Just Because, true story

Just DO IT!

Not Thy Will be done … but My Will!  WRONG!
Thinking back on my life, in the 70’s; while wondering, does God exist?
Being raised through the Catholic school system my religion meant much, my lifestyle based on what I learned by the nuns. Suddenly then, why was I doubting?
Now I realize why the doubt; I was losing His grace, grace that was keeping me from falling. The Church was changing subtly but fast enough for me to pretend teachings, disciplines no longer mattered. I started to relax; doing my own will.
Mentioning this confession above is essential to the rest of this blog post because I want to write about an account or scenario where an unbeliever wants to believe, and with God’s grace; where to begin is the question. A beginner should start at the beginning with prayer. I had to begin again and know the feeling.


Prayer is talking to God. If one has never prayed before, has in the past but not lately; begin by talking to God as you do with a friend. The critical part, vital is somewhere within your talking to God sincerely, because He knows sincerity; you must petition Him for three things. 1. To see the Truth when you hear it. 2. To love the Truth. 3 To be given the grace to act on this Truth.
Now don’t expect anything to happen immediately, pray daily, and you will be surprised. One more request especially these days when there are so many churches with different lifestyles pulling souls from one direction to another. During your search for Truth ask Him when you draw your very last breath you will be in His grace, and united to the Church that He founded.

Supernatural Reality

Why does the unbeliever even care …



Recently a discussion developed with my last post which is the inspiration of this post below:

“Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
God’s realm is His Kingdom where His will is done; it is I believe, eternity, a supernatural dimension absent of time and always present without ever beginning.

As long as we are living here on earth, we have time; we can make decisions and choose our next move. We reason with our God-given conscience convincing us to make the correct choice. When we make the wrong choice innocence suffers from the guilty and negativity comes into the world.
Think about your own life and see your loved ones who have suffered because of your choice, it happens to all of us; we make mistakes in judgment. Back in the day, there was a song that went like this; “We always hurt the ones we love, the ones we shouldn’t hurt at all.” Certainly food for thought!
When our time is up, and we breathe our last breath, our will is fixed forever; we can not change if after that fact. If we pass away into eternity, not wanting God, He gives us our desire.

The atheist like to say, your God is terrible, He sends negativity into the world, they fail to see because of Pride, that when one wakes up and finds they are blind, it is because they plucked out their eyes of their own will.

It is God’s will that we here on earth; as in heaven, His will be done! While on earth He offers us time to reason what His will is. To pray, the power of prayer is genuine power, ask, and you shall receive. If you don’t ask, you will not receive. Pride is the downfall of many in this regard.

It is His will that all are saved, but as the Bible states; “How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!” Matthew 7; 14.