Sun and Moon; BOTH!

W3 is a weekly poem prompt the details 

found HERE!  Thank you SkepticsKaddish 

The Sun and Moon both created
Not without a thought; from whom?
As the believer sees;  One God high,
Yet, He shines throughout.

The Moon lurks in darkness; as does
The doubter.  The Moon glows beguiling
Inviting all.  While God waits? 
God marks time, our time!
Morning the Sun rises. 
The Moon sleeps!
Another day, God waits!
A ray; His ray to shine on us!
FPQ, Only 6Sentence

Something to think about!

The question today is: “When and where do you do your best thinking? Why is that?”


Speaking for myself, it seems I am always thinking, from the time I awaken, my first thoughts are of my dreams; I usually say, where did that come from? The next thought would be, thinking of what I want to accomplish today!
Blogging is an everyday, something to think about, activity. I read, and ideas appear; either the prompts inspire me, or they don’t. When inspired, I say to my friends living in heaven, “please inspire me to write well what you want me to tell.”
I love reading profound things that inspire; mundane reading posts do not inspire me; who cares what you had for breakfast!

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Poem about Poetry—Haibun, Haiku

Below composed please find Haibun with Haiku about Poetry in general, “A Poem about Poetry.”

Inspired by the ever-popular Colleen Chesbro.  Linking to dVerse Open Link Night.




Like snowflakes
similar but not alike
a sea of countless forms —
poetry is the topic of discussion.

Cinquain to – Sonnet, Shadorma to Senryu
forget not the Etheree or Tanka —
Haibun, Haiga, and Haiku to Limerick.
Oops! What about nine lines of the Nonet.

Hopping! Now to rhyming — certain selected, yet,
the fun begins with creating the rhythms.
Syllable counting, meters, beats, and patterns.
Oh my!

Let go, turn the key to on
Animate within