
The Eye of the NEEDLE — WritePhoto

The photo reminds me of a Bible verse, as explained by my nun teachers, how a rich man has too many treasures and can not pass the narrow passage, but a poor man has little and can squeeze through. Also information is now on the Internet, see source link at bottom of post. It seems the nuns were correct.

“And again I say to you: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
[Matthew 19:24]

Eye of a needle

The eye of the needle used to be in Damascus and was a side gate alongside the main gate of the “street called straight” Being a side gate it was not intended for passage by animals, especially camels carrying side loads. So it was nigh impossible for the act to happen.



Just Because

My REPOST of the week on Targeted Traffic HOW TO

Found this in my email today, just passing it along to interested readers here.

“Get more targeted traffic from social media?

A deep dive to find all the patterns in social media influencers.

One thing that stuck out was they were all using a smart bio link.

You see most social media platforms limit you to only one link in your profile.

With a smarter bio link page, you can send traffic to multiple pages”

Click here to see how to!


Objectively Speaking Fact and Intentions

The FPQ question of today is prompting us to answer this…

“Do you believe that anyone can really experience anything objectively? Why or why not?”

Yes, I do believe we can all experience objectively. Stop first and analyze our motive for our actions and even our thoughts.
Understanding our purpose in life; which is the same for all of us, the objective purpose to serve God. Therefore when we act in such a way that the highest motive of our action serving HIM we experience that moment in time objectively.

Simply put ask yourself; what is our Intention of doing, thinking, pursuing!


Giving generously as much as we can, if we give freely because we love God; thereby we obey Him when He teaches “Love your neighbor as yourself.” However, if our motive of giving is the secondary motive of PRIDE, by that I mean, God does not enter our action we offer because we want the world to see how generous and beautiful a person or organization we are.
Although a good action that benefits, still it is not done with the most significant motive but the lesser.