
I Felt like a WORDLE today! Enjoy!


The Sunday Whirl

Have you ever had a near-death experience? I haven’t! Sigh!
Those that have described it as not knowing they were dead. Some hear a voice while still others travel through a tunnel. The atheist would deny this unless it happened to them. Others can’t wait to tell their story and never skip a part of it. Upon their return, they signal relief, having not yet heard their final sentence from the Judge. Like as the good book says “the wailing and gnashing.” It makes me wonder whats in the bag for me. Sometimes I wish I can throw away my past.


Word Prompts

HE knows; so do YOU!

FOWC another blogger here on WordPress always has some exciting prompts to excite our way of thinking. Today the word is “Heretic.”

One can ask a zillion people what heresy is; receive definitions from A to Z with numerous various opinions in between. Example: What is the truth?

God knows the heart and soul of each of us; He knows the opportunity we have been given to know the Truth, He knows if we want His Truth or do we want our truth?

This particular verse in the Apocalypse of the Bible sums it up for me, simple and to the point:

“But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth.”
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 3:16]

Word Prompts

“Don’t judge me, God isn’t done with me yet.”

Last night I had a curious thought, have you ever wondered why it is that each day when we awaken, we feel pretty much like the day before. We look into the mirror and look just like we did yesterday. We wash our face and comb our hair to face the day, with the same feelings about significant issues as we had yesterday. Of course, it might be that today we have a new pain here or there, or our hair might be unruly. Also, it is possible we have softened about a minor issue that we held so stubbornly the day before. Generally speaking, things are the same.

… the march continues day after day, week after week and soon one more birthday, another year goes by, this is known as “time.”

We don’t see the advance of time with each passing day however when you compared a picture of yourself twenty years ago; you can’t help notice. Time sneaks up on us, and we don’t see it happening although we know it is happening. Inside our bodies, resides our immortal soul which will not age. We feel physically fit as we did 40 or even 50 years ago, i.e., we hear music and feel as if we could get up and dance all day, but when we try, we realize the effects of time on our body.

An eon ago; a time when no mirrors or means of reflection existed, people were unable to see the results upon their bodies of the”time effect” — especially when they felt the same inside (their soul) as they felt in their youth? In a sense, they were misled blind to the truth of aging.

God is like that too, don’t be misled, we can’t see Him, but He is there changing us! I once saw a bumper sticker that read: “Don’t judge me, God is not done with me yet.”