Daily Spur, Lucky Dip, Mindlovesmisery's, Saturday Mix

How Would I Know!

For this week’s Lucky Dip, says she reached into her mystery bag and pulled out a Didactic Poem – What! You say what is that? Didactic Poetry is a form of poetry intended for instruction such as for knowledge or to teach.

My attempt is seen below; I wrote it with five-syllable ease-to-flow lines. Titled; FAITH

Do you know — I do!
How does God answer?
How do I know this
His Church tells me so!

Through His suffering
Merits fill the brim
Treasury the Church
His Church —always true.

Almighty Supreme
Great God could have winked!
To save us all —Yet!
Would you have cared? — No!

His torture —The Price.
His wealth — eternal.
Waits for you to draw
From His treasury!

A Divine merit
Never-ending, FREE!
His merits circling
Over and beyond!

His worth forever.
Whirls the world; passion
Infinite!  Complete
Please ask to receive.

Word Prompt is “GREAT”


Only 6Sentence

A Stroke of Genius

One day in ordinary/uninspired times, I found myself walking along the sandy beach, thinking of the miserable conditions in the world today, and listening to the waves as the tide was coming in.

Suddenly, I had a STROKE of genius.

Why not pray to the Great, Almighty, Powerful God to bring all His enemies to naught; why not!. That would cause them (His enemies) to fail with the constant instilling of fear.

Please, oh Lord, be not our Judge but our Savior. We pray!

GirlieOnTheEdge = Six Sentence

Photo Challenge

#WritePhoto — Distance Calls!

Look out there and see
You are not alone
Off in the distance, see the light
It's there!
Just reach out!
Don't give up; stretch, reach across!
Deception keeps you apart —
Ignore that torrent!
A chimera an illusion
Delay NOT!
It's later than you think!

Distance – Image by KL Caley
For visually challenged writersthe image shows an island across a stretch of water. Upon which you can see some ruins and a white lighthouse.



dVerse Poetics — One True Sentence

Here at dVerse, Hemingway’s idea sparked the idea for today’s challenge.
While considering if I should or skip this challenge, the decision came quickly while watching a UTube video about a teaching from a particular Orthodox elder. Although I follow the Traditional Catholic teaching before Vatican II, I find the Orthodox elders often are very wise with their words.
Writing the poem quickly after being inspired by the Orthodox elder, choosing the True Sentence from Hemingway came second as per dVerse suggested quotes.

It is very hard to write this way
Beginning things backward...

Where is my time?
I need more time
It can't be over!

I see something ahead
The next world is before me
Everything is behind me.

I am leaving taking  only
Conscience and my will.
That is all I take!

My freewill I leave behind,
It is fixed; fixed forever with 
That last breath. 

Beginning of eternity! 
Eugi's Weekly, Weekend Writing Prompt


Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “Transition” August 24, 2020


Pondering on a phrase I heard in an old black and white movie I watched on Youtube recently. “The end only means a new beginning.” TRANSITION for lack of a better word.

At birth, the beginning of life created body and soul. Even when the body dies, it is the beginning of new life for our soul. Believe it or not! Time will tell! Eternity?  HandOfGod

As we mature, each birthday ends a year but begins a new year.
We as children graduate from school ending, but beginning an adult life.
Let’s look at the little things we do. Our workday ends, relaxation begins.
We fall asleep only to awake to the beginning of a new day.

There is an end to the “temporal” of this world. A movie; ends! Read a book until the end! Music ends! Our pets, plants their life ends! Why?
Because these things only pertain to the present life of this world. They are temporary, not eternal. Their souls are mortal, not immortal, as endless.

dVerse, poetry

dVerse Haiku Sequence a Poem!

dVerse inspired

Is That You, Lord!

Passing by the Church
Come! a voice seemed to whisper
Me myself with God!

Tiptoeing alone
Pausing at giant statues                                    Image1
Walking to and fro.

Faces fixed in place
I can almost hear them speak
staring long enough.

Candles flickering
Shadows dancing; is that You?
Marbled eyes peering!

Word Prompts

Miracle or Magic

I believe in miracles but I don’t believe in magic; EXCEPT for this one experience.

Author unknown of above image/quote

It’s been so hot lately here in Washington State this quote hit the nail squarely on! 

Post inspired by Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “Magic


Word of the Day Challenge


All about GRACE!



Did you know that “grace,” “gracias,” and “Grazie” all descend from the same Latin word, “grātia”?!
Grace is the Prompt word today via “Word of the Day Challenge.”
In my world, a word I use regularly. This post will reflect on what sense of the word I mean since the definition varies.

Grace is a gift from God! Pure and simple.

Ave Maria, gratia plena meaning Hail Mary FULL OF GRACE.


Paint Chip Poetry, a Haibun of Inspiration


Poetry?  Perhaps a Haibun with Haiku!

What inspires? Listen carefully as the song, America the Beautiful, inspired by purple mountain majesties. Our imagination, too, is kindling for a vision. Pray for a monsoon of grace, an epiphany, imagine drinking hot cocoa while pondering the unknown. So much still to discover, as Adam and Eve found the fig leaf, you to can find. Something is there waiting for you so away with the fake rubber ducky, away with the cheese puffs, say hello to wine and sweet dessert, time to explore your mind, and unearth your hidden talent.

Good-bye to ducky
Discover wine and dining
Dig up your talent


Paint Chip Poetry here






Try It … Take a Break … Relax!

Try It!  It’s your turn to do creative writing using these paint chip words below.

Find the prompt click here


Before God created — only obsidian
Although God needed nothing and so nothing was
The Three perfectly happy; their alpine, their all.
Rich soil, snow angels totally they created!
All-knowing, God, absolutely spoke: “I predict!”
A jaded panther appears, red flag certainly!
Before God created — only obsidian


SoCS, Word Prompts

Remember this!

Astronomical or Celestial this poem is beyond the universe inspired by SoCS.  

Waiting for a reason, not that I needed one, to post this beautiful poem by Mary Dixon Thayer.  Readers here you may remember it from happier times within the Church.



Lovely Lady dressed in blue ——-   
Teach me how to pray!
God was just your little boy,
Tell me what to say!

Did you lift Him up, sometimes,
Gently on your knee?
Did you sing to Him the way
Mother does to me?

Did you hold His hand at night?
Did you ever try
Telling stories of the world?
O! And did He cry?

Do you really think He cares
If I tell Him things ——-
Little things that happen? And
Do the Angels’ wings

Make a noise? And can He hear
Me if I speak low?
Does He understand me now?
Tell me ——-for you know.

Lovely Lady dressed in blue ——-
Teach me how to pray!
God was just your little boy,
And you know the way.

Word of the Day Challenge

All is Well!

Rain cascades softly on the window edge
Gods good grace falling, falling, falling!
A following fierce wind born —

Hear the music of a piccolo; no a bird!
The sky opens up to allow Gods power seen.
Listen; thunder roaring like a lion.

Instantly the sun’s rays appear
Signaling peace restored.
All is well! The storm drifts on!

Lens-Artists, Photo Challenge

Lens—Artists my delicate image

This amazing image was captured a few days ago as I drove down a country road.

A tree growing out of a dead stump, I titled it “Resurection”; a reminder of how our bodies will rise again as the Catholic Creed promises.

I believe … “The resurrection of the body, and life everlasting, Amen”.


Ragtag Daily Prompt / RDP

Fix the Man and the World will RIGHT!

Word prompts are SymptomExercise

We have all formed opinions about life in different ways, some from our parents, schools, books we read or just thinking.
Reading blog after blog here I form opinions and theories every day about people and the why. Why are we so unhappy? We complain about this and that it almost seems that there are few moments when we see anything useful.
Take our government, and governments all over the world. The world is diseased, and the symptoms are many.

I for one do not trust the government, but I am of the opinion that people get the government they deserve. When you look at the world, in general, it is on that slippery slope, declining with each passing day. Here in the U.S.A., it doesn’t matter if it’s the reds or the blues or purples that are in charge, either side belches hate for the other. Neither considers what is best for the people but instead continue to parade a merciless, unyielding approach.
Here is a little story that brings the point up front. Many of you may remember hearing this tidbit, as I have. A tale about a little person, boy or girl doesn’t matter. The child was bothering its mother while she was trying to read the newspaper. The mother was noticing a colorful picture within the pages, she tore it out and cut it into little pieces, mixed the parts to create a puzzle for her child to solve. Much to the mother’s surprise, the child too young to know geography put the puzzle together very quickly, she inquired, how? Her child told her, “mom on the backside of the puzzle there was a picture of a man; if you put right the man, the world comes together.”

The primary symptom/problem, for the most part, we have taken God out of our world and exercised Him with spite. Think about it! Ever since the world gets further away from the Ten Commandments He gave us, we continue to replace Him for strange gods, and the world declines. Is it any wonder we suffer from “Climate Change,” while we await His greater chastisement as in the past history of the world He allows.


Just In Case…you never know!

#FOWC the word of the day is simply “CASE.”

Just in case I’m gone tomorrow
Blogging here will be no longer
Words to be evermore swirling
Fixed speech going it seems nowhere!
Lastly, words searched do rekindle
Falling on eyes alive to see!
One person’s morality as
Who was; yet never more TO BE!





Heaven on Earth, Somewhere!

How exciting! #FFFC his photo prompt; the image reminded me immediately of what I heard in school many years ago.

A picture of the Garden of Eden, described in the Bible; this is how I imagine it before Adam and Eve offended God. There are many theories about its location today, just thinking about it stirs the imagination further.

As we look at the image CLICK  here;

We experience total peace, if you listen carefully you really can hear the melody of heavenly music, vision the garden perfumed with lush vegetation, forever youthful, true love, beauty and complete friendship of all the animals. Living forever without fear or disease.
“Heaven, don’t miss it for the world.”


Objectively Speaking Fact and Intentions

The FPQ question of today is prompting us to answer this…

“Do you believe that anyone can really experience anything objectively? Why or why not?”

Yes, I do believe we can all experience objectively. Stop first and analyze our motive for our actions and even our thoughts.
Understanding our purpose in life; which is the same for all of us, the objective purpose to serve God. Therefore when we act in such a way that the highest motive of our action serving HIM we experience that moment in time objectively.

Simply put ask yourself; what is our Intention of doing, thinking, pursuing!


Giving generously as much as we can, if we give freely because we love God; thereby we obey Him when He teaches “Love your neighbor as yourself.” However, if our motive of giving is the secondary motive of PRIDE, by that I mean, God does not enter our action we offer because we want the world to see how generous and beautiful a person or organization we are.
Although a good action that benefits, still it is not done with the most significant motive but the lesser.


Invisible —Believe it or not!

The Mass of All Times, in one way, is imperceptible “time-traveling.”
Too subtle to even perceive, one might describe it as invisible. Unlike the service known today in your neighboorhood, Catholic Church as the Novus Ordo to distinguish in order to publish the new service by  Paul VI in 1969.

I speak here of the attributes of the traditional Latin Mass only.

Invisible in the sense that we are here and we are also there. Our invisible soul is going back, back through time all the way to a day which Christ crucified on the Cross and purchased the human race — redeemed us!
When we kneel there contained within our physical bodies during the consecration of the bread and wine, time is as if suspended, postponed.

Having an unbroken history from the present day to the distant past, it also establishes an inspiring covenant of unity across the world everywhere.

The sacred language used is as a Pentecost again commemorating the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the apostles. The traditional Latin Mass not only provides universality for all people of all times, till the end of time.
But, within the Mass, Christ perpetuates Himself in the world; likewise, through the Mass, the world can gain perpetual life in Christ.

With all their power
Poorly fail to end His Mass
Seek, and you shall find