Share your World

My Truth and One Meatball song


    Thanks to Melanie B Cee for the inspiration, questions/prompt

She asks

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? If you don’t think Heaven nor God exists, you might want to answer by saying something outrageous, just for fun!
Anyone reading my posts here knows that I believe that God exists along with Heaven, Hell, Limbo, and Purgatory.   After “time” is no longer, I think that there will only be Heaven and Hell. If I should be so graced, I imagine St. Peter might say; “you had us worried a few times, but you made it.’

The lowest depth of misery would be if I don’t make it; spending eternity among others surrounded by hate, since there is no love in Hell, whatsoever.

What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
Arriving at my destination without causing an accident, and that’s the truth.

How would you rate your memory?
For my age, I think my memory is about average, except when I can’t find where I put my keys. It always happens when I am in a hurry.

What’s one song that always cheers you up, no matter how blue you’re feeling? 

I have two of them guaranteed to make you smile.  Hope you will give a listen, your kids if you have any at home will also LOL!


Word Prompts

Wordle Words as Words do Wordle

Posted below: composed with words from Wordle 362


As one gets older, it’s fun to pass away the time by remembering youth in Chicago where my heart will always be. The sign of Christmas, the Holy Season remembering the birth of Christ, approaching means a trip to the department store, riding on the moving staircase.

Picture this: Windows trimmed with that special gift seen only during the Holidays. Animated displays with toys, and children skating on the lake surrounded with pines. You can travel wherever your imagination takes you all this while shopping for that special quilt for grandmother.

dVerse, Just Because

Just for Pun

dVerse suggested something opposite of how the world perceives, in this case a nursery rhyme.  Bet you can’t guess!


Barry had a great large lamb,
Its fleece was black as coal.
And everywhere that Barry went
The lamb would just say no.

He followed him to work one day
Which was the thing to do;
It made the workers sit and cry
To see the lamb working so.

And so the boss just hired him.
But still he ran away;
Wondering why Barry
disappeared that very day.


Cee's challenge, Just Because

Where do I fit in?

The post is my acceptance of Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge.

My certainly Odd Ball Photo, one day I tossed a rubber band aside it landed near my glasses and later I noticed all it needed was a mouth.  Tra La I wrought a funny face.

I am kind of silly that way, which is why my husband, when he was alive, said he loved me for it since he was so reserved.  Opposites do attract.

My #COB Titled:  “Where do I fit in?”
