Farrago Express, Word Prompts

Thankful is what it’s all about!

I have discovered a new site I believe I will enjoy and so will you; Click here

Thanksgiving is almost here, who isn’t THANKFUL? I am and this is


Having reached that part of our journey, the road that takes us to look back instead of forward, I honestly have much to be thankful.
Naturally, I traveled up hills, sliding down and falling too! Most of the twists and turns I chose were correct, yet the few where I lost my compass, my direction is what I hope to forget.
I am thankful for TRADITIONAL Catholic Confession.

I am thankful I followed my vocation of marriage and raising children, now rewarded with grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
God does reward on earth as well as in Heaven. Be thankful!

When the nuns explained why we should pray daily for the person we would eventually marry. I began to pray that day.
I am thankful for 50 plus years of marriage to a man who treated me like a queen. It was nice to be treated like a queen, mainly since we were raising six children; I was so tired at times. No time to write poetry, which is why I try to do it now. Thankful for the time left to me.

Now a widow yet thankful that God has given me His Faith He established on earth. A Faith, my husband, came to join, knowing now we will be together again when my time is finished.

poetry, Supernatural Reality, Word Prompts

Take the Challenge, I Did!

I love this challenge, and for some strange reason today I wanted to write about myself, a confession.

Prompt words from Paint Chip resulted in the Haibun with Haiku

Somehow I was inspired to compose about my journey of Faith!
Most think the Church has changed with the recent Modern Popes, but in truth, it didn’t change at all, it just became smaller. Luke 18:8
“I say to you that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, Faith on earth?”

↓ My LONG LOST Faith ↓

After a few moments, asking for inspiration, a BRIGHT IDEA was wrought.
Faith was lost in the past, and like a HERMIT CRAB, I was living in a shell.
Slowly in the early ’70s, I found myself growing warmer to hot like the TROPICS. Realizing if there was a God, my choices were not His.

Something was amiss! I desired the sweet flesh of the Blessed Sacrament, but instead, it was only bread. The Catholic Church changed, I thought! I began to pray.
I yearned to be cleansed; where was this fountain where the Water Lily/LOTUS waited for me? Somewhere I knew for His promise was forever. Seek, and you shall find, like BABY’S BREATH, a beginning again; I found the POMEGRANATE, the Sweet Flesh, red Blood of He who died for me many seeds for all to see, the Church still existed. Like a PEACOCK with its many eyes, God does see our deeds, He cares!

About Tradition
Gates of Hell will not prevail.
Seek, and you shall find!

Mindlovesmisery's, Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

First Line Friday — Destination Unknown

Post Short Fiction inspired by Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, First Line Friday!  


The station reminded her of some great creature, its constant machine whir breathing around her as she worked herself through the crowded people all around her. This was the first time she visited the train station. Where was everyone going, she wondered? So many people in one place were going this way and that way. The noise from the trains was indeed an enormous creature, its constant machine; the engine was huffing and puffing.  

This building is the local train station, and FINALLY I am one of those anxious people strolling around looking for my place to board one of those noisy, enormous machines trusting it to bring me to my destination.  


My adventure about to begin, I can only hope I will find the happiness and peace of soul when I reach the end of my journey. 


Daily Inkling, true story, Word Prompts

Daily Inkling — My True Story!

Usually, I don’t post within my blogs anything personal; because my life is not that interesting and who cares that I burned the dinner last night anyway.

Today however the “Daily Inkling” stimulated an emotion, upon reading the prompt, inviting all to write about anything we might have with a signature and what that means to us.

My story starts here: While caring for my mother, who passed away six years ago at the early age of 98 — remembering her pleasant smile always, a gift to me, a memory and rare for someone unable to get out of bed; someone who spent her last ten months looking at the ceiling. My husband knew I had this responsibility of caring for her, all his plans of traveling here and there with me now on hold. The irony: He passed away exactly one year before her, November 2012 and she departed November 2013, just one day shy.
After they were gone; while going through their things, sorting, sifting, and separating whenever I found even just a tiny piece of their writings whether, on a note or scrap of paper, I stopped and stared at it in wonder. It was as if I saw for the first time their mindset or spirit. I thought, why did she scribble all those random words, what did they mean to her at that time? Thinking again, why did he draw that diagram, was it for me to understand something?
I kept those tiny pieces of treasures, little bits of their life that now became a precious gift, if only to myself.

Why do I blog? I imagine my loved ones TODAY perceive my blog here, they smile as they read my writings, composing of poems are a passing activity to keep my mind sharp, a hobby; while I whittle the time away!

Little do they know!

My desire for them to awaken, through the same discovering experience I received, they too will realize my written thoughts will become more than a passing activity. My family will read them in a new light. My vision for them to see ME again, to recognize and treasure any truths I learned during my journey we call life.

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

“Life” Tanka Poetry — Challenge

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “Dignity and Success” my choice was “Grace and Happiness” –


JourneyStop! Listen His words
happiness yours follow Me
grace-filled life waiting
your Will for me ← I wonder
you have prepared hitherto

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Our Journey #Tanka Tuesday — Poetry

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “gather and “soft” my choice was “get together” and “foolish for soft ” –
My choice of format is the Butterfly Cinquain one of my favorites.

get together
appreciate this truth
God doesn’t demand He wants us all
His gift
to hunger — many seek beyond
His reward peace of soul —
Why refuse it?

JourneyTanka Tuesday
Word Prompts

Suddenly My Personal Story

My story in short.

A cradle Catholic here who still can hear the nun’s words, “you children have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth.” Then she would explain what that meant. We were born with the Faith and didn’t have to “seek and find” like others.

My journey in life took me this way and that way regarding my religion. When the Church started to change, I began to change.
Suddenly I was permitting myself to do all sorts of things that I would never allow myself earlier in life.

As the years rolled by I often thought of my younger years and why suddenly it was okay to let down the bars so to speak. One day I mentioned this to my priest, and he merely said, “oh! those things are outdated, the prayers, hymns, and even the catechism.” I left there with more questions than answers.

One day very soon after, I was cleaning out some old things and found a shoe box with trinkets. Among the items was my brown scapular and rosary, all tangled together. I untangled them and began to think again; “I should be wearing this scapular and praying this rosary,” I remembered. And so suddenly I made up my mind to do so.

My life at that time didn’t change much the bar was still low, and the goats were coming in. Not until I picked up this book and read it. “Sinners Return to God.”

Suddenly I realized I was going the wrong way. After reading it suddenly again I knew I had to amend my life, and quite suddenly I was committed to doing so.

I consider myself a Traditional Catholic today and have found peace of soul; I suddenly have a new lease on life. And that is a good thing.


via Daily Prompt: Suddenly