#writephoto, Photo Challenge

The Angry Rock #writephoto

The Angry Rock

An Angry Rock was sitting there all alone, and I wondered how did it get there?  How does anything or anyone get where we are?  I thought. 

It all began one fine afternoon, exploring while on a needed respite from work. I came across a path, a little rough, enough to be thankful for the hiking boots I wore. As I hiked closer to this towering boulder, my curiosity stirred my imagination; I hoped it would not choose this time to wobble as I so desired to see what was on the other side of the bending road ahead.  

As I got under the dark statue-like figure above, it appeared to have a face, shouting, “Who goes there?” Do I dare to continue?

Would you?


Word Prompts





One day while enjoying a stroll
Pondering things within my soul
I came across this twisted tree
Interesting it was to see —
Created by nature, I thought!
My camera, the one I brought
Captured this dance music and all!
Although the tree was rather tall
A tiny dancer soon appeared —
My snatched image, my souvenir.
All happened while taking a stroll!

My post was inspired

Your Weekly Prompt – Observation – July 6, 2020




Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

A Poem about Poetry—Haibun, Haiku

Below composed please find Haibun with Haiku about Poetry in general, “A Poem about Poetry.”

Inspired by the ever-popular Colleen Chesbro.  Linking to dVerse Open Link Night.




Like snowflakes
similar but not alike
a sea of countless forms —
poetry is the topic of discussion.

Cinquain to – Sonnet, Shadorma to Senryu
forget not the Etheree or Tanka —
Haibun, Haiga, and Haiku to Limerick.
Oops! What about nine lines of the Nonet.

Hopping! Now to rhyming — certain selected, yet,
the fun begins with creating the rhythms.
Syllable counting, meters, beats, and patterns.
Oh my!

Let go, turn the key to on
Animate within



Heaven on Earth, Somewhere!

How exciting! #FFFC his photo prompt; the image reminded me immediately of what I heard in school many years ago.

A picture of the Garden of Eden, described in the Bible; this is how I imagine it before Adam and Eve offended God. There are many theories about its location today, just thinking about it stirs the imagination further.

As we look at the image CLICK  here;

We experience total peace, if you listen carefully you really can hear the melody of heavenly music, vision the garden perfumed with lush vegetation, forever youthful, true love, beauty and complete friendship of all the animals. Living forever without fear or disease.
“Heaven, don’t miss it for the world.”

Tanka Tuesday by Colleen Chesbro

Imagination Tanka Poetry Challenge

My post here is an acceptance of Colleen Chesebro Challenge Tanka Poetry; her challenge is to use the synonyms for the words “enchant and shape” my choice was “mesmerized and silhouette” –

silhouette upon the wall
moonlight shining through
hurry now begin to pray
Oh! just my mind mesmerized
