poetry, SoCS, Word Prompts

Bells, bells and more bells

#SoCS Dec. 8/18 … anything musical.

I must confess I just can’t keep rule number 1 which states (Your post must be a stream of consciousness writing, meaning no editing, and minimal planning on what you’re going to write.)  Especially this one below:  Editing and planning was a must! I am still a beginner at poetry, but I love it and love the challenges to create.



Some jingle
Others tinkle
School bells calling our youth
Winter sleigh bells mirror joy
Sorrow someone is going home
The most loved Church bell ringing —listen
Watch it brings out the twinkle of God’s Eyes!

Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Beauty in the Rough

Ragtag Daily Prompt — The word today is “Inspire” along with my contribution to Tanka poetry.

Rugged, tough, lumpy
Inspired via the knobby
beauty found offbeat
hidden right before your eyes
behold before you stumble!


KnarlyMy photo image of the said tree nearby a school