clicking here.

My humble attempt can be read below.
I was hoping to express how those of us who are considered to be SEPTUAGENARIAN OR OLDER really feel inside our souls.  

The youth will never engage   
That our souls will never get old
Upon arriving at old age

Inside — Seniors feel caged
The aged will uphold
The youth will never engage

We old citizens feel as if onstage
Not at all controlled
Upon arriving at old age

We imagine; deem not changed
We can dance and feel quite bold
The youth will never engage

Our thinking never disengaged
We are as if thirty-three years yet untold
Upon arriving at old age

The truth of the soul will never assuage
To one who hasn't reached what fate molds
The youth will never engage
Upon arriving at old age   

Weekend Writing Prompt


Have you ever had an angel encounter; I have! But SURPRISE, that is not what this blog post is about.

It is about being HAPPY; I am a very happy old lady, going downhill and happy about that, thinking this may be my last Christmas. (or maybe not) lived a happy childhood, a happy marriage, and I know why I was born in the first place. Made a lot of mistakes, more than I can count — told God I was sorry. That was a peaceful, happy feeling!

The best part of this blog is below, please continue to read.

A few days ago, I found this video about an angel story, it’s not very long, under 10 minutes, but the really happy part is the story, yes—but reading the comments. Since watching this video, I have gone back just to finish reading the comments because they wrought so much happiness within my soul.
Not only will you feel beyond happy just knowing, but you will also thrive in hope too!

Ah! Another Challenge, Word Prompts

Life its Treasures Hopes Desires and END.

The story inspired by First Line Friday:   Below


Millie couldn’t believe her luck, an eighteenth century, hand-carved oak hope chest with original fixtures intact– and all she had to do was convince them to sell it to her.

It all started when she accidentally came upon this old home as she was scouring houses to list for sale; thereby enhancing her real estate career. This property was quite hidden with overgrown shrubs and nonconforming to the surroundings. She was surprised to see how welcomed she was when she approached the door to inquire if there might be an interest in a future sale of said property. That was when she noticed the treasured hope chest.

The senior man, indicated positively, as he was about to enter into a facility for the aged. Hearing his words was the opening she had hoped for, not only was this an opportunity for a commission but, also to gain the hope chest.

Concise, and to the point, as she looked around, she mentioned the room was very crowded with that enormous chest it would be a distraction to potential buyers. Would he be interested in selling it? She asked with tact and thoughtfulness.

Only, he said, if you took all the contents that it held, junk I collected throughout the many years of my life.

Music to her ears, her elation was well contained within her soul as the sale progressed.

The sale of the chest now achieved, with keen anticipation as to what the contents contained; the subject for another future story.

This story; My summarized picture of life. Opportunity/Success, seeking what we desire, hoping to achieve, curious about what it holds. In the end, Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
Judgment, Heaven or Hell.

Supernatural Reality

Physician-assisted Suicide? Right or Wrong

The Challenge or suggestion today is in the form of a question, today the question is physician-assisted suicide, yes or no!

I love questions that cause me to think. I also realize that my way of thinking is not according to the direction of the world is moving today.
It is as though we are being pulled like a magnet to believe that this life is all we have therefore we should live it according to our convenience.

God really and truly speaks to all of us, and especially to us when we are near to our end. Suicide is evil because it removes our soul from the last chance we will have to hear His voice embedded within. If you don’t believe me, ask any physician or Hospice caretakers to tell you the stories they have witnessed sitting at the bedside of the dying.

Time to eternity is our journey like being born; leaving the womb of your mother entering this life. Now coming into our eternity, a new life of our choosing, a life of happiness or a life of absence of joy depending on how we ended.

Suicide is cheating yourself of that final vital conscious or coma state moment while still in the state of TIME. The time to review; the most critical moment allowed us.

The dying persons hearing the voice of God while pondering any regrets, feelings for contrition/repentance, and most importantly forgiveness from He who has created you.