Why I Love the Catholic Faith #WQWWC

I decided to participate in a challenge with the tag of #WQWWC; mainly the theme is FAITH!

If you look at my blog is is about my faith, the TRADITIONAL Catholic Faith, not the Modernism you see in your neighbor catholic churches. There is a difference read Second Thessalonians Chap. 2 ” Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come an apostasy.” (From said Faith!)

Famous quotes about 'Catholic Faith' - Sualci Quotes 2019
Matthew 10:22

Because the world hates Catholics!

“And you shall be hated by all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved.”

Click here to see a beautiful and TRUE story of Faith

Oh oh! Don’t expect many likes from this post, my thinking! Oh well! Prove me wrong!

true story, Word Prompts

The word today— SASHAY

A little story to share! It all started several months ago when my neighbors’ pet duck wandered over to my yard and made a nest under my porch. She gathered pine needles and felt quite safe. I waited in wonder what would happen next and this week she came out from down under with 12 little ducklings sashaying behind her.

One of the small miracles of life; these 12 tiny fuzzy little creature and how they all stick together following their mother wherever she goes. I am enjoying watching them. They have become the delight of my life; you might say, my life must be pretty dull if a few ducklings can bring such joy.

No, not dull, yet, raised in Chicago this touch of rare country living God permitted me; His tender tending His creatures reminds me of this Bible verse. “Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they?” [Matthew 6:26]


Aren’t they cute?

Ah! Another Challenge

Lens-Artist Challenge — SPOOKY!

Just happen to find this LENS-ARTIST Challenge here, where else: but WordPress and it seems they are looking this week for “Something Different.”  The story behind this photo is last week I woke early and noticed a heavy fog just before sunrise.  Didn’t even have my coffee yet, but grabbed my camera and took this image of the house just over the hill, it looked sort of “spooky,” I thought with those “eyes” peering over at me.  I do love spooky!

None of my photos or art or poetry or anything I post is every copyrighted so feel free.  At my age, who cares, if you want to use it.  (79)




Photo For the Week

I’m a copy cat… see or should I say Cee

Pick Me Up – March 15, 2019

I Love this idea of Pick Me Up!
Most artwork and photos on my blog are my own, feel free if you want to use them, I don’t copyright my work, wanting to share has always been my goal.
Supernatural Reality

Saturday Mix of the Natural/Supernatural

The shadow of the moon danced on the lake.

Morphing of the shadow as the light of the moon penetrated through branches; the reaching arms gracefully unveiling its ballet to a full moon.
A moon suspended high beyond its genius of design, a living greeting card.

The priest that morning at the sacrifice of the Mass, held the host high above his head, again a change; the bread of earth-penetrating God’s enlightenment is unveiling bread from heaven.

Natural meeting
Of the Supernatural
Morphing night and day



The Prompt

Just In Case…you never know!

#FOWC the word of the day is simply “CASE.”

Just in case I’m gone tomorrow
Blogging here will be no longer
Words to be evermore swirling
Fixed speech going it seems nowhere!
Lastly, words searched do rekindle
Falling on eyes alive to see!
One person’s morality as
Who was; yet never more TO BE!





Don’t SKIP IT! Check it out #FFFC

Not so fast, ignore that first thought after looking at Fandango’s challenge!


After a while, the inspiration that came to me was to illustrate a comparison — comparing the supernatural with the natural.

Picture this in your mind if you can! God creates, He creates humans.

Why? He creates that we may be happy with Him forever in heaven. However, our purpose first while here on earth is to serve Him by obeying Him.

In our era today, however, man rejects God. Yet, although refusing God’s plan, they imitate it; by creating robots to serve them. We call this artificial intelligence; it is artificially wrought because it lacks emotion, cold without beauty has no goal impossible to look to its end. Fake because it does not; like the birds, flowers, and bees, the robot does not praise God. This is what humanity is evolving to, robots without a purpose in life!

Cee's challenge, Just Because

Where do I fit in?

The post is my acceptance of Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge.

My certainly Odd Ball Photo, one day I tossed a rubber band aside it landed near my glasses and later I noticed all it needed was a mouth.  Tra La I wrought a funny face.

I am kind of silly that way, which is why my husband, when he was alive, said he loved me for it since he was so reserved.  Opposites do attract.

My #COB Titled:  “Where do I fit in?”



Cee's challenge, Photo Challenge

The Beauty of an Archway

Word Origin & History of the word “ARCH.”
c.1300, from Old French arche “arch of a bridge” (12c.), from Latin arcus “a bow” (see arc). Replaced native bow (n.1). Originally architectural in English; transferred by early 15c. To anything having this form (eyebrows, etc.).

Showing off a few interpretations of photographs I found in my private archives of images I took on Church property here in Washington State.
The first two are self-explanatory while the third one is an archway touching a path along with another image I was experiencing with; overlaying my vintage painting of kissing ghosts while hoping love for each other carries over to eternity.
Why am I posting these images of semicircles, curvatures of arches?
Because Cee is asking for them this week; click here.    Also, it offers me a chance to show off my Traditional Catholic Church.


